Ch. 20. Combinations For Renunciation
1. Various sages have explained widely the combinations of four, or more planets producing an ascetic. I now explain below such of the Yogas.
2. One born with the conjunction of the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mars; or the Luminaries, Mercury and Mars; or the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Venus becomes an ascetic.
3. The native having the combination of Mars, the Luminaries (i.e. the Sun and the Moon), Mercury and Jupiter; or the Luminaries, Saturn and Mercury; or the Luminaries, Mars and Saturn takes to renunciation and become a mendicant.
4. The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury-being together, or Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter joining denotes a mendicant.
5. Should Venus, the Sun, Mars and Saturn; or Jupiter, Mars, the Sun and Saturn; or Mars, the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn with strength be in conjunction at birth, native takes to asceticism.
6. One will be initiated into a religious vow, if anyone of the following group of planets be found together at birth: d) Mars. Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter; 2) Mars, Saturn Mercury, the Sun and Venus; 3) the Luminaries, Mars Saturn and Venus.
7. One becomes a mendicant to live in forests and hilly areas, if the planets group themselves in conjunction at birth, as under: 1) Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun; 2) Mars, the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn; 3) Venus, Mercury, Saturn, the Moon and Mars.
8. The native will become a sage, giving up (even) his food and be honoured by the people, if the heavenly bodies form conjunction, as under: 1) The Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and the Sun; 2) The Luminaries, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
9. The native will be initiated into a religious vow, if 1) the Luminaries, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, or 2) The Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun, or 3) Mars, the Luminaries, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, join together at birth.
10. A famous sage is indicated by the combination of 1) the Luminaries, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus, or 2) Venus, the Luminaries, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury.
11. Note the conjunction of the following planets: 1) Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Sun. 2) Venus, the Luminaries, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. It indicates an ascetic.
12. If conjunction is found among the planetary group, viz. 1) the Luminaries, Jupiter and Saturn; 2) Saturn, the Luminaries and Venus; 3) Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, the native will become an ascetic living on roots and fruits.
13. The native will become an ascetic with bark garments, if Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Venus are found together at birth. The same effect follows the conjunction of Mars, the Moon, Jupiter and Mercury.
14. A patient ascetic (awaiting the blessing of the Supreme) is indicated by either the combination of the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Saturn, or of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
15. A sage living only by eating fruits is denoted by the combination of the Luminaries, Venus and Mercury; or Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn; or Saturn, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus.
16. An ascetic, who will be highly honourable, living in forests, is denoted by each of the under mentioned planetary conjunctions: 1) The Sun, Mars, the Moon and Venus, 2) the Luminaries, Mars and Mercury, 3) Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Sun, 4) Venus, Jupiter, the Moon and Mars.
17. Find the planets together in individual groups, as under 1) Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, 2) the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus, 3) The Luminaries, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. The result is, that the ascetic will be sorrowful (Unsuccessful mendicant).
18. Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury with strength, or Saturn, the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and Mars with strength in conjunction produce one with clotted hair and bark-garments.
19. The Luminaries, Mercury, Mars and Venus, or the Luminaries, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, if be together, the native certainly will become an ascetic.
20. If the Sun denotes asceticism (i.e. being the strongest in the Yoga), there will only be faith in the religious order, while competence (to fulfill the order) will lack. If the planet, contributing to such order is overpowered by another planet (i.e. in eclipse, planetary war etc.) the native will give up the order after being initiated into it. Should many planets denote such an order, there may be many kinds of religious orders, but these will depend on the order of the planet.
21. If the planet indicating asceticism is combust in the Sun, or is aspected by another heavenly body, the native will only have an earnest desire to be initiated into the religious order, but will not attain fruition of his aim. So say Yavanas.
22. The native will attain religious order, if the Moon, posited in a decanate of Saturn, is aspected by Mars and Saturn. The same effect is produced, if the Moon occupies the Navāńśa of Aries/Scorpio in aspect to Saturn.
23. If the Lord of the Moon Sign receives the sole aspect of Saturn (i.e. unaspected by others than Saturn), one will enter religious order. Even in this context, the earlier Yogas, if present will only prevail.
24. If the Lord of the Moon Sign, bright with rays, lends his aspect to Saturn, while Saturn is in an Angle, the native will lose his fortunes only to enter into a religious order.
25. If one among the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be devoid of strength and occupy the Ascendant, or the 10th, or the 12th in aspect to strong Saturn, the native will become distressed ascetic.
26. Should the Moon with strength be in the 10th, falling in a benefic’s Navāńśa, while others occupy their exaltation marks and all being in aspect to strong Saturn, the native will become the Lord of the earth to only become an ascetic.
27. If waxing Moon, with superior strength, aspects the Ascendant Lord, the latter being bereft of strength and being alone (in that Rāśi), the native will be devoid of wealth and own men, be miserable, sorrowful, will take to asceticism and will obtain his food with great inconvenience.
28. One will become a religious mendicant, if Saturn occupying a benefic’s Navāńśa aspects others including the Moon. The Moon in this case should only be in Aquarius Navāńśa.
29. If the Lord of the Moon Sign aspects all the other planets, while these are all together in one Rāśi, the native will become an ascetic.
30. The Sun rules the ascetics of the following orders: Those, who worship the Fire God in forests, or on river banks, those, who worship (the omnipotent) Sun-God, Elephant-faced Ganesa and His benevolent mother Parvati, those, who recite the hymns of Gayatri (which are very sacred), those, who are vowed to bathe in the sacred Ganges everyday and those, who maintain (absolute) celibacy.
31. The religious order belonging to the Moon attracts the following various persons: Those disciples, who smear their bodies with sacred ashes, those, who worship the Feet of Lord Shiva, those, who are abandoned by the society, those, who are devoted to Bhagavati, those, who give up company of others, those, who take to Soma Siddhanta and those, who carry bowls in their hands (for begging alms).
32. The Buddhist monks, the tonsured, those, who wear white apparels, those, who beg wearing good robes, those, who wear blood-red clothes and those, that have conquered their five senses-all these mendicants are ruled by Mars.
33. Mercury denotes an alm-seeker, a conjurer, a snake poison curer and one, who eats the flesh of a peacock.
34. The ascetics ruled by Jupiter are: those, who hold a single scepter (or mace), those, who hold three scepters, those, who wear red coloured apparels, those, who are in the third stage of their religious life, those, who pull on their lives with fruits and water (alone), those, who still are attached to family ties, those, who maintain celibacy and those, who take to visiting shrines etc.
35. Venus rules the mendicants of Saivite and Vaish-navite sects.
36. Religious hypocrites, bare mendicants and the ascetics, who sit under shadowy trees in forests are ruled by Saturn.
37. Should Raja Yogas be simultaneously present along with the above ascetic Yogas, all the evil results are nullified and the native will become very virtuous, will be adorned by all the kings. himself becoming a king and will take to religious order.
Thus ends the 20th Ch., entitled ‘Combinations for Renunciation’ in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.
