
Thhis blog is mainly created for the students of the MA (Vedanga Jyotisha)of KaviKulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. This blog will answer the higher concepts of Vedanga Jyotisha hence named Horashastra. I must thank all my elders and Gurus whithout whose help the cration of this blog will be a impossible thing. "People may not remember what you did for them, or even what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Thursday, June 29, 2006



SU. 1-Adhaswamsograhanam. Having determined the Atmakaraka from among the
several planets, ascertain the results of his Navamsa position.
NOTES Among all the planets commencing from Ravi, find out who gets the
greatest number of degrees and minutes and determine. as principles
already explained, who becomes the Atmakaraka. In Sutra 11 of the first
pada it has been clearly enunciated that whichever planet gets the highest
number of degrees and minutes, he becomes the Atmakaraka. Such a planet,
whoever he may be among the nine planets, must occupy some Navamsa. In all
the future sutras, the effects of such Navamsa occupied by the Atmakaraka,
the planets who are there and the planets who aspect such Navamsa will be
clearly detailed. Find out by mathematical calculations the position of
all the planets in degrees and minutes and then the results can easily be
foretold in the light of the following sutras. Find out the Atmakaraka and
place him in the proper Navamsa. Prepare also the Navamsa Chakra
SU. 2.-Panchamooshikamarjaraha. If the Atmakaraka occupies Mesha Navamsa,
then the person will be subjected to the fears and bites of rats, cats,
and other similar animals.
NOTES Pancha means one or Mesha. Pa stands for 1 in Pavarga. Cha stands
for 6 in the Tavarga. Thus we get 16, reading in the reverse order we get
61. Divide this by 12 we get the remainder 1 and this stands for the first
sign in the Zodiac or Mesha Navamsa.
SU. 3.--Tathra chatushpadaha. If Atmakaraka is in Taurus Navamsa, there
will be fear from quadrupeds.
NOTES Ta means 6 and Ra means 2 or 62 reversed we get 26, divided by 1.2
we get 2 remainder which means the 2nd house from Mesha or Vrishabha
Navamsa. If Atmakaraka occupies Vrishabha Navamsa the person will have
gains and happiness from quadrupeds like cattle, horses, elephants, etc.
Some commentators say he will have troubles and worries through them. I
think. when Atmakaraka is weak or has evil aspects or associations
troubles should be predicted. Others write prosperity from them.
SU. 4. Mrithyow kandooh sthotilyam cha. If Atmakaraka occupies Mithuna the
person will suffer from corpulence, itches and cutaneous eruptions.
NOTES . Ma represents 5 and Ya represents 1 or 51 reading inversely we get
15. Divided by 12 we have the balance of 3 and this represents the 3rd
Navamsa from Mesha or Mithuna.
SU. 5. -Dure jalakushtadih. If the Atmakaraka occupies Kataka Navamsa,
dangers and troubles come from watery places and leprosy.
NOTES Da stands for 8 and Ra represents for 2 or 82. Reversing it, we have
28. Divided by 12 we get the balance of 4 and this refers to Kataka as the
fourth from Mesha. Dirty form of leprosy or watery disease rises from
blood corruption and the use of filthy water.
SU. 6. --Seshaha s wapadan i. If the Atmakaraka joins Simha Navamsa,
troubles will come through dogs and such canine animals.
NOTES Ssa represents 5 and Sha indicates 6 or 56, reading backwards we
have 65. Divided by 12 we get 5 remainders and Simha counts as the 5th
from Mesha. Here in all these Sutras the class of animals or diseases is
indicated and the reader has to use his intelligence.
SU. 7. Mrithyuvajjayognikanascha. If Atmakaraka is in Kanya Navamsa, the
native will suffer from fire, itches, and corpulence.
NOTES Ja represents 8 and ya denotes 1. We get 81, in the reverse order we
get 18, divided by 12 have the balance 6 and Kanya Navamsa represents the
6th from Mesha. If the Atmakaraka joins Kanya Navamsa the person will
suffer from the troubles indicated by the 3rd Rasi or Mithuna and also
from fires. But in Mithuna the author only said that suffering will come
from corpulence and itches. From this Sutra it means that in the
Mithunamsa there will also be trouble from tires.
SU. 8. -Labhe vanijyam. If the Atmakaraka joins Thula Navamsa, the person
will make much money by merchandise.
NOTES La denotes 3 and Bha stands for 4, this stands as 34. In the reverse
order it is 43, divided by 12 we get 7 as the remainder. Thula stands as
the 7th Navamsa from Mesha. The various kinds of articles in merchandise
have to be found out by the nature of the Rasi, its lord, the planets who
are in conjunction and the aspects they have.
SU. 9.-Arrajalasareesrupaha sthanyachanischa. If the Atmakaraka joins
Vrischikamsa, the person will have fears and dangers from watery animals,
snakes and he will also have no milk from his mother. Atra:Aa O-Ra 2-02,
reversed it means 20 divided by 12 we get a balance of 8 which signifies
Vrischika counting from Mesha Navamsa. When he is a child he will have to
be nursed and suckled by others for want of milk in his mother's breast.
There are some women who have plenty of milk in their breasts and who
nurse their children with their own milk and sometimes the milk will be
sufficient for even two or three children. Their breasts may not be large
or heavy but their lacteal glands do make brisk work and secrete milk.
There are, on the other hand, a large number of women who have large lumps
of breasts without any milk, but full of flesh and making the breasts
attractive and heavy. The author apparently considers that the absence of
milk in the mother will be a misfortune for the child The artificial
feeding of children from nipples attached to feeding bottles has removed
this misfortune, to some extent. Remember it is not the mother who feeds
the infant. A rubber bottle is not a mother's holy breast. Nor does it
contain the natural milk of the mother with the maternal love and
affection pervading throughout its contents.
SU. 10. - Same vahanaducchaccha kramatpatanam. If the Atmakaraka joins the
Navamsa of Dhanus, the person will have suffering and dangers from falls,
.from conveyances, horses, etc., and also from elevated places like trees,
houses, hills and mountains.
NOTES Sa denotes 7, Ma shows 5, 75 reading reversely we have 57, divided
by, 12 will give us a balance of 9 and Dhanus is the 9th Navamsa from
Mesha. Aeroplanes may be safely included in these falls. Dangers are
indicated by these falls.
SU. 11.-Jalachara khechara kheta kandu dushtagranthayascha riphay. If the
Atmakaraka joins Makara the person will have troubles and sorrows from
aquatic animals from fierce birds, skin diseases, large wounds and
glandular expansions.
NOTES Ri 2 and Pha 2 = 22, divide this by 12 we have a remainder of 10,
meaning Makaramsa as it is the 10th from Meshamsa. There will be troubles
from Khetas. Grahas have two important significations, viz., planets and
evil spirits : some read the sutra as Buchara instead of Khechara, and
include such wild animals as lions, tigers, boars and other fierce animals
found wandering on the earth. Planets and evil spirits occupy the higher
regions. Kha means the sky or the higher sphere.
SU. 12.--Tatakadayo dharmay. If the Atmakaraka occupies Kumbha Navamsa the
person will do charities in the shape of constructing wells, tracks, topes
or gardens, temples and dharmasalas or chatrams,
NOTES Dha stands for 9 and Ma denotes 5, thus we get 95 reversing we get
59. Divided by 12 we get remainder 11, denoting Kumbha, the Navamsa 11 th
from Mesha.
SU. 13.-Uchhe dharmanityata kaivalyam cha. If the Atmakaraka occupies
Meenamsa, the person will be fond of vinuous deeds and charities, and will
take residence in Swargadi Lokas or will attain to the final bliss or what
is called by the Sanskrit writers Moksha or final emancipation or freedom
from rebirths.
NOTES U stands for 0, Cha denotes 6, we get 06, reading in the reverse
order we get 60. Divide this by 12 the balance will be 12 and therefore
Meena Navamsa is indicated by the term uchcha. Among the Yogis and real
Vedantists their sole aim or final goal is to get rid of these punarjanmas
or constant birth and get final assimilation with Para Brahma. The old
commentators have offered some valuable suggestions. I shall quote them
here for ready reference. If the Atmakaraka is in a beneficial Navamsa or
if beneficial planets are in Kendras from the Navamsa he occupies' the
person will become very wealthy or a ruler.