Ch. 21. Nabhasa Yogas
1. NABHASA YOGAS. Yavanas have explained 1800 kinds of Nabhasa Yogas, out of which I detail below 32.
2-4. KINDS OF NABHASA YOGA. The following are the 32 Nabhasa Yogas Nau, Chatra, Koota, Chaapa, Sringataka, Vajra, Damini, Pasa, Veena, Kamala, Musala, Vapi, Hala, Sara, Samudra, Chakra, Maala. Sarpa, Ardha Chandra, Yava, Kedara, Gada, Pakshi, Yupa, Yuga, Sakata, Soola, Danda, Rajju, Sakthi, Nala and Gola. The Asraya Yogas, viz. Musala, Rajju and Nala are dealt with by Acharya Manitha.
5-6. Gola, Yuga, Soola, Pasa, Veena (Vallaki), Kedara and Damini arc the seven Sankhya Yogas. The two Dala Yogas viz. Sarpa (Bhujanga) and Mala are explained by Parasara Maharishi. Savitracharya dealt with remaining 20 Yogas.
7. One born with an Asraya will obtain the good effects, viz., happiness, advantages and qualities, provided there is no other kind of (Nabhasa) Yoga present in the horoscope. If other (Nabhasa) Yoga is present in addition to an Asraya Yoga, then the effects of Asraya Yoga do not come to pass, but the other (Nabhasa) Yoga prevails.
8-10. EFFECT OF AKRITI, SANKHYA AND DALA YOGAS. One born in Akriti Yoga will be satisfied with his own fortunes, will earn through a king, be dear to king and be famous. Should there be a Sankhya Yoga, the native will be happy only with others’ wealth, will live only through others help and be always not peaceful. A native with Dala Yoga will sometimes enjoy his own fortune, yet sometimes that of others, will pick up the fruits thrown on the ground by others, be sometimes happy and sometimes sorrowful.
11. NAUKA, KOOTA, CHATRA AND CHAPA YOGAS. If the seven planets occupy continuous Houses starting from the Ascendant and the other three Angles, Yogas called Nauka, Koota, Chatra and Chapa are, respectively, formed.
12. YUPA, SARA, SAKTHI AND DANDA YOGAS. If the seven planets occupy for continuous Houses counted from the Ascendant and its Angles, the resultant Yogas are known, as Yupa, Sara (or Ishu-arrow), Sakthi and Danda, respectively.
13. ARDHA CHANDRA AND GADA YOGAS. If the seven planets occupy continuously seven Houses commencing from a House, which is not angular to the Ascendant, the Yoga produced is known, as Ardha Chandra (Ardha Sasi) Yoga. Gada Yoga forms, when all the seven planets occupy two successive Angles from the Ascendant.
14. VAJRA, YAVA, PADMA AND VAPI YOGAS. If benefics occupy the Lagna and 7th, while malefics are in the 4th and 10th Vajra Yoga is formed. Conversely, if malefics are in the Lagna and 7th, while 4th and 10th are occupied by benefics, Yava Yoga is produced. If all the planets are disposed in four kendras, Padma (Kamala) Yoga is formed. Should the seven planets be relegated either to Apoklima Houses (3, 6, 9 and 12th), or to Panapharas (2, 5, 8 and 11 Houses), Vapi Yoga is formed.
15. SAKATA, VIHAGA, HALA AND SRINGATAKA YOGAS. If all planets occupy only the Ascendant and the 7th House, Sakata Yoga is formed. Similar participation of all the planets in the 4th and 10th Houses constitutes Vihaga (Pakshi) Yoga. Should all the planets be in mutual Trines, avoiding the Ascendant, Hala Yoga is formed. All planets relegated only to the Ascendant and its Trines give rise to Sringataka Yoga.
16. CHAKRA AND SAMUDRA YOGAS. Should all the planets occupy alternative Rāśis commencing from the Lagna, Chakra Yoga is formed. If these occupy alternative Rāśis from the 2nd onwards, Samudra Yoga is formed.
17. Thus, I have explained the twenty different Akriti Yogas. Now, I explain the Asraya Yogas, as per the schools of thought of senior Garga etc.
18. ASRAYA AND DALA YOGAS. Should all the planets be in Dual Rāśis, Nala Yoga is formed. Similarly, if these are in Fixed Rāśis, Musala Yoga takes place and in Movable Rāśis Rajju Yoga is formed. All Angles occupied exclusively by benefics cause Maala Yoga, while malefics in all Angles produce Sarpa Yoga. These two are Dala Yogas.
19. SANKHYA YOGAS. If all the seven planets occupy one Rāśi, Gola Yoga is formed. Similarly in 2 Rāśis-Yuga Yoga, In 3 Rāśis-Sula Yoga, in 4 Rāśis-Kedara Yoga, in 5 Rāśis-Pasa Yoga, in 6 Rāśis-Damini and in 7 Rāśis-Veena (Vallaki) Yoga.
20-21. EFFECTS OF NABHASA YOGAS. NAU YOGA. The native’s livelihood will be through water; he will have many gains, will be very famous, be pleased, mean, strong and stingy. This and other Yogas are effective at all times independant of Dasas.
22. KOOTA YOGA. The native with Koota Yoga will be a liar, be crafty, be a jailer, be poor, wicked, cruel and will always live in hills and fortresses.
23. CHHATRA YOGA. The native with Chhatra Yoga will help his own men, be kind, liberal, dear to king, very intelligent and will enjoy happiness in boyhood and at the end.
24. CHAPA YOGA. (KARMUKA YOGA). The native with Chapa Yoga will be a liar, jailer, thief and will live in forests. He will not have wealth in the middle of his life.
25. ARDHA CHANDRA YOGA. One born with Ardha Chandra Yoga will be fortunate, be an Army chief, be brilliant bodied, dear to king and strong. He will possess gems, gold and ornaments.
26. VAJRA YOGA. One born with Vajra Yoga will be happy at the beginning and end of his life, bold, beautiful, free from sickness, unfortunate and be inimical to his own people.
27. YAVA YOGA One born with Yava Yoga will observe fasts and other religious rules, be intent on doing auspicious acts, be happy in the middle of life, be liberal and will have lasting wealth.
28. KAMALA YOGA. One born with Kamala Yoga will be highly famous, very virtuous, assuredly long living, very rich, very bright in appearance and will be the Lord of the earth.
29. VAPI YOGA. One born with Vapi Yoga will be skillful in amassing wealth, will enjoy lasting riches and happiness, be beautiful and will be endowed with happiness from sons.
30. SAKATA YOGA. One born with Sakata Yoga will be troubled by diseases, will have a bad wife, will be a dunce, will live by pulling carts, will be poor and be without relatives and friends.
31. VIHAGA YOGA. (PAKSHI YOGA). The native with this Yoga will be intent on wandering, will have mean habits, will be a messenger, will live through sexual dealings, shameless and fond of quarrels.