If the next planet to Atmakaraka occupies a beneficial sign or Navamsa, or
found in his own house or beneficial sign or in exaltation or in good
Navamsas, he will have residence, after death, in Swargalokas according to
merit. If both of them are auspiciously situated, the person will get good
Bliss and after a prosperous and happy career will go to Heaven. If they
have mixed positions, conjunctions and aspects, he will have some good and
some bad. If both of them are badly situated combined and aspected, he
will suffer miseries, poverty and will take residence, after death, in
various Hells enumerated in the Hindu Sastras like Kumbhipatha, Andha,
Tamisra, etc. There are fourteen Lokas mentioned and principally three
namely Swarga tenanted by the Devatas who are headed by Indra, Bhuloka
inhabited by mortals called Martya, and Patala inhabited by special
creatures called Nagas. A person in Gandharva or Siddhaloka is not so
happy as one in Indra Loka.
One who resides in Brahmaloka enjoys superior Bliss to that which he can
have in Devaloka. When evil planets predominate the temperament will be
mixed and his deeds will be bad and sinful. When benefics predominate they
produce favourable results both here and also enhance his pleasure in
Heaven after his death. As for the comparison of pleasures, see
Anandavalli Upanishad and also numbers 11 and 12 Of VOL. 19 Of THE
SU. 14.-Tatra ravou rajakaryaparaha. If the Sun occupies the Karakamsa,
the person will be fond of public service and will work in political
NOTES Here it means, that Ravi must be in conjunction with the Atmakaraka
in the Navamsa. His success here may be determined both by the nature of
the Navamsa and also by his relation to the Atmakaraka who may change to
be his friend, bosom friend, neutral or enemy or bitter enemy. All these
different stages are suggested by the Maharishi in compliance with the
general principles of Astrology, which he enumerates.
SU. 15. -Poornendusukrayorbhogee vidyajeevee cha. If Full Moon and Venus
join Atmakaraka in the Navamsa, the person will command great wealth and
all comforts attendant on wealth and he will also earn money and live by
the profession of education.
NOTES In all these the strength, position and association of Atmakaraka
will have great influence in determining the rank and position in the
line. A school authority will be great or small as he gets fat or low
salary. Ii.
SU. 16.-Dhatuvadee kountayudho vahnijeevee cha bhoume. When Kuja joins
Atmakaraka in the Navamsa, the person becomes great in the preparation of
various medical mixtures, will bear arms like kuntayudha and other
weapons, and live by profession involving preparations in or near fire.
NOTES The gunners, cooks, engine drivers and those engaged in various
preparations in or near fire are indicated. Alchemy comes in this line of
SU. 17.-yanijatantuvayaha silpino vyavaharavidascha soumye. If Budha
conjoins the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa, the persons become merchants,
weavers and manufacturers of clothes, artists and persons clever in
preparing curios, and those well versed in the affairs of social and
political matters.
SU. 18.-Kairmagnunanishta vedavidascha jeevay. When Guru joins the Navamsa
with Atmakaraka, the person will be well versed in Vedic or religious
rituals, will have religious wisdom, well known in the rules of
sacrificial functions and will have good knowledge in Vedanta and will be
a religious man. .
SU. 19.-Rajakeeyaha kaminaha satendriyascha sttkre. . If Sukra joins the
Atmakaraka in the Navamsa, the person will become a great official or
political personage, will be fond of many women and will retain vitality
and sexual passions till he is hundred years old.
NOTES He will be fond of women and sexual pleasures and in spite of these
sexual excesses he will retain passions for a very long period. . Sexual
passions are as various and as curious as any other phenomena. Some get
prematurely old and lose their sexual vitality. Other retain sexual vigour
for more than a hundred years.
SU. 20.--Prasiddhakarma jeevaha sanow. If Sani joins Atmakaraka in the
Navamsa, he will produce a famous person in his own line of business.
NOTES The author apparently means that when Sani joins the Atmakaraka in
the Navamsa, a person will be able to achieve greatness -and reputation in
whatever walk of life he may be engaged. There are great writers,
painters. sculptors, speakers, merchants, warriors, statesmen, travellers,
inventors, discoverers, scientists, musicians and so forth, the profession
or line of work being determined by other combinations in the horoscope.
Sani with the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa lifts the person to a high
position in that line and gives him great reputation and name.
SU. 21.-Dhanushkaschouvrascha jangalikalohayantrinascha rahow. It Rahu
joins the Atmakaraka in Navamsa the person will live by the skilful use of
warlike instruments, he will earn bread as thief and dacoit; he becomes a
doctor dealing in poisons, manufacturer of gold, silver, copper and other
metallic machinery
SU. 22.--Gajavyavaharinaschourrascha kethau. 'When Ketu joins the
Atmakaraka in the Navamsa the persons born under such combination trade in
elephants or become thieves and robbers.
NOTES Between thieves and dealers in elephants the line of demarcation
seems to be delicate.
SU. 23. -Ravirahubhyam sarpanidhranam. If Ravi and Rahu join Atmakaraka in
the Navamsa the person dies by snake-bites.
NOTES Snakes are of. various kinds and the nature of the causes will be
determined by other planetary positions.
SU. 24. -Subhadrislhte thannivrittihi. If benefics aspect the Yoga
mentioned above, there will be no deaths from snake-bites.
NOTES He may have snake-bites, but relief proper will be at hand and the
person will get over the danger.
SU. 25.-Subhamatrasambandhajjjanagulikaha. If Ravi and Rahu join
Atmakaraka in the Navamsa and have only beneficial aspects the person will
have no snake-bites, but will become a doctor who deals solely in
poisonous matters.
SU. 26-Kujarnatradrishtegrihadahako agnido va. If Ravi and Rahu join
Atmakaraka in the Navamsa, and have the evil aspect of Kuja, the person
will burn houses or lend fire and other help to the incendiaries.
NOTES There is some difference in the guilt of the person who burns a
house and one who helps him in his diabolical deeds.
SU. 27.-Stukradrish te na dahaha. If Ravi and Rahu join Atmakaraka in the
Navamsa and have the aspect of Sukra, the person will not burn the houses
himself, but will lend fire to the rogues who do it.
NOTES The abettor is equally culpable in the eye of law and the delicate
difference of burning the house and lending fire to burn the house, seems
to be a nice point for consideration of the Dharmasastras and legal
SU. 28.-Gurudrishte twasameepagrihat. If Ravi and Rahu join Atmakaraka in
the Navamsa, but have the aspect of Guru alone, the person will burn
houses at a distance from his own house. N OT ES Apparently Sukra's aspect
will intensify the evil tendencies and aggravate the offences, by burning
houses close to one's own house.
SU. 29. - Sagulike vishado vishahato va. If the Karaka Navamsa falls in
Gulikakala or the time governed by Gulika, the person will administer
poison to others and kill them or be killed by such administrations of
poison by others.
NOTES Here we have to learn what is meant by Gulikakala and the time
governed by him. Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, Budha Guru, Sukra and Sani are
called Grahas. They have Upagrahas or their sons. Sukra and Chandra have
not been given any Upagrahas. The latter are Sani - Gulika,
Guru-Yamaghantaka, Kuja-Mritya, Ravi-Kala and Budha-Ardhaprahara. Divide
the duration of the day by 8 and proceed to count from the lord of the
day. Take Sunday and suppose the *duration of the day is 30 ghatis. Then
each part gets 30/8 or 3.75 ghatis. The first 3.75 ghatis are governed by
Ravi the lord of that day. The second 3.75 ghatis are under the rule of
Chandra. The third 3.75 ghatis are governed by Kuja. The fourth 3.75
ghatis are under the lordship of Budha. The fifth 3.75 ghatis are ruled by
Guru. The sixth 3.75 ghatis are under Sukra. The seventh 3.75 ghatis are
ruled by Sani. The 8th 3.75 ghatis have no lord and Gulika who is next to
Sani becomes the lord.
These 3.75 ghatis are called Gulikakala and if the Atmakaraka Navamsa
falls in this time, the results above named must be predicted. 3.75 ghatis
is called a Yama in Sanskrit. * If the duration of day is more or less
than 30 ghatis than each part is indicated by the actual duration of day
divided by 8. Take Chandrawara or Monday. First Chandra 3.75 ghatis.