32. GADA YOGA. One born with this Yoga, will always care for honour and money, will perform yagnas etc., will be expert in Sastras and music and will be endowed with money, gold, jewels and wealth.
33. SRINGATAKA YOGA. One born with this Yoga will be fond of quarrels, be a warrior, be happy, dear to king, will have a fortunate wife, be rich and will hate the fair sex.
34. HALA YOGA. The native of this Yoga will eat in plenty, will be indigent, will have agricultural profession, will be subjected to grief, be emotional, be forsaken by relatives and friends and will be a servant.
35. CHAKRA YOGA. One born in this Yoga will be a king at whose feet will be the heads of the other prostrating kings adoring diamond-studded crowns. (That is, the subordinate kings, wearing diamond-studded crowns will honour a Chakra Yoga native, who will be the chief of such kings)
36. SAMUDRA YOGA. Should a person be born under this Yoga, he will have abundant wealth and precious stones, will be a king, be endowed with pleasures, be dear to people, will have steady mind and be truthful in disposition (“Sattvavanta”).
37. YUPA YOGA. The native with this Yoga will have self-protection, be charitable, be endowed with riches and happiness and will observe religious fastings and vows. He will be a distinguished person.
38. SARA YOGA. The native with sara Yoga will manufacture arrows (arms etc. in modern context), will catch hold of thieves (for example, be a police officer), will live in forests to hunt animals, will be equal to a mad person, will torture and be fond of mean handiworks.
39. SAKTI YOGA. One born with this Yoga will be devoid of wealth, deformed, subjected to grief, mean, lazy short-lived, expert in war and be beautiful.
40. DANDA YOGA. The native with this Yoga will lose his wife and sons, will be poor, discarded by all people, be out of the men of his circle, be grieved, mean and will be servant.
41. MAALA YOGA. One born with maala Yoga will always be happy, be endowed with conveyances, robes, wealth and pleasures, splendourous and will have plurality of wives.
42. SARPA YOGA. The native born under this Yoga will be crooked in disposition, pitiless, always be a subject of grief, poor and will live in other’s House and eat their food.
43. RAJJU YOGA. The subject with this Yoga will be fond of wandering, attractive in appearance, will earn money in foreign countries, be cruel and mischievously disposed.
44. MUSALA YOGA. One born under this Yoga will be endowed with honour, wealth and wisdom, be attached to his duty, be liked by king, be famous. steady-minded and bold.
45. NALA YOGA. One born with nala Yoga will have uneven physique (i.e. some limbs long and some short), will gather money, be skillful, be helpful to his relatives and be attractive in appearance.
46. GOLA YOGA. One born in this Yoga will be indigent, indolent, devoid of learning and honour, dirty and always grieved.
47. YUGA YOGA. One born with this Yoga will be a religious hypocrite, be bereft of wealth, forsaken by people and devoid of sons, honour and virtues.
48. SULA YOGA. The native with sula Yoga will be harsh, indolent, poor, torturous, become a prohibited person, bold, successful in war and fearful.
49. KEDARA YOGA. One born under this Yoga will be useful to many, will have agricultural profession, be truthfully disposed, fickle minded and wealthy.
50. PASA YOGA. One born with pasa Yoga will be bonded, be attached to work, worldly in disposition, will talk too much, will not have good qualities and will have many servants.
51. DAMINI YOGA. One born with this Yoga will be helpful, will have cattle, be Lord of money, be foolish, will have many sons and jewels, be bold and learned.
52. VEENA YOGA. One born with this combination will have friends, be eloquent, interested in Sastras, musical instruments and singing. He will be happy, will have many servants and be famous.
Thus ends the 21st Ch., entitled “Nabhasa Yogas” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.
Ch. 22. Effects of the Sun
1. The effects of the planets and the zodiacal Signs accrue to all and at all times. I now attempt to explain these according to the teachings of the rest of the preceptors.
2-3. THE SUN IN ARIES. One, who has the Sun in Aries will comment on the meanings of Shastras, be famous in arts, fond of war, fierce, attached to his duty, fond of roaming, will have strong bones, be good in deeds, will do valorous acts, will be subjected to bilious and bloody disorders, be splendourous and strong. The native will also become a king.
4-9. SUN IN A SIGN OF MARS IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars (i.e. either in Aries, or in Scorpio) and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be interested in giving away gifts, will have many servants, be charming, be dear to fair sex and will have a soft physique.
Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and be aspected by Mars, the native will display his courage in battle, be cruel, will possess eyes, hands and legs of blood-red colour, be splendourous and strong.
Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and be aspected by Mercury, the subject will be a servant, will do others’ jobs, will not have much wealth, be devoid of strength, be subjected to much grief and will possess a dirty body.
Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and Jupiter aspects the said Sun, the native will have plenty of money, will donate, be a king’s minister, a judge and a supreme person.
If Venus aspects the Sun posited in a House of Mars, the native will be the husband of a bad woman, will have many enemies, but few relatives (or not well-placed relatives), be poor and will suffer from leprosy.
In case Saturn aspects the Sun in a Sign of Mars, the native will be subjected to grief on account of physical ailments, will have intense passion in his undertaking, be dull-witted and a dunce.
10-11. The position of the Sun in the Sign Taurus indicates, that the native will have troubles from disease of face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful (also means fortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will hate barren (or confined) women, be endowed with eatables, garlands, robes and scents, will have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from water.
12-17. SUN IN A SIGN OF VENUS IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. One, who has the Sun in a Rāśi of Venus aspected by the Moon will be addicted to prostitutes, will be soft spoken, will have many women, as dependents and will derive livelihood through water.
If Mars is aspecting the Sun in a Sign of Venus, the subject will be brave, fond of battle, bright in appearance, will earn wealth and fame out of his valor and will be deformed.
Should it be Mercury, that aspects the Sun in a Sign of Venus, one will be skillful in drawing, writing, poetry, authorship, singing etc. and will possess a good physique.
If Jupiter should lend his aspect to the Sun in Libra, or Taurus, the subject will have many foes and friends, be a king’s minister, will have beautiful eyes, be splendourous and will be a pleased ruler.
When Venus aspects the Sun in Libra, or Taurus, one will be a king, or a king’s minister, be endowed with wife, wealth and pleasure galore, be wise and timid.
Saturn aspecting the Sun in fall, or in Taurus denotes, that the native will be mean, indolent, will cohabit with aged women, will be wicked and will be troubled by diseases.
18-19. One who has the Sun in Gemini will be a scholar, be sweet in speech, affectionate (particularly to one’s offspring), will have good conduct, be expert in profane knowledge and also in Śāstras, be exceedingly affluent, liberal, skillful, be an astrologer, be mediocre in appearance, will have two mothers, be fortunate and modest.
20-25. SUN IN GEMINI IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Sun be in Gemini, or Virgo be aspected by the Moon, the native will be put to troubles by enemies and relatives, will be distressed by visits to foreign countries. and will in general be wailing.
The Sun in a House of Mercury and in aspect to Mars denotes, that the subject will have fear from enemies, will be encountered by quarrels, will be grieved on account of loss in a war, be poor and bashful.
Should Mercury aspect the Sun posited in Gemini, or Virgo, the subject will have a history akin to that of a king, will be famous, be endowed with relatives, free from enemies, but will encounter eye diseases.
Jupiter aspecting the Sun in a Sign of Mercury foretells, that the native will have knowledge of many Shastras, be a king’s messenger (or representative), will go to foreign countries, be fierce and be always bewildered.
If Venus aspects the Sun, posited in Sign of Mercury, the native will be endowed with money, wife and sons, will make less friends, be free from sickness, be happy and fickle minded.
Should Saturn aspect the Sun in Gemini, or Virgo, the native will have many servants, be anxious (as for an absent lover), will maintain many relatives, will remain delighted and will be crafty.
26-27. The Sun in Cancer indicates, that the native will not be steady in mind in respect of his undertakings, will be famous by virtue of his royal qualities, will hate his own men, be unfortunate in respect of wife (have an ugly wife), will be good-looking himself, be troubled due to imbalances of phlegm and bile, be distressed on account of labour (hard work), will like intoxicants, follow virtuous principles, be honourable, will be eloquent, will be a geographer and a scientist in the matter of atmosphere/space, will be very steady and will hate people from paternal side.
28-33. ASPECTS TO SUN IN CANCER. If the Sun in Cancer is aspected by the Moon, the person will be a king, or equal to a king, will become rich by business through water and be cruel.
Should Mars throw his aspect on the Sun in Cancer, one will contract pulmonary consumption and fistula in the anus, or pudendum, be dejected on account of his relatives and be a slanderer.
If Mercury aspects the Sun in Cancer, the native will be famous for his learning and honour, be dear to the king, skillful and will destroy enemies.
Should Jupiter throw his aspect in Cancer occupied by the Sun, the native will be pre-eminent, a king, a minister, or an Army chief, be very famous and learned in arts.
If Venus aspects the Sun in Cancer, the native will subordinate his wife (or women), will have money through his wife, be helpful to others, fierce in battle and will speak sweetly.
Saturn’s aspect on the Sun in Cancer, denotes, that the person will suffer from phlegmatic and windy disorders, be wicked and be a tale-bearer.
34-35. If the Sun occupies Leo, the native will destroy his enemies, be given to anger, will perform notable acts, will wander in forests, hills and fortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, will eat meat, flesh etc. and will be formidable. He will be restive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plentiful in wealth and famous.
36-41. ASPECTS TO THE SUN IN LEO. If the Sun occupying Leo is aspected by the Moon, the native will be a scholar, will have a good wife, will suffer from phlegmatic disorders and will be dear to king.
If Mars aspects the Sun in Leo, the native will be interested in others’ wives, be courageous, valorous, revolutionary, formidable and chief.
If Mercury aspects the Sun in Leo, the person will be a scholar, a writer (or an exponent), a gambler, be wandering-natured, mean and be endowed with great strength.
If the Sun in Leo is aspected by Jupiter, the person will construct temples, gardens and tanks; will have predominant strength, will like loneliness and be highly intelligent.
Venus aspecting the Sun in Leo will make one earn bad name, infamous. Such a person will be troubled by leprosy, be unkind and shameless.
Should Saturn aspect the Sun in Leo, the person will be skillful in creating obstacles, will be a eunuch and will cause grief to others.
42-43. Should the Sun be in Virgo at birth, the person will possess a physique akin to that of a female, be a scholar, be weak, be an expert writer, be learned and will render service to Gods and elders. He will be expert in repairs of driven vehicles, will be skillful in Vedas, songs and playing instruments and will speak softly and kindly.
44-45. If the Sun is in Libra at birth, the native will face frustration, destruction and heavy expenditure, will be intent on living in foreign places (out of distress), be wicked, mean, be devoid of affection, will live by selling gold and other metals, be jealous, fond of doing others’ jobs, will co-habit with others’ wives, be dirty, will incur royal contempt and be shameless.
46-47. The native with the Sun in Scorpio will have an incombatible lust for war, be away from Vedic (religious) path, be a liar, a dunce, will have a base, wicked wife (can also mean loss of wife), be cruel and be attached to mean women. He will be irascible, will follow bad course, be a miser, be fond of promoting quarrels, be troubled by weapons, fire and poison and be unfortunate in respect of parents.
48-49. If the Sun at birth is in Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king, learned, will respect Gods and Brahmins, be skillful in rendering training in use of weapons and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to deal with, be honourable, be always peaceful, be rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to relatives and be energetic.
50-55. SUN IN SAGITTARIUS/PISCES AND ASPECTED BY OTHERS. Should the Sun at birth be in a Rāśi of Jupiter and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be endowed with eloquent speech, wisdom, wealth and sons. He will be equal to a king and be devoid of misery. He will also possess a pleasing body.
Should Mars lend aspect to the Sun in a Rāśi of Jupiter, the subject will earn fame through battle, be endowed with clarity of speech, money and happiness and be short-tempered.
Mercury aspecting the said Sun denotes, that the native will possess sweet speech and will have knowledge of writing, literature, arts, assembly, Journey and minerals.
If Jupiter aspects the Sun in Pisces/Sagittarius, the person will move in royal palaces, or be a king himself, will possess elephants, horses and wealth and be ever after learning.
Should Venus aspect the Sun in Jupiter’s House, one will enjoy women of superior class, be endowed with scents and garlands and be peaceful.
If Saturn aspects the Sun in Pisces, or Sagittarius, the native will be unclean, will eat other’s food, will join bad men and will breed animals.
56-57. One who has the Sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in bad women, be greedy, will advance with mean jobs, be endowed with various deeds, be timid, devoid of relatives, fickle-minded, fond of wandering, weak, will lose everything due to conflicts with his relatives and will be a voracious eater.
58-63. SUN IN CAPRICORN/AQUARIUS, ASPECTED BY OTHERS. If the Moon aspects the Sun in a Rāśi of Saturn, the native will be highly cunning in disposition and will lose his wealth and happiness on account of his befriending females.
Mars aspecting the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius denotes, that the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies, will be wounded by weapons on account of quarreling with others and be deformed.
If Mercury aspects the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius, the person will be brave, will have a eunuch’s nature, will steal other’s wealth and will have all limbs devoid of strength.
Should Jupiter aspect the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius, one will undertake to do auspicious deeds, be wise, will patronize all, widely famous and intelligent.
If Venus aspects the Sun in a Rāśi of Saturn, the native will deal with conch, coral and ruby, will derive abundant wealth through prostitutes and females and be happy.
If Saturn aspects the Sun posited in Capricorn, or Aquarius, the person will destroy his enemies and will prosper due to royal honours.