Fourth Guru 3.75 ghatis Second Ku a 3 " Fifth Sukra " .Third Budha 3.75 "
Sixth Sani 3z " ..All these six give 22.5 ghatis Seventh Gulika 3.75
ghatis Eighth Ravi 3.5 " After this comes in Gulikakala extending from
22.5 ghatis on Monday and lasting upto 26.25 ghatis. On Tuesday or
Kujawara we commence from Kuja thus : 1. Kuja 3.75 ghatis 5. Sani 3.75
ghatis 2. Budha 33 " 6. Gulika 3.75 " 3. Guru 3.75 " 7. Ravi 3.75 " 4.
Sukra 3.75 " 8. Chandra 3.75 "
The first 5 yamas give us l8.75 ghatis. From that time till 22.5 ghatis
after sunrise, there will be Gulikakala and if the Atmakaraka Navamsa
falls in this, the evil results indicated above will happen. The
Gulikakala has been so stated by the commentators. I have another
authority for the Gulikakala. Mandapan watapariansam chaturgunyam
dwihinakam.Tatkala gulikognayaha sarva karya vinasakritu. Count from
Saturday to the weekday required. Take the number so obtained and multiply
it by four. Then take or deduct 2 from the number so obtained. Then
Gulikakala commences at the time and continues upto 3.75 ghatis more. The
results differ in these two systems. Take Monday and find out the
Gulikakala as per the above rule. Monday counts as the 3rd from Saturday.
Multiply this 3 by 4 and we get 12. Deduct two out of that and we get 1Q
ghatis. Gulika kala falls on Monday from 22.5 ghatis to 2G.25 ghatis after
The process to find out the Gulikakala in the night is thus stated by the
old commentators. Take the fifth planet from the lord of the weekday arid
count from him and then the 8th in the order given above will be
Gulikakala. Take for example Sunday, the 5th from him is Guru. Now take
Guru. Dropping Guru we have Sukra and Sani covering the first and second
period, and the 3rd period falls under Gulika on Monday. the second period
on Tuesday, the 8th period on Wednesday, the 7th on Thursday, the 6th on
Friday and the 5th on Saturday. When there are differences of opinion on
such matters among the old writers we have to look to the opinion of the
best among them, and to verify and support the theory we must also bring
our large experience to help us in such interpretations. Take Hora,
Varahamihira and his school. Say, that in odd signs the first Hora is
governed by Ravi and the second by Chandra.
In the even signs the first is governed by Chandra and the second by Ravi.
But there is a different school. Some say that first Hora is governed by
the lord of the house and the second by the lord of the 11th. In Drekkana
more than two systems are recommended. Varahamihira says the lords of the
three Drekkanas are the lords of 1st, 5th and 9th. There are some others
who say that the lords of the 3 Drekkanas are the lords of 1st, 12th and
11 th houses. There are some others who say that in chara or movable
signs, the lords of the Drekkanas are the owners of the 1st, 5th and 9th.
But in fixed and double bodied signs their order is quite changed. In all
such cases of difference of opinion among the Maharishis I cannot pretend
to say which is correct and which is not. Both may be correct as the
authors, by their Divya Drishti, may have approached from different
directions and may have found their observations proving quite true.
I leave the readers to judge of these differences in the light of their
intelligence, knowledge and personal experiences. When two Maharishis
differ I must frankly tell my readers that I have no means at my command
to ascertain which is better and more correct. Both of them are Mahatmas
and both looked into these details by their Divya Drishti or expanded
mental vision. I possess no such Divya Drishti and therefore am not in a
position to go beyond the phenomena and ascertain the true causes. I have
to trust the learned commentators.
SU. 30. - Chandrudrishtau chorapahritadharnaschouro va. If Chandra aspects
the Atmakaraka Navamsa falling in Gulikakala, the person will be a
receiver of stolen property or will become himself a thief.
NOTES I think there is not much difference between the moral and spiritual
offences between these two worthies.
SU. 31.- Budhamatradrishte brihadbeejaha. If the Atmakaraka Navamsa falls
in Gulikakala and possesses only the aspect of Budha, the person will have
enlarged testicles.
NOTES Here Budha alone must aspect the Navamsa without the aspect of any
other planets. Hydrocele is a nasty form of disease and disgusting before
the public.
SU. 32. -Tathra kethow papadrishte karnachchedaha kurnarogo va. If Ketu
joins the Atmakaraka Navamsa the person will have his ears cut off or will
have serious ear complaints.
SU. 33.-Sukradrishte deekshitaha. If Atmakaraka and Ketu in the Navamsa,
have the aspect of Sukra, the person will become a Deekshita or performer
of Yagnyas or religious sacrifices.
NOTES Formerly such persons were held in high esteem. They had to lead
scrupulously clean, simple and holy lives.
SU. 34.-Buidhasanidrishte nirveeryaha If the Atmakaraks with Ketu in the
Navamsa has the aspects of Budha and Sani, the bind of an impotent or
eunuch should be predicted.
NOTES Veerya is virility in a person and one who has no veerya is
SU. 35.-Btrdhasukradrishte pounah puniko dasipttree va. If the Karakamsa
Rasi with Ketu has the aspect of Sukra and Budha, the person will talk
repeating and repeating the same ideas or will be the son of a prostitute
or dancing woman.
NOTES Dasees are a special class of dancing women who were devoted to the
service of Gods in the temples and had no strictness in sexual matters.
SU. 36. -Sanidrishte tapaswee preshyo va. If the Karakamsa with Ketu has
the aspect of Sani, he will become a Tapaswi or recluse or be a dependent
and servant under somebody.
NOTES There is a great gulf of difference between the position of a man
devoting all his energies on the contemplation of God and one who is
dependent on others. Why both the results are ascribed to the same
combination is not clear.
SU. 3 7. - Sanimatradrish te sanyasabhasaha. If in the above combination
there is only the aspect of Sani and there is no other planetary aspect,
he will put on the appearance of a sanyasi but will not be a true or real
sanyasi. He will be an impostor.
SU. 38.-Tatra ravisukradrishte rajapreshyah. If Ravi and Sukra aspect the
Karakamsa the person will be employed by royal or political personages to
do their work. He will be their confident.
SU. 39. - Ripphe budhe budhedrishte va mandavat. If the tenth from the
Karaka Navamsa possesses the aspect of Budha, he will get similar results
as have been given by Sani.
NOTES This means that the person will follow some notable profession.
Ripha means, Ra 2, pha means 2 = 22 divided by 12, will give us 10, 10th
house is indicated by Ripha.
SU. 40.-Shzubhadrishte stheyaha. If in the 10th from Karakamsa, there is
beneficial aspect, the person will be one of great determination and never
NOTES The other benefics are Guru and Sukra. It cannot mean anything else.
SU. 41.-Ravow gurumatradrishzte gopalahu. If the 10th from the Karakamsa,
there is Ravi possessing only the aspect of Guru and no other aspects, the
person will have success through the sales of cow, bulls and other cattle.
SU. 42.-Dare chandrasukradigyogatprasadaha. If the lord of the 4th from
the Karakamsa is joined or aspected by Chandra and Sukra, the person will
be blessed with storeyed houses.
NOTES Da means 8, Ra means 2 = 82, reversed it means 28, divided by 12 we
get 4 balance. This shows signs of wealth. Prasada means houses with
SU. 43.- Ucchagrahe api. If the fourth from the Karakamsa is occupied by
an exalted planet, the person will have many fine and splendid houses.
SU. 44. - Rahusan ibhyam silagriham: If the fourth from the Karakamsa is
occupied by Rahu and Sani, the houses will be constructed with rough
stones not well plastered.
SU. 45. -KujaKetubhyamaishtikam. If the 4th from Karakamsa is occupied by
Kuja and Ketu, the houses will be constructed of bricks, lumps of earth.
SU. 46. -Guruna daravam. If the 4th from Karakamsa is occupied by Guru
wooden houses will be constructed by the native.
SU.47. - Tharnamravina. If the 4th is occupied by the Sun, the houses will
be constructed from thatch and grasses.