64-65. SUN IN AQUARIUS. If the Sun is in Aquarius at birth, one will suffer from heart diseases, will have enormous strength (courage), be very short-tempered, be fortunate through other housewives, be hated by the learned, be firm in his activities, be miserable, will have little wealth, be fraudulent, be not firm in friendship, will have dirty body and be a miser.
66-67. If the Sun is in Pisces at birth, one will be friendly, will have tendency to amass, be fond of women and happy, be learned, will destroy many enemies and be wealthy and rich. He will be endowed with wife, good sons and servants, will have wealth on account of transactions via sea/river, be an eloquent speaker, but a liar, will suffer from diseases of the private parts and will have many a co-born.
Thus ends the 22nd Ch. entitled Effects of the Sun in Various Rāśis in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali
Ch. 23. Effects of Moon in Various Rāśis
1. THE MOON IN ARIES. Should the Moon be in Aries, the native will have a golden coloured body, will be endowed with lasting wealth, be devoid of co-born, be valorous, self-respected, auspicious, prosperous, libidinous, will have weak legs, ugly nails and little hair, be fickle-minded, will consider honour, as wealth, will possess hands and legs, like the lotus, (i.e. these will be lotus-red), will have more sons, round eyes, be friendly, be afraid of getting into watery places, like river, well etc.), will have wounds on the head and be won over by females.
2-7. THE MOON IN ARIES IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in Aries at birth and be in aspect to the Sun, the native will be quite irascible, be honoured by the king, be soft, be valorous and fond of war.
If the Moon in Aries is aspected by Mars, the person will suffer from diseases of eyes and teeth, will have wounds caused by arrows (or horse/cow etc.) and will suffer windy diseases and urinary disorders.
Should Mercury aspect the Moon in Aries, the native will teach various disciplines, will possess good speech, will achieve his desires, be a great poet and be widely famous.
If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Aries, the person will be endowed with servants and abundant riches and be a king, or a kings minister.
Venus aspecting the Moon in Aries denotes, that the subject will be lucky, be endowed with sons and wealth, will own (i.e. marry) a supreme lady and costly ornaments and will not eat much.
The Moon in Aries aspected by Saturn indicates, that the native will be jealous, miserable to a great extent, be very poor, dirty and untruthful.
8. If the Moon be in Taurus at birth, the native will be large-hearted, highly charitable, short-haired, libidinous, famous, brilliant, will have (more) daughters, will possess eyes resembling that of a bull, be in a position to differentiate between good and bad, be happy during middle and concluding parts of his life, will have strong waist, feet, shoulders, face etc., will have (some) identity on the side and back of the body, will walk beautifully and be endowed with forbearance.
9-14. Should the Moon be in Taurus and be in aspect to the Sun, the native will be a farmer, be very industrious, be very rich with servants and quadrupeds and will lend money on usury.
If Mars aspects the Moon in Taurus, the subject will be highly libidinous, will lose his wife and friends on account of another lady, will steal the heart of the fair sex and will prove adverse for the mother.
Should the said Moon be in aspect to Mercury, the native will be highly learned, will know the code of speech, be of pleasing disposition, be dear to everyone and will uncomparably be of good qualities.
If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Taurus, the native will have long living wife and children and lasting wealth, be respectfully disposed to his parents, be virtuous and very famous.
Should Venus aspect the Moon in Taurus, one will be endowed with ornaments, conveyances and houses and will possess comforts of sleeping and sitting, scents, robes, garlands etc.
If it is Saturn, that aspects the Moon in Taurus, one will be devoid of wealth, be inauspicious for mother and wife and will be endowed with sons, friends and relatives.
15. Should the Moon be in the first half of Taurus, the mother of the native is not long-lived. Similarly the father is short-lived, if the Moon occupies the second half of Taurus.
16. If the Moon is in Gemini at birth, one will have prominent nose and dark eyes, will be skillful in the art of love, poetry etc., will enjoy sexual pleasures, will have lines of fish in the palm, will be fond of worldly enjoyments, will be sinewy, be very intelligent, splendourous, be endowed with happiness, jocular disposition and eloquent speech, be won over by the females, will have a long body, will befriend neuters and will have two mothers.
17-22. If the Moon is in Gemini at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be quite learned, be splendourous, very beautiful, be charitable, be very miserable and be not rich.
If Mars lends aspect to the Moon in Gemini, the person will be very valorous, very learned, be endowed with happiness, conveyances, wealth and beauty. This is certain.
The Moon in Gemini aspected by Mercury makes one skillful in producing money, always successful and inviolable king.
If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Gemini, one will be a teacher of Shastras, be famous, truthful, very beautiful, honourable and be an eloquent speaker.
If Venus aspects the Moon in Gemini, the person will be endowed with the company of supreme females, garlands, robes, conveyances, ornaments and jewels and will be sportive.
Should Saturn aspect the Moon in Gemini, the subject will be devoid of relatives, wife, happiness and wealth and will be inimical to the public.
23. If the Moon is in Cancer at birth, the native will be fortunate, valorous, be endowed with residence, friends, journeys and astrological knowledge, be sensuous, grateful, be a minister, be truthful, will live abroad, be passionate, hairy-bodied, fond of water and flowers, interested in construction of houses, wells etc. and will have a prominent neck.
24-29. THE MOON IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Moon be in her House at birth and be aspected by the Sun, the native will be in the employ of king, be not rich, be a letter-bearer and will protect forts (i.e. will be a security officer in royal service).
If the Moon in Cancer is aspected by Mars, the subject will be valorous, be deformed, will prove ominous to his mother and be skillful in his jobs.
Should Mercury lend his aspect to the Moon in Cancer, he will be spirited in disposition, be endowed with political wisdom, wealth, wife and sons, will be a kings minister and be happy.
Jupiter aspecting the Moon in her own House indicates, that the person will be a king, be endowed with royal qualities, be happy, will have a good wife, will behave well, be modest and valorous.
If Venus aspects the Moon in Cancer, the subject will be endowed with money, gold, wife, robes and jewels, be head of prostitutes and be splendourous.
Should Saturn aspect the Cancer-posited Moon, he will be of wandering disposition, be miserable, very poor, be a liar, a sinner and be mean.
30. If the Moon is in Leo, one will have sturdy bones, sparse hair, wide face, small and yellowish eyes, will hate women, will suffer from hunger and thirst, will incur stomach disorders and tooth-decay, will eat flesh, be charitable, harsh, will have few sons, will seek sexual union in forests and hills, be respectfully disposed to his mother, will have broad chest, be valorous, dutiful and will have majestic looks.
31-36. Should the Moon be in Leo in aspect to the Sun, the native will be equal to a king, will have excellent qualities and majestic voice, will be valorous, be fond of intoxicants and be widely famous.
If Mars aspects the Moon in Leo he will be an Army chief, will have excellent wife, sons, wealth and conveyances and be superior among people.
Should Mercury aspect the Moon in Leo one will be endowed with the characteristics of a female and also the grace akin to that of a female, will be in the custody of females, will serve females and will enjoy money, happiness and pleasures.
If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Leo, one will be excellent among his caste-men, be wide-famed, highly virtuous and will equal a king.
Should Venus aspect the Moon in Leo, one will possess a wife, wealth and high knowledge, be sickly disposed, will be a female’s servant and be skillful in sexual union.
If the Moon in Leo is aspected by Saturn, the person will be an agriculturist, be not wealthy, be a liar, will protect forts, be devoid of happiness from wife and be mean.
37. If the Moon occupies Virgo at birth, one will be addicted to women, will have long hands, attractive body and face, beautiful teeth, eyes and ears, be learned, be a religious preceptor (teaching Vedas etc.), be an eloquent speaker, be truthful and pure, valorous, be kind to living beings, be interested in others’ affairs, be of forgiving disposition, be fortunate, will have more daughters, but not many sons.
38-43. If the Moon occupies Virgo at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be in charge of royal wealth, be famous, will keep up his word and perform distinguished acts.
If Mars aspects the Moon posited in Virgo, the subject will be skillful in mechanical, or fine arts (of 64 kinds), be famous, affluent, disciplined, courageous and will be inauspicious for mother.
Should it be Mercury, that lends aspect to the Moon in Virgo, the native will be expert in astrology and literature, be successful in disputes/quarrels and be highly skillful to a surprising extent.
Jupiter aspecting the Moon in Virgo indicates, that the native will be supreme among his relatives, be happy, will carry out royal duties, will keep up his word and will be endowed with wealth.
If Venus aspects the Moon in Virgo, the person will have many wives, be endowed with many kinds of makeups, pleasures and wealth and will always be blessed with fortunes.
The Moon in Virgo aspected by Saturn indicates, that the native will not have firm memory, will suffer from poverty, will not have happiness, will be bereft of mother, will be at the disposal of women (or be controlled by them) and will derive wealth through females.
44. If the Moon is posited in Libra at birth, the native will have elevated nose, broad eyes, will have weak (not prominent) face and emaciated body, will have many wives, many bulls (cattle) and abundant landed property, be valorous, will have testicles resembling that of an ox, be skillful in work, will honour Gods and the wise, be endowed with various kinds of wealth, will be conquered by females, will have an emaciated body (this is a repetition), will donate corns, will not be firm in disposition and will be helpful to his relatives.
45-50. MOON IN LIBRA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in Libra and is aspected by the Sun, the person will be bereft of wealth, be diseased, will wander here and there, be insulted, be bereft of enjoyment, sons and strength.
If Mars aspects the Moon in Libra, the person will be sharp, be a thief, be mean, adulterous, will enjoy scents and garlands, be wise and will suffer from eye diseases.
If Mercury aspects the Moon in Libra, the subject will be skillful in arts, will have abundant riches and grains, will be an auspicious speaker, be highly learned and be famous in his country.
Should Jupiter aspect the Moon in Libra, the person will be always worshipped and be skillful in sales and purchases of gems etc.
If Venus lends his aspect to the Moon in Libra, one will be beautiful, be free from sickness, fortunate, strong bodied, be learned and will have knowledge of many means.
Should Saturn aspect the Moon in Libra, the native will be very affluent, be sweet in speech, be endowed with conveyances, be very much interested in sexual affairs, be devoid of happiness and be favourable to his mother.
51. Should the Moon be in Scorpio at birth, one will be a miser, will have round (well grown) thighs, coarse physique and nose, will be cruel in acts, be a thief, be sick in childhood, will have spoiled chin and nails, but beautiful eyes, will be plentiful, industrious, skillful, fond of others’ housewives, devoid of relatives, insane (or infatuated with passion), valorous, will lose wealth due to royal wrath and will have a big abdomen and a big head.
52-57. MOON IN SCORPIO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon at birth is in Scorpio and aspected by the Sun, the native will hate people (i.e. will not be friendly with others), be learned, wandering nature and rich, but be not happy.
Should Mars aspect the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have incomparable courage, be equal to a king, be endowed with wealth, be valorous, unconquerable in battle and be a voracious eater.
If Mercury aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the person will not be skillful, be hard in speech, will obtain twins, be tricky, will produce fictitious things and be an expert singer.
If Jupiter lends aspect to the Moon in Scorpio, the native will be interested in performing his duties, will be biased towards people, be wealthy and be beautiful.
If Venus aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the native will be highly intelligent, be fortunate, be endowed with riches, conveyances and beauty and will lose strength on account of women.
If Saturn aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have base sons, be a talebearer, be sick, poor and untruthful.
58. If the Moon is in Sagittarius at birth, the native will be dwarfish, will have round eyes, big heart, waist and hands, be a good speaker, will have prominent shoulders and neck, will live near watery zone, will have knowledge of arts and secret affairs, be courageous, will possess strong bones, be very strong, will have strong neck and lips, be attached to his relatives, be grateful and distinguished. His legs will not be wider, when in position.
59-64. If the Moon in Sagittarius is aspected by the Sun, the person will be a king, be affluent, valorous, famous and will have incomparable happiness and conveyances.
Should Mars aspect the Moon in Sagittarius, the person will be an Army chief, will be very rich, fortunate, famous for his valor and will have a large working force.
If the Moon in Sagittarius is aspected by Mercury, one will have many servants, will be an expert astrologer and artist and be a skillful dancer.
If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Sagittarius, one will possess very attractive physique, be a king’s minister and will be endowed with wealth, virtues and happiness.
Should Venus aspect the Moon in Sagittarius, the native will be happy, beautiful and fortunate, be endowed with sons, wealth and sexual desires and will have good friends and wife.
If Saturn aspects the Moon in Sagittarius, the person will be sweet in speech, will speak good words, will have wide knowledge of Shastras, be truthful, soft and be a kings man.
65. MOON IN CAPRICORN. If the Moon at birth be in Capricorn, the native will be a singer, will be averse to cold articles (or season), will have stout body, will be fond of truth and charity, be distinguished, famous, less irascible, be libidinous, unkind and shameless; will possess beautiful eyes and emaciated body, will violate teacher’s bed, be a poet, will have round thighs, be not very enthusiastic, be very miserly and will have long neck and ears.
66-71. MOON IN CAPRICORN IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Moon in Capricorn be aspected by the Sun at birth, one will be penniless, miserable, wandering-nature, interested in others’ work, dirty and clever.
If Mars aspects the Moon in Capricorn, one will enjoy abundant riches, be highly liberal, be fortunate, wealthy, will have conveyances and be brave.
If Mercury aspects the Moon in Capricorn, one will be dunce, be interested in living in other places, be bereft of wife, be fickle minded and be devoid of happiness and money.
Should Jupiter aspect the Moon in Capricorn at birth, the native will be a king, be incomparably brave, will have royal qualities and will possess many wives, children and friends.
If Venus aspects the Moon in Capricorn, one will join others’ wives, be endowed with wealth, ornaments, conveyances, garlands etc., be blameworthy and be issueless.