NOTES The above three sutras give an idea of the nature of the house
property possessed by different persons depending upon the dispositions of
planets with reference to Karakamsa.
SU. 48.-Same shubhayogaddharmanityaha satyavaadee gtinubhaktascha. If the
9th from Karakamsa is occupied or aspected by benefics, the person will
have truth as his ideal and motto. He will be righteous in conduct, lover
of truth and will be faithful and dutiful to elders, preceptors and Gurus.
NOTES Sa stands for 7 and Ma denotes 5 - 75, reversed it is 57, divided by
12, we get a remainder of 9. Sama means 9th from Karakamsa. Ninth is the
house of piety and represents devotion and faith in Gods and Goddesses.
SU. 49.-A nyatha papaihi. If the 9th from Karakamsa has evil conjunction
or aspects, he will be quite the reverse in character. He will be a liar,
uncharitable and sinful, and will have no faith and respect for Gurus and
SU. 50.-Sanirahubhyam gutrudrohaha. If Sani and Rahu occupy or aspect the
9th from Karakamsa, the person will become ungrateful to Gurus and will
prove a traitor to them.
NOTES Cheating is a sin. But there are many grades and its heinousness
depends upon the nature of the parties concerned.
SU. 51.-Ravigurubhyam girovavisvasaha. If Guru and Ravi occupy or aspect
the 9th from Karakamsa, he will not love his parents, elders and
SU. 52.-Tatra bhrigwongaraka varge paradarikaha. If the 9th from Karakamsa
falls in one of the shadvargas of Sukra and Kuja, he will be fond of
others' wives.
NOTES There are two classes of villains. One set taking sexual
gratifications with women of immoral tendencies and another set always
tempting the wives of other persons, and ruining their families. Adultery
is sinful, but even here there are various grades of sins. `Shadvargas are
(1 ) Lagna. (2) Hora, (3) Drekkana, (4) Navamsa, (5) Dwadasamsa, and (6)
Thrimsamsa. Adultery with motherly relations, friends, wives, spouses of
Gurus and other prohibited relations is more sinful than adultery with
other women. Corrupting family and innocent women is a horrible form of
SU. 53.-Drigyogabhyamndhikabhyamamuranam. If Kuja and Sukra join or aspect
the 9th from Karakamsa, the person will have the evil habit of seducing
and keeping illegal gratifications till the end of his life.
NOTES The conjunctions and aspects are more powerful than 'the Shadvargas.
In the latter he will keep up the vicious habit for some time, but in the
former, this vice will continue till the end of life. With some persons,
males and females. * This has been clearly described in my work Manual of
Hindu Astrology. these morbid sensations of lust and sexuality will
continue for some time and then they turn a new chapter in their lives,
but there are others, who do not give up the vicious habits till their
death. Some are rascals only for a time but there are others who are
rascals and cheats throughout their lives. Even on death-beds their
thoughts run on unholy deeds.
SU. 54.-Ketuna pratibandhaha. If the 9th from Karakamsa has the
conjunction or aspect of Ketu, he will be fond of women for some time and
then give up the bad tendency.
SU. 55.-Guruna strainaha. If the 9th from Karakamsa has the conjunction or
aspect of Guru, he will be excessively fond of other women..
SU. 56.-Rahunarthanivrittihi. If the 9th from Karakamsa is joined or
aspected by Rahu, the person will lose all his wealth by female excesses.
NOTES Even in these vices there are some prudent men financially. Some get
money by adultery, some enjoy for nothing, there are others who lose all
their wealth and health by such Vices.
SU. 57.-Labhe chandragurubhyam sundaree. If Guru and Chandra occupy the
7th from the Karakamsa, the wife will be handsome and loving.
NOTES La means 3, Bha denotes 4-34, reading backwards we have 43, divided
by 12., we have 7 remainder. Labha therefore means 7. It will certainly be
a great blessing to have handsome wife provided she is faithful. But when
she is fair and unfaithful life becomes miserable. He will have a Hell on
Earth. . .
SU. 58.-Rahuna vidhava. If the 7th from the Karakamsa joins with Rahu or
has his aspect, the person will have widows for connection.
NOTES There are some worthies who are extremely fond of widows. They hunt
after them. They like them in preference to others.
SU. 59.-Sanina vayodhika roginee tapaswinee va. . If the 7th from
Karakamsa is occupied or aspected by Sani, the wife will be older or will
be sickly or will be a tapaswini or a woman who will be engaged in
religious meditations.
NOTES While some persons like younger people there are others both males
and females who hunt after old people. Temperaments are curious.
SU. 60. -Kujena vikalangee. If Kuja joins or aspects the 7th from
Karakamsa, the wife will be deformed or there will be defect in her limbs.
SU. 61.-*Ravina swakule gupta cha. If Ravi occupies or aspects the 7th
from Karakamsa, the wife will be protected from the members of the
husband's family and will have no defects in her limbs. (*Another version
reads as Ravina kata gutpthacl Ja.)
SU. 62.-Budhena kalavatee. If Budha joins or aspects the 7th from
Karakamsa, the wife will be well versed in music, arts, dancing and other
fine accomplishments.
SU. 63.-Chape chandrenanavrite dese. If Chandra occupies the 4th from
Karakamsa the first sexual union of the wives, mentioned in the above
sutras, will take place in an open place uncovered by root or ceiling.
NOTES Cha means 6, po means 1= 61, reversing we have 16 divided by 12, the
balance 4 shows the 4th house from the Karakamsa. There are some people
who cannot control their passions and who have sexual unions in open
places. .
SU. 64.-Karmani pape shooraha If the 3rd from the Karakamsa contains evil
planets, the person becomes courageous and a warrior.
NOTES Ka means 1, Ma means 5 -15, reading backwards we have 51, divided by
12, we have the remainder 3. I n general astrology, the third house from
Lagna shows brothers, sisters and courage.
SU. 65.-Subhe kataraha. if the 3rd from Karakamsa has benefics, the person
becomes a coward.
SU. 66.-Mrityuchintyayoh pape karshakafha. .If the 3rd and 6th from
Karakamsa are occupied by malefics, the person lives by ploughing and
NOTES Ma 5, ya 1= 51, reversing we have 15. Cha 6, Tha 6 - 66, reversing
we have 66. Divide them by 12, we get 3 and 6. Malefics are considered to
give auspicious results in 3, 6 and 11. Thrishedaya gatahpapaha.
SU. 67 : Same gurow viseshena. If Guru occupies the 9th from. Karakamsa,
he will become a great agriculturist.
SU. 68. - Ucche shurbhe shubhalokaha. If benefics occupy 12 from
Karakamsa, the person goes to superior Lokas.
NOTES U 0, Cha 6 = 06., reversed we get 60, divided by 12, we have 12.
Indian sciences and religions mention many Punya Lokas or happy regions in
the universe.
SU. 69.-Ketow kaivalyam. If a benefic occupies Karakamsa; the person will
have Moksha or Final Bliss.
NOTES Ka meana 1, Ta signifies 6 =16. 16 reversed - 61. Divided by 12, we
get balance of 1. We may also take ucche from the previous Sutra and say
that if Ketu is found in 12th there will be final Bliss.
SU. 70. -Kriyochapayorviseshena. If Karakamsa is Mesha or Dhanus with
benefics there, the subject gets Moksha. If Mesha or Dhanus happens to be
the 12th from Karakamsa and Ketu is there, the person will get Moksha.
NOTES The commentators have put on two different kinds of interpretations.
I shall explain both of them. The splendid power of sutras and their
brevity capable of long interpretations are only possible in Sanskrit: No
other language in the world possesses such facilities for brevity and at
the same time containing a world of meaning. If Mesha or Dhanus becomes
Karakamsa with a benefic there, there will be the highest Bliss: If Mesha
or Dhanus - becomes the 12th from Karakamsa and Ketu is there, there will
be the highest Bliss or Moksha. Ketu is not a full benefic. Ketu becomes a
benefic in Chara Dasa and not otherwise. Therefore he cannot be classified
as asubhagraha. But astrology ascribes to him the highest spiritual power
of emancipation from all births and re-births and gives man Moksha. .
SU. 71:--Papair Qnyatha. : If the 12th from the : Karakamsa is occupied by
evil planets, he will go to hell and will have no Bliss.