If Saturn aspects the Moon in Capricorn one will be indolent, dirty, be endowed with money, be troubled by sexual feelings, will join others’ housewives and be untruthful.
72. If the Moon is in Aquarius at birth, the person will have elevated nose, rough, or uneven body and stout hands and legs, will be addicted to intoxicants, will be averse to the virtuous, be not himself virtuous, will obtain illegal sons, will have stout head, ugly/diseased eyes, bright face and prominent waist, be an artisan, will have bad mentality, be miserable and will be very poor.
73-78. Should the Moon at birth be in Aquarius and be aspected by the Sun, one will be very dirty in disposition, be valorous, will be like a king in guise, be virtuous and be an agriculturist.
If Mars aspects the Moon in Aquarius, one will be quite truthful, will not inherit money from mother and elders, be indolent and mysterious and interested in others’ work.
If Mercury aspects the Moon in Aquarius, the native will be skillful in treating others well, while hosting them, will be proficient in music, will be liked by the fair sex and will possess less money and less happiness.
Should Jupiter aspect the Moon in Aquarius, the native will own villages, agriculture lands and trees, be endowed with superior castles and superior ladies and will be devoted to (sensual) enjoyment (Bhogi also means rich person, or a king)
If Venus aspects the Moon in Aquarius, the person will be base, issueless, friendless, timid, be censured by preceptors, be sinful, will have a bad wife and will be least happy.
Should the Moon in Aquarius have Saturn’s aspect, the native will have (prominent) nails and hair, be dirty, will seek union with other women, be a dunce, be irreligious and be rich possessing many immovables.
79. MOON IN PISCES. If the Moon is in Pisces, the native will be expert in fine arts, be capable of winning even unfavourable people, be learned in Shastras, beautiful bodied, proficient in music, very religious, will cohabit with many women, be a polite speaker, will serve the king, be somewhat irascible, will have a big head, be endowed with happiness and wealth, will be won over by the fair sex, be virtuous, be interested in sailing and be liberal.
80-85. MOON IN PISCES IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon posited in Pisces is aspected by the Sun, the native will be highly libidinous, be happy, be an Army chief, be very affluent and will have delighted wife.
If Mars aspects the Moon in Pisces, the person will be insulted, be devoid of happiness, is an unchaste woman’s son, will be interested in sins and will be valorous.
He will be a king, if the Moon in Pisces is aspected by Mercury; will be highly intelligent, be happy and will be surrounded by supreme females and be controlled by them.
If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Pisces, he will be beautiful, fierce, head of a district, be very affluent, beautiful and will be surrounded by many women.
If Venus aspects the Moon in Pisces, he will be skillful in coition, interested in dance, instrumental music and songs and will steal the hearts of the fair sex.
Should Saturn aspect the Moon in Pisces, he will be deformed, be unfavourable to mother, be sexually distressed, be devoid of sons, wife and intelligence and will be attached to mean and ugly females.
88. SAID RESULTS TO MATURE. If the Lord of the Moon Sign, the Moon Sign itself and the Moon are all endowed with strength, the said effects (due to Moon’s position, as laid down in this Ch.) will fully come to pass. The effects will vary according to positions, like debilitation, exaltation etc. (of the dispositor and the aspecting planet).
Thus ends the 23rd Ch. in Saravali, entitled “Effects arising out of the Moon”.
Ch. 24. Effects of Moon in Various Navāńśas
1-3. MOON IN NAVĀŃŚA OF MARS ASPECTED BY OTHERS. If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mars aspected by Mars himself, one will win over his enemies and will be valorous.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mars aspected by Saturn, one will be very cunning, deceiving and trifling.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mars aspected by the Sun, one will be a thief, sometimes cruel and sometimes protecting and be courageous.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mars aspected by Jupiter, the person will be a king, be famous and honoured by the learned.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mars aspected by Venus, one will be a kings minister, be wealthy and be fond of women and cosmetics.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mars aspected by Mercury, one will be a fast speaker and be fickle-minded.
4-6. MOON IN NAVĀŃŚA OF VENUS IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in Taurus/Libra Navāńśa and is aspected by Venus, the person will be happy in regard to wife, robes, food and drinks.
If the Moon is in Taurus/Libra Navāńśa and is aspected by Mercury the person will have knowledge of playing musical instruments and be interested in dance and music.
If the Moon is in Taurus/Libra Navāńśa and is aspected by Jupiter, the person will be a great poet, be highly skillful in the branch of justice (or politics), be a king’s minister, will enjoy sight of others’ housewives, be libidinous and will have many a servant.
If the Moon is in Taurus/Libra Navāńśa and is aspected by the Sun, the person will be a great stupid, will possess a beautiful face and will always enjoy food and drinks.
If the Moon is in Taurus/Libra Navāńśa and is aspected by Saturn, the person will resemble a carpenter in disposition (i.e. he will be a carpenter by profession).
7-9. MOON IN MERCURY’S NAVĀŃŚA AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mercury, (i.e. Gemini/Virgo Navāńśa) and is aspected by Mercury, the native will be skillful in mechanical, or fine arts (of 64 kinds) and be a poet.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mercury and is aspected by Venus, he will have a broad physique, be an expert musician and will have rich knowledge of sacred passages (& C Shastra vachnam, Sruti vachanam and Samriti Vachanam).
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mercury and is aspected by Jupiter, he will be a king’s minister, be a repository of good qualities, be famous and splendourous.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mercury and is aspected by Mars, he will be a notorious thief, be skillful in arguments and be fierce.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mercury and is aspected by Saturn, he will be skillful in Shastras and poetry, be learned in arts and be intelligent.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Mercury and is aspected by the Sun, he will be successful in war and be famous.
10-12. MOON IN CANCER NAVĀŃŚA AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in her Navāńśa at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the subject will have an emaciated body, but be free from diseases.
If the Moon is in Cancer and is aspected by Mars, the person will be skillful in stealing others’ money and be a miser.
If the Moon is in Cancer and is aspected by Saturn, the person will indulge in prohibited acts and will incur grief due to imprisonment, litigations and destruction.
If the Moon is in Cancer and is aspected by Venus, the person will be inimical to the fair sex and will resemble a eunuch.
If the Moon is in Cancer and is aspected by Jupiter, the person will be a king’s minister, or be a king himself.
If the Moon is in Cancer and is aspected by Mercury, the person will be not virtuous, will sleep much and will wander at all times.
13-15. MOON IN LEO NAVĀŃŚA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in Leo Navāńśa at birth and is aspected by the Sun himself, the native will be short-tempered, famous and wealthy.
If the Moon is in Leo Navāńśa at birth and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be sinful, unkind and will kill living beings.
If the Moon is in Leo Navāńśa at birth and is aspected by Mars, the native will possess gold, wealth and fame, will be honoured by the king and be quite valorous.
If the Moon is in Leo Navāńśa at birth and is aspected by Jupiter the native will be either an Army chief, or a king.