NOTES Heaven and Hell are not seen. But there is the universal belief in
their existence and all religions lend support- to this faith.
SU. 72.-Raviketubhyam shive bhaktihi. If Ravi and Ketu are in Karakamsa,
the person will become a Saivite or one who worships Shiva.
NOTES Worship of God is as different a8 there are differences in
temperaments. Matha is a peculiarity of Mathi or mind.
SU. 73. - Chandrena gauryam. If Chandra joins Karakamsa, the person will
worship Gouri, wife of Shiva. ,
SU. 74.-Sukrena lukshmyom. If Sukra joins Karakamsa, he will worship
Lakshmi spouse of Vishnu.
SU. 75.-Kujena skande. If Kuja occupies Karakamsa, he becomes a worshipper
of Skanda or Shanmukha the warrior son of Shiva.
SU. 76.-Budhasanibhyam vishnow. If Budha and Sani join. Karakamsa, he will
worship Vishnu.
NOTES Different temperaments have different tastes and their selection of
Gods follows their temperaments. As all rivers fall into the ocean, so
also all forms of worship reach the Almighty.
SU. 77.-Guruna sambasive. It Karakamsa is joined by Guru, he will worship
Sambasiva or Parvati and Paramesvara.
SU. 78:-RahurJa thamasyam durgayam cha. If Rahu joins Karakamsa, the
person will worship evil spirits end Durga.
NOTES There are about 56 varieties of evil spirits mentioned in the
Mantrasastras. There are two principal divisions among the Mantras.
Kshudra Mantras devoted to the invocation of evil spirits and actions:
performed by them and Maha Mantras or incantations to Divine and angelic
spirits and work that can be done by them. I shall mention a few names of
evil spirits: Bhuta, Preta, Pisacha, Sakini, Dhakini, Mohini, Jalini,
Malini, Bhetala, etc. The Maha Mantras invoke Gayatri, Savitri, Saraswati,
Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara, Lakshmi, Lalita, Durga, Ganapati, Skanda,
Surya, etc.
SU. 79. - Ketuna ganese skande cha. z-If Ketu joins Karakamsa, the person
becomes a devotee of Ganesa and Kumaraswami.
SU. 80.-Paparkshe mande kshudradevata. If Sani occupies the Karakamsa
falling in an evil sign, the person becomes a great devotee of evil
NOTES There are Devil and Spirit worshippers of various grades. The
existence of spirit-world has been proved by the best intellects and by
personal experience. A handful of experience is worth ten cart loads of
SU. 81.- Sukre cha. If Sukra occupies the evil Karakamsa, the person will
worship devils, spirits, etc.
NOTES There are 56 varieties of Devils or Pisachas headed by the powerful
Bhetala. See my NOTES in Sarwartha Cintamani.
SU. 82.-Amatyadasay chaivam. If the 6th from Amatyakaraka joins evil
Karakamsa, the person devotes himself to the worship of evil spirits.
NOTES The planet who Bets the highest number of degrees becomes the
Atmakaraka. The planet who gets the next highest number of degrees becomes
the Amatyakaraka. If the 6th planet from Amatyakaraka- counting from Ravi
in the regular order occupies the evil Karakamsa, the person will be
devoted to evil spirits. Always the order. of the planets are as follows
:-Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, Budha, Guru, Sukra and Sani, the order of the
week--days. Somebody must become Amatyakaraka, suppose Sani becomes so.
.The 6th from Ravi is Sukra and If Sukra joins the evil Karakamsa, the
person devotes, his time to evil spirits. These Mantras are called Kshudra
or Sabara and count as 9 crores, a bewildering number.
SU. 83.--?i'rikone popadwaye mantrikaha. If the 5th and 9th from the
Karakamsa are occupied by evil planets,. the person becomes a -Mantrika or
magician and will be able to exercise devils and evil spirits.
SU. 84.-Papadrishte nigrahakaha. If the evil planets in the 5th and 9th
from Karakamsa have evil conjunctions or aspects, the person becomes a
great Mantraic and will be able to root out all evil spirits.
SU. 85.- ShubhadrishtenuJgrahakaha. . If the evil planets in the 5th. and
from Karakamsa have beneficial aspects or conjunction, the person will
help the people and do them good.
SU. 86. ~Sukrendou sukr Qdri.shte rasavadee. If Sukra aspects Karakamsa
and the Moon, the person becomes an alchemist.
SU. 87.-Budhadrishte bhishak. If Karakamsa and Chandra have the aspect of
Budha, the person becomes a medical man.
NOTES His eminence and capacity will depend upon the strength of Budha.
SU. 88.-Chape chandre sukr.adrishte pandusswithee. If Moon is in the 4th
from Karakamsa and has the aspect of Sukra, the person will suffer from
white leprosy.
NOTES Cha 6, Pa 1= 61 reversed 16, divided by 12, will give a balance of
4. Hence Chape means 4th house from the Karakamsa.
SU. 89. -Kujadrishte maharogaha. It Kuja aspects Chandra in the 4th house
from the Karakamsa, the man will have serious form of leprosy.
SU. 90.-Kethtdrishte reelaku,shtam. If Chandra in the 4th from the
Karakamsa is aspected by Ketu, the person will have black leprosy.
NOTES There are many hideous and repulsive forms of this loathsome
SU. 91.-Tata mritow va kujarahubhyam kshayaha. If the 4th or 5th from
Karakamsa is joined by Kuja and Rahu, the person will suffer from
consumption or pthysis. :VOTES He will have a mild attack of disease.
SU. 92.-ChQndradrishte nzschayena. If such Kuja and Rahu, started in the
above sutra, have the inner aspect, certainly the person will have serious
form of consumption.
SU. 93.-Kujena pitakadihi. If the 4th or 5th from the Karakamsa is
occupied by Kuja, the person will suffer from excessive sweating, cuts,
itches or boils and sores in the body.
SU. 94.-Ketuna grahani jalarogo va. If Ketu joins the 4th or 5th from
Karakamsa, the man will suffer from Grahani or a kind of glandular disease
and from watery diseases like dropsy, diabetes, loose motions, etc.
SU. 95.- Rahrugulikabhyam kshudra vfshuni. If the 4th or 5th from the
Karakamsa is joined by Rahu and Gulika, there will be suffering from the
poisonous effects of rats, cats, etc.
SU. 96.-Tatra sanow dhanushkaha. If the 4th from the Karakamsa is joined
by Sani, the person becomes an expert in inflicting wounds. This means he
will be skilled in the use of deadly arms.
SU. 97.-Ketuna ghutikoyanthree. If Ketu joins the 4th from Karakamsa, the
person becomes skilful in preparing clocks, watches and other time
indicating machines.
NOTES I have shown in the Introduction and also in the prefatory remarks
that Jaimini flourished 5,000 years ago. He was a contemporary of
Vedavyasa and was his worthy disciple. Ghatikayantras or machines showing
time were in existence as this Sutra proves and confirms. Suryasiddanta
mentions many Yantras.
SU. 98.---Budhena paramahamso lagudee va. If the 4th from the Karakamsa is
combined by Budha, the person becomes a paramahamsa or a great yogi, or
one who bears *Palasa Danda, etc., showing Brahmacharya or Sanyasayoga of
particular kind.
SU. 99.--Rahuna lohayantree. *Palasa means Blitear frondosa If the 4th
from the Karakamsa is occupied by Rahu, he will become proficient in
preparing machinery out of metals or a clever mechanic.
SU. 100.-Ravina khadgee. If Ravi joins the 4th from Karakamsa, the person
lives by his sword.
NOTES Many kinds of swords are mentioned in the ancient works. Swords are
terrible weapons then as well as now at close quarlers,
SU. 101.-Kujena Xunthee. If Kuja joins the 4th from Karakamsa, he will
live by the profession of using Kuntayudha, m_ aces and long sticks.
SU. 102. Matapitroschandragturubhyam grantha If Chandra and Guru are in
the Karakamsa or in the 5th from it, the person will become an author and
will live by writing books.
NOTES Ma 5, Ta 6 - 56, reversing we get 65, divided by 12, there is a
balance of 5. Pa 1, Ta 6 =16, inverse order 61 divided by 12, we have 1.
Fifth is the house of intelligence in astrology as also of children.
SU. 103. - ·Sukrena kinchidoonam. If Chandra and Sukra join Karakamsa or
the 5th house from it, the person becomes an ordinary author.
SU. I 04.-Bzidhena tato api. The person becomes still less famous than in
the above Sutra if Budha joins Chandra instead of Sukra in Karakamsa or
the 5th from it.
SU. 105.-Sukrena kavirwagmee kavyagnascha. If Sukra joins Karakamsa.. or
the 5th from it, the person becomes a great poet; an eloquent speaker and
well versed in poetry and literature.
SU. I06.~Guruna s rvavid granthikascha If Guru joins the Karakamsa or the
5th from it, he will be an all-round man and will know many branches of
knowledge, well read in sciences and author of various works. He becomes a
versatile genius.
SU. 107.-Na vagmee. In the above combination of Guru, though a person
becomes learned he will not become a good speaker nor possess powers of
NOTES Some have the gift of the gab while many have it not.
SU. 108.-yissishyavaiyyakarano vedavedanthavichha. If Guru joins Karakamsa
or the 5th from it, the person becomes learned in Vyakarana or Grammar,
Vedic literature and Vedangas.
NOTES The last are named as Siksha, Vyakarana, Chandas, Nirukta, Jyotishs
and Kalpa. Without a proficiency in these six Angas or limbs, no scholar
can interpret the Vedas properly. Vedas simply mean repositories of
knowledge useful for all ages, claims and nations. Whatever might have
been the origin of these intellectual mines, there are no books extant in
the world, which can compare with these deep mines o1 thought, knowledge
and highest conceptions of human intellectual flights. The commentaries of
Bhatta Bhaskara and Vidyaranya are the two eyes for the Vedas through
which we can approach the Vedas and seen them to. some extent.
The first and earliest commentators is Bhatta Bhaskara and he must have
flourished in the remote ages. Vidyaranya's age is fixed clearly by the
inscription (see my History of Vijayanagar) as 1258 Salivahana Saka or
1336 A.D. This illustrious intellectual giant not only founded the Empire
of Vijayanagar, but was also the pontifical Head of the Sringeri Mutt of
Adi Sankaracharya. He obtained Samadhi in 1386 after having seen Harihara
I, Bukka I and Harihara II, ruling the Empire founded by him in great
prosperity, peace and progress. Practically there seems to be no
difference in the combinations given in Sutras 106 and 108. If in this
combination Guru is exalted or himself has beneficial aspects or
Shadvargas, the knowledge in the man may be more profound, and the
intellect more Comprehensive and piercing. The strength of the planet, of
the Rasi, the power of the Atmakaraka and combinations and aspects
determine the extent of the proficiency.
SU. 109.-Sabhajadaha sanina. . . If Sani joins Karakamsa or the 5th from
it, the person becomes nervous in an assembly.
NOTES He may be a learned man, but will feel shy and nervous and thus cut
an awkward figure, in a General Assembly or public discussion.
SU. 110.-Bzidhena nmeemamsakaha. If Budha joins 1st or 5th of Karakamsa,
he w ill shine as a Meemamsaka.
NOTES There are two principal divisions here. Poorvameemamsa by Jaimini
himself, explaining rituals of Karma and their effects end Uttarameemamsa
or Brahmasutras by Vyasa relating to Brahmagnana.
SU. 111.-Kujena nayyayikaha. If Kuja joins 1st or 5th of Karakamsa, the
person will become a great logician.
SU. 112. -Chandreana sankf_iyayogagnaha sahityagno gayakascha. . If
Chandra joins 1st or 5th of Karakamsa, the person becomes clever in
sankhyasastra, learned in language, poetry, drama and attendant subjects,
will have great proficiency in music and other accomplishments.
NOTES Sankhya is a portion of Sanskrit Science, which deals with numbers
and their interpretations. Sankhya also means s system of Philosophy.
SU. 113.-Ravina vedanta geetagnascha. If Ravi combines in 1st or 5th of
Karakamsa, the person will become a great Vedantist and musician.
SU. 114.-Ketuna ganithagnaha. If Ketu combines in above houses, the person
becomes well versed in mathematics.
SU. 115.--Gurusambandhena sampradayasiddhih. If in the above combinations
of planets, Guru joins or aspects, knowledge in the different branches
will be well founded and regularly trained as per principles of those
SU. 116.-Bhagye chaivam. The results ascribed for planetary positions in
the 1st and 5th from Karakamsa will also hold good for similar positions
in the 2nd from Karakamsa.
SU. 117.-Sada chaiyamityeke. Bha stands for 4 and Ya denotes 1= 41,
reversed we get 14, divided by 12, the remainder is 2. Sada =Sa stands for
7, Da stands for 8 = 78, in the inverse order we have 87, divided by 12,
the balance is 3. By this the author means, all those results from the
positions of the planets in the 1st and the Karakamsa must or may be
predicted by the combination of the above planets in the 2nd and 3rd
houses from the Karakamsa.
SU. 118.-Bhagye kethowpapadrishte stabdhavak. Ketu in the 2nd from
Karakamsa, aspected by evil planets, will make the person indistinct or a
slow speaker.
NOTES Second house describes speech, eloquence, eyes, face and riches.
SU. 119. -Swapitrupadadbhagyarogayoho papasamye kemadrtmaha. If evil
planets are found in the 2nd and 8th houses from Janma Lagna or the Arudha
Lagna, the person will suffer from Kemadruma Yoga or combination for great
poverty. The same results apply to the positions of planets in the 3rd
from Karakamsa.
NOTES Bha 4, ya 1= 41, reversed 14, divided by 12, we get 2. Ra 2 and Ga 3
= 23, reading backwards we get 32, divided by '12, we have 8 balance ;
therefore, Bhagya and Roga denote 2 and 8, respectively. Compare Kemadruma
as explained by Varahamihira and others (See my translation of Brihat
Jataka - Nabhasa Yogas). When there are no planets on either side of
Chandra the combination is called Kemadruma by him.
SU. 120.-Chandradrishtow viseshena. If Chandra aspects the evil planets in
the above combination, the person suffers from abject poverty. The
majority consider poverty as a great curse.
SU. 121.-Sarvesham chaiva pake. The results, mentioned in all the
combinations above named, will be experienced during all the Dasas of
Rasis or in their Antardasas or periods and subperiods of the zodiacal
End of Second Pada of the First Adhyaya.
SU. 1.-Atha padam. Results based on Pada Lagna will be described in this
NOTES In Sutra 29 of the First Pada Jaimini has clearly illustrated the
meaning of Pada or Arudha Lagna. In this chapter he will give the results
of planets occupying from Pada Lagna. In the previous chapter he gave the
results of planets in Swamsa and Karakamsa. Remember Karaka always has
been used for Atmakaraka.
SU. 2.- yyaye sagrahe grahadrishteva sreemantaha. If the 11 th house from
Pada Lagna is occupied or aspected by planets, the person becomes a
sreemanta or a wealthy man. Take an example. Here the lord of Lagna is
Sukra and he is placed in the 8th house from Lagna. The eighth from Sukra
becomes Pada or Arudha Lagna and this falls in Kataka the 8th from Sukra.
The I 1 th from Kataka is Vrishabha and this is aspected by Kuja and Ketu
and therefore the person will be in affluent circumstances. The term
sreemanta applies to one who has not seen poverty from birth to death.
SU. 3. -Shubhairnyayallabhaha. When the 11th from Pada is aspected or
joined by benefics the wealth will come from proper channels. The gains
will be from fair and lawful means.
SU. 4. - Papairamargena. If the aspecting or joining planets in the above
are evil, the wealth will come through sinful and illegal means.
NOTES Unfortunately we have seven evil and only two good planets.
SU. 5. - Ucchadibhirviseshath. If the 11th from Arudha Lagna is well
combined and aspected by benefics or those in exaltation, moola= thrikona,
etc., the person will acquire plenty of wealth through justifiable means.
NOTES Here Uccha has two significations. U 0, Cha 6 = 06 reading reversely
we get 60, divided by 12, the balance will be 12. Uccha also means, the
planets in exaltations, etc. When the planets aspecting the 11 th or
joining it are exalted, in good Vargas, in Moolathrikona, or in their own
houses and are benefics in nature, the wealth will come in plenty and will
always be legally and rightly acquired but when such planets are malefics,
the person will get riches on a large scale, but through unfair and
illegal manner. In both cases he will be rich but in the case of benefics
he will be a good man and will earn money honestly and by labour. In the
case of evil planets, the wealth will be thoroughly ill-gotten and
criminal. These Yogas will occur when the 12th house is not aspected by
any planet.
SU. 6.-Neeche grahadrigyogadwayadhikyam. If there are planets in the 12th
house from Lagna, or Pada Lagna, the person will spend more than he earns,
NOTES Na 0, Cha means 6 = 06 reversing we get 60, divided by 12, the
balance is 12, and the 12th house is indicated. If evil planets occupy the
12th, the expenditure will be on immoral and sinful deeds. If there are
benefics in the 12th, the expenditure will be on charitable and religious
purposes such as building temples or places of worship, tanks, wells,
charitable institutions and helping the poor and the distressed. But when
the planets are bad the expenditure will be on drinking, whoring,
gambling, unjust litigation and other sinful actions.
SU. 7.--Ravirahusukrairnrupath. If Ravi, Rahu and Sukra occupy or aspect
the 12th from Lagna or Pada Lagna, the person will lose money through
kingly displeasure or fines and confiscations.
SU. 8.-Chandradrishtau nischayena. If in the combination in Sutra 7 there
is the aspect of Chandra, the losses will certainly occur through
governing bodies:
SU. 9.-Budhena gnathitho vivadadwa. If Budha occupies the 12th house from
Pada or Lagna or aspects it, there will be losses from cousins, relations
and litigations.
SU. 10.-Guruna karamoola th. If Guru joins or aspects the 12th from Pada
Lagna or Lagna, the man loses money by paying heavy government taxes.
SU. 11.-Kujasanibhyam bhratrumukhat. If the 12th from Lagna or Pada Lagna
is joined or aspected by Kuja and Sani, the person will suffer losses
through brothers.
SU. 12.-A etairvyaya aevam labhaha. The results have been given for the
12th house from Lagna or Pada Lagna and the various sources of losses have
been indicated. If those planets are in the 11th house, then instead of
losing money he will gain money through those sources which have been
shown to the credit of planets. If the planets are in the 12th house, he
will lose money ; if they are in the 11th house, he will gain.
SU. 13. --Labhe rahuKetubhyamudararogaha. If the 7th house from Pada has
conjunction or aspect of Rah u or Ketu, th e person suffers from stomach
SU. 14.--Tatra Ketuna jhatithi jyanilingani. If Ketu occupies the 2nd
house from Pada Lsgna, the person will display signs of old age. though he
may be young in years. He will show wrinkles beyond his proper age. If in
the 6th house from Pada Lagna evil planets combine, he will become a
thief. If the 2nd and 6th from Pada Lagna are occupied by benefics without
evil aspects, the person will be a governor of many countries.
SU. 15. -Chandragurusukreshtt sreemantaha. If Chandra, Guru or Sukra
occupy the 2nd from Pada Lagna, he will become a rich man. Here all these
planets may be in the second or any one of them.
SU. 16.- Uchhena va. If the evil or good planets are in the second house
from Pada in exaltation; the person becomes rich.
NOTES It has already shown if the exalted planet is a benefic, the person
acquires wealth. by lawful means but if an evil planet is in the second
exalted, the person becomes rich through unlawful and sinful ways.
SU. 17.-Svamsavadanyatprayena. All the results explained in the above
sutras will have application and reference as they have had in the
SU. 18.-Lnbhapade kendre thrikone va sreeman taha. If the Arudha Lagna
falls in the 7th from Janma Lagna or Karakamsa or in the Kendras or Konas
the person becomes extremely rich.
SU. 19.-Anyatha dusthe. If the Arudha Lagna does not fall in Kendra or
Thrikona from Lagna but falls in Dusthas 6, 8 and 12, . the results will
be bad.
NOTES That is instead of becoming a sreemanta the person becomes a poor
man. They are called Dusthas or Dusthanas or bad places.
SU. 20.-Kendrathrikonopachayeshu dwayormaitree. . . If the Saptamarudha
falls in Kendras, Thrikonas or the Upachayas from Janma Lagna, excepting
the 6th which is classified as a Dusthana, there will be great agreement
between the wife and the husband.
NOTES The couple will lead an agreeable life. A good wife is Heaven on
Earth. A bad one is Hell on Earth.
SU. 21. -Ripurogachintasti vairam, If the Arudha Bhavas fall in 6, .8 and
12 from Lagna, they denote evils to such Bhavas.
NOTES Ra 2, Pa 1-21=12 Ra 2, Ga 3 = 23 = 32, divided by 12 we get 8. Cha
6, Ta 6 - 66, divided by 12 we get 6 balance.
SU. 22.--Patneelabhayordishtya nirabhasargalaya. If the Arudha Lagna and
the 7th from it have no obstructive Argalas, the person becomes fortunate.
NOTES Pa 1, Na 0 -10, reversed it is 01, or it describes the first house.
La 3, Bha 4 = 34 reversed we get 43, divided by 12, we get a balance of 7.
For subha and papa Argalas see my NOTES on Sutras 5 to 9 in Pada 1 of
Adhyaya 1.
SU. 23.-Shtibhargale dhanasamriddhihi. If Arudha Lagna and the 7th from it
have beneficial Argalas, there will be plenty of money.
NOTES If the Argala happens to be malicious, there will be ordinary
wealth. If there is a mixture of subha and papa Argalas, the person will
have financial ups and downs or he will be tossed from wealth to poverty
and from poverty to wealth.
SU. 24.-Janmakalaghatikaswekadrishtasu rajanaha. If a planet aspects Hora
Lagna, Ghatika Lagna and Janma Lagna, the person becomes a ruler or one
equal to him.
NOTES For an explanation of these various Lagnas see Sutra 32 of 1st Pada.
What is meant here is that if one planet aspects all these three different
Lagnas at the same time, the person attains to eminent position ; if not
he will become a King. In some places Ministers are more powerful than
SU. 25.-Patneelabhayoscha rasyamsakadrikanairva. If Chandra Lagna, Navamsa
Lagna, Drekkana Lagna and the 7th houses from these three are aspected by
one planet, the person becomes a great ruler or a Maharaja.
NOTES Some old commentators observe thus : If one has connection,
conjunction or aspect, with Lagna, the 7th from it, Chandra Lagna, Navamsa
Lagna and Drekkana Lagna, the person becomes a Maharaja or a great
powerful ruler.
SU. 26.-Theshwekasminnyune nyunam. If out of the 6 Lagnas, viz., Lagna,
Ghatika Lagna, Hora Lagna, Chandra Lagna, Navamsa Lagna and Drekkana
Lagna- one planet sees five and not all the six, the person will have
ordinary Rajayoga.
NOTES This combination occurs only in real Rajayogas or royal
combinations. If an exalted. planet occupies the Arudha Lagna or Chandra,
Guru and Sukra are there and evil obstructive Argalas are not there,
while, where there are beneficial Argalas, the person will attain to royal
SU. 27. -Evamamsa to drikanatascha. If the Navamsa, Hora and Ghatika
Lagnas or Drekkana, Hora and Ghatika Lagnas are aspected by one planet,
there will be Rajayoga.
NOTES Some commentators are of opinion that 2.5 ghatis exactly in the
middle of the Day and the Night are auspicious and such times produce
Kings and their equals. The mid-day goes under the name of Abhijit and is
considered as very auspicious for all work. It cuts away all evils.
Abhijit sarva doshghnam.
SU. 28.-Sukrachandrayormitho drishtayoh simhasthayorva yanavantaha. It
Sukra and Chandra aspect each other or if they are in the 3rd house from
each other, the person will be blessed with various conveyances.
NOTES Simha means 3, Sa denotes 7, Ha shows 8 = 78, reversed 87, divided
by 12, gives 3 as remainder.
SU. 29.-SukrakujaKetushu vaithanikaha. If Sukra, Kuja and Ketu have mutual
aspects or if they are in the 3rd house from each other the person will ,
have aristocratic surroundings from his ancestors.
NOTES He will belong to an old and respectable family which has royal
traditions and marks of honour. Some commentators say that the person will
be proficient in all the details of religious sacrifices.
SU. 30.-Swabhagyadaramatrubhavasameshu subheshu rajanaha. If the 2nd, 4th
and 5th Bhavas become equal to the Karaka or if benefics occupy them, the
person becomes a Raja or his equal in position.
NOTES We have de facto and de jure rulers. We have Karakas for all events.
The Bhavas and planets have to be taken with reference to the various
Karakas or lords of events. Some commentators interpret Bhava in the above
Sutra as Bha 4 and Va 4 = 44, divided, by 12 will give us the remainder as
8. They say that if the 2nd and 4th houses from the Karaka are equal or if
benefics occupy them or if the 5th and 8th houses are equal or have
beneficial planets in them, there will be Rajayoga.
SU. 31.--Karmadusayoh papayoscha. If the 3rd and 6th houses from
Atmakaraka are equal or if they are joined by malefics, there will be
NOTES Ka 1, Ma 5 =15, reversed 51, divided by 12, the balance Da 8, Sa 7 =
87, reversed 78, divided by 12, we have a balance of 6. When he says equal
he means that the sources of strength and weakness must balance equally.
SU. 32.-Pitnulabhadhipaschaivam. If from the lords of Lagna. or 7th
benefics occupy the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 8th, there will be Rajayogas.
NOTES Jaimini confuses his readers, unless they happen to be very
intelligent, by referring to Lagna, Pada Lagna, Ghatika, Hora Lagna,
Atmakarakamsa and other amsas and unless we have able commentaries, the
readers will be launched in a rough sea doubts. Pitu, Pa 1, Ta 6 =16,
reversing we get 61, and divided by 12, we have the first house or Lagna.
Labha 7, La 3, Bha 4 - 34, reversed, we have 43, divided by 12, we have a
balance of 7 ; therefore the 7th house from Lagna is indicated.
SU. 33.-Misre samaha. If there is a mixture of benefics and malefics in
the above combination, the person will attain to ordinary positions.
SU. 34.-Daridro vipareethe. If evil planets occupy beneficial signs and
benefics evil signs, the person will be poor.
SU. 35. -Matari gttrow sukre chandre va rajakeeyaha. If to the lord of
Lagna or to the lord of 7th, the 5th house is occupied by Guru, Sukra or
Chandra, the person becomes a high Government official and wields
political powers.
SU. 36.-Karmani dase va pape senanyaha. If evil planets occupy the 3rd and
6th from the lords of Lagna or the lord of the 7th, the person becomes a
military commander.
NOTES Karmani 3, Dasa 6. Ka 1, Ma 5 -15, reversed we have 51, divided by
12 we have the remainder 3. Da 1, Sa is 7 - 87, reading backward we have
78, divided by 12 we get the balance 6. Commanders often lead their
victorious armies against their employers and become rulers themselves.
Hyder, Napoleon, Shivaji, Hindenberg, Wellington and others became rulers.
SU. 37.-Swapitrubhyam karmadasasthadrishtya tadeesadrishtya
matrtunathadrishtya cha dheemantaha. If the lords of the 3rd and 6th from
Lagna and Atmakaraka aspect the latter or if the planets in those houses
aspect them and if the lord of the 5th aspect them, the person becomes
extremely intelligent.
NOTES Pitru 1, Swa 1, Karma 3, Dasa 5, Matru 6. These have already been
explained in Ka, Ta, Pa, Yadi Sutra rules.
SU. 38.-Daresadrishtya sukhinaha. If Lagna and Karaka Lagna have the
aspect of the lord of the 4th, the person will be happy.
NOTES Dara 4. Happiness, it must be remembered, does not entirely depend
upon position or wealth. There are some people who are extremely rich and
powerful, but they are most miserable. There are some who are very
ordinary but who are perfectly happy. Physical and mental conditions have
great deal to do with happiness and specially some temperaments have the
knack of making themselves agreeable alround and create happiness for
SU. 39.-Rogesadrishtya daridraha. If the lord of the 8th from Lagna and
Karaka Lagna aspect them, the person suffers from poverty.
NOTES Roga 8, Ra 2, Ga 3 = 23, reversed 32, divided by 12 we have balance
SU. 40.-Ripunathadrislitya vyayaseelaha. If the lord of the 12th from
Lagna and Karaka Lagna aspect them, then the person becomes a spendthrift
or extravagant.
SU. 41. - Swamidrishtya prabalaha. If the lord of Lagna aspects the Lagna
and if the lord of the Karaka Lagna aspects that Lagna, the person will
have very good Rajayogas.
SU. 42.-Pacshadripubhagyayorgrahasamye bandhah konayo ripujayayoho
keetayugmayordarariphcyoscha. If from Lagna-the 2nd and 12th or 5th or 9th
or 12th and 6th or 4th and 10th have the same number of planets posited,
the person will be imprisoned.
NOTES This seems to be the longest Sutra I have had to deal since the
commencement of this work and it requires a clear explanation. If any of
these have Grahasamya then Ripu-12 the person will have chains' beating
imprisonment and the displeasure of the Bhagya- governing authorities. If
there is one planet in the 2nd, there must be one Konayoho 5 and 9 planet
in the 12th. If there are 2 planets in the 2nd the twelfth also must have
Ripu-12 2 planets. If there are 3 planets in the 5th, there must also be 3
in the 9th. Jaya-6 This is Grahasamya or equality in the number of
planets. If there are evil Dara-4 combinations or aspects for these houses
or for their lords, the punishments are Ripha-10 certain and the man will
If there are good planetary combinations or Kita-11 aspects for these
houses or their lords, the person will have trials and troubles Yugma-3
and prosecutions, but will be let off after trials and persecutions. Here
five sets of houses have been named and the presence of planets, in each
set, of equal number in each of the houses indicate imprisonments and
tortures. But I gather from the commentaries that when the number of
planets is not equal or properly matched, these troubles may not be
SU. 43.-Sukradgounapadastho rahuh suryadrishlo netraha. If the 5th from
Arudha Lagna is occupied by Rahu and Ravi aspects him, the person will
lose his sight.
NOTES Sukra 1, Sa means 5, Ra denotes 2 - 52, reversed 25, divided by 12,
we have 1, denoting Lagna. Gauna 5, Ga shows 3, Na denotes 5 = 35,
reversed 63, divided by 12, we have the balance of 5, denoting the 5th
house. Each Lagna has its Arudha. Take the 5th in the undergiven
horoscope. Here the 5th is Kataka. Its lord is in the 11 th from the 5th.
The 11 th from Chandra falls in Meena and if I understand the sutra
properly, it means the fifth Arudha falls in Meena, is occupied by Rahu
and Ravi aspects him, the person will lose his sight.
SU. 44.-Swadaragayoh suk rac_ handrayoratodynm rajachinhani cha. , If
Sukra and Chandra occupy the 4th from Atmakaraka, the person will have the
paraphernalia of royalty, viz., Nagara or drums, Noubhat, music Chatras
umbrellas, Chamaras or tufts of hair-fans which attendants keep waving
about the royal personage and other signs and emblems of royal state.
NOTES We can easily infer that if Sukra and Chandra in this combination
are exalted, have good conjunctions and aspects, the person will have
these royal insignia on a grand scale and if they are weak or have evil
aspects and conjunctions, the royal paraphernalia will be on small or poor
scale. There are Rajas with a few lakhs and emperors with many crores.
There are Kings and Kings, rulers and rulers, emperors and all these have
different grades and different insignia. In all these sutras, taking the
original commentaries and my NOTES the readers will see that they have to
shift through a lot of conflicting evidence and confusing principles.
I have tried my best to make the explanations, notes, examples as clear
and convincing as possible. But in spite of all my efforts the readers may
find doubts and difficulties. Here in such cases my sound advice to them
would be that they should read the sutra well twice or thrice, read the
translations I have given and examples by way of illustrations. And after
doing so, if they still have doubts they must think over well, for a few
days, read the previous and the future stanzas and I may assure them, that
suddenly they will hit upon the correct idea or meaning and their doubts
will be solved and fresh and glorious mental light will flash on their
End of Third Pada of the First Adhyaya


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