If the Moon is in Leo Navāńśa at birth and is aspected by Venus, the native will (only) desire to have children and will have (only) dead children (i.e. will have no living children).
If the Moon is in Leo Navāńśa at birth and is aspected by Mercury, the native will be an astrologer, be fond of heroic history (such, as Mahabharata) and will be very affluent.
16-18. MOON IN JUPITERS NAVĀŃŚA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Jupiter, the native will be beautiful (or spotless), be liked by the king and be widely famous.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Venus, the native will be endowed with conjugal happiness.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Mercury, the native will be jocular, be dear to the king and be an Army chief.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Mars the native will be skillful in use of weapons and be very famous.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by the Sun the native will have many blemishes, be famous and be subjected to accidents/calamities.
If the Moon is in the Navāńśa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Saturn the native will be akin to old men, be neglected by mighty men and be base.
19-21. MOON IN SATURN’S NAVĀŃŚA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius Navāńśa and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be miserly, sickly and will have dead children.
If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius Navāńśa and is aspected by the Sun, the native will have a few children, be miserable with diseases and be ugly.
If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius Navāńśa and is aspected by Mars, the native will be equal to a king, be very rich, happy, but unfortunate in regard to wife.
If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius Navāńśa and is aspected by Venus, he will be of crooked disposition, be attached to women and be valorous.
If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius Navāńśa and is aspected by Mercury, the native will be interested in liquors and will have bad history.
If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius Navāńśa and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will be devoted to his own work and be great.
22-24. SCOPE OF EFFECTS. If the Moon is in Vargothama Navāńśa, own Navāńśa, or other’s Navāńśa, the effects will be full, medium and minor, respectively. This does not apply to evil effects, so to say these will be reverse. If the Navāńśa Lord is stronger than the Rāśi Lord, then only the effects due to Navāńśa Lord will come to pass, i.e., the Navāńśa effects due to the Moon will be felt, as against that of her Rāśi position. So say Vriddha Yavanas.
Thus ends the 24th Ch. in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali entitled ‘Effects arising out of Moon’s position in Various Navāńśas’.
Ch. 25. Effects of Mars in Various Rāśis
1-2. MARS IN ARIES. If Mars at birth occupies Aries, the native will be splendourous, truthful, valorous, be a king, be fond of war, interested in adventurous acts, be an Army chief, or head of a village, or a band; be delighted, charitable be endowed with a number of cows, goats etc. and grains, be fierce and will join many women.
3-4. If Mars is in Taurus in a nativity, the person will break the vows of chaste women, will eat voraciously, will have little wealth and few sons, be jealous, will maintain many people, will not trust others, will play violently, will speak very harshly, be fond of music, be sinful, be inimical to relatives and will bring infamy to his family.
5-6. MARS IN GEMINI. Should Mars be in Gemini, the native will be splendourous, be capable of enduring miseries, be very learned, be well versed with poetical rules, skillful in various kinds of fine arts, fond of going to foreign countries, virtuously disposed, highly intelligent, favourably disposed to his sons and friends and will devote to various kinds of assignments.
7-8. MARS IN CANCER. If Mars is in Cancer at birth, the subject will like living in others’ houses, be deformed, sick, will attain riches through agriculture, will enjoy royal food and robes during childhood, will eat food in others’ houses, will become wealthy through the source of water, be repeatedly anguished and be always distressed.
9-10. MARS IN LEO. If Mars is in Leo in a nativity, the native will be impatient, be valorous, intent upon grabbing others’ money and children, will like to live in forests, be fond of eating cow’s flesh (or beef etc.), will lose his first wife, will kill snakes and animals, will be bereft of children, be devoid of charitable acts and be always active in his jobs.
11-12. MARS IN VIRGO. Should Mars occupy Virgo at birth, the subject will be worthy of honour, be never rich, be very fond of sexual union and music, be soft and sweet spoken, will have various kinds of expenses, be not much valorous, be learned, will have ribs in their advanced position, will fear enemies very much, be skillful in Shastras and fine arts, be fond of bathing, make-up etc. and be splendourous.
13-14. If Mars occupies Libra in a nativity, the person will be liable to wandering, will indulge in bad business, be an able speaker, be fortunate, deformed in respect of some limb, will have few relatives, be fond of wars, will lose his first wife, will deal in liquors and will earn through prostitutes to only lose.
15-16. MARS IN SCORPIO. If Mars occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be attached to trade, will be interested in Vedic knowledge, be leader of thieves, skillful in his duties, be interested in wars, be highly sinful, will do big crimes, will be perfidious towards his enemies, will betray, be disposed towards killing, be unhelpful, be a talebearer, will be endowed with lands, sons and wife and be troubled by poison, fire, weapons and wounds.
17-18. MARS IN SAGITTARIUS. Should Mars be in Sagittarius, the native will have many wounds, be emaciated, be harsh in speech, crafty, alienated, be a warrior endowed with chariots, elephants and Army men, will pass arrows on other’s Army from his chariot, be happy with hard work, will lose his happiness and money due to anger and will not honour elders.
19-20. If Mars is posited in Capricorn at birth, one will be wealthy (fortunate), be endowed with happiness and pleasures, be wealthy, will have an excellent disposition, be famous, be an Army chief, or a king, will possess a good wife, be successful in war, will live in his own country, be independent, be a protector, be virtuous and will be interested in various procedures.
21-22. If Mars is posited in Aquarius at the time of one’s birth, he will be devoid of both affection and purity, will look like an old person, will die a bad death, will have spite, jealousy, untruthful disposition, afflicted speech and lost wealth, will be ugly, will have (abundant) hair on the body, will lose money in gambling, will be unsightly, will have miserable profession, be fond of liquor and be unfortunate.
23-24. MARS IN PISCES. Should Mars be in Pisces at the time of one’s birth, the person will be troubled by diseases, will have indifferent children, will live in foreign countries, be insulted by his own relatives, will lose all his wealth by his cunning and cheating disposition, will be depressed in spirits, be very miserable, will disrespect elders and Brahmins, be unkind, will conceive (other’s) desires, be fond of praises and be famous.
25-30. MARS IN OWN RASHI AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by the Sun, the person will possess wealth, wife and children, be a kings minister, be a justice, be famous and be a charitable king.
Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be bereft of mother, will have a wounded body, will hate his own people, will not have friends, be jealous and will have female children.
Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by Mercury, the subject will be an expert in stealing others’ money, be a liar, be devoted to Manmatha (i.e. highly libidinous), be hostile and will frequently visit prostitutes.
Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will be learned, sweet-spoken, fortunate, dear to parents, be very affluent and will be a king par excellence.
Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by Venus, the native will be imprisoned due to females and will be deprived of his money on account of females, more than once.
Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by Saturn, the native will be capable of hindering thieves in spite of his being not valorous, will be devoid of his men and will maintain another woman.
31-36. MARS IN A HOUSE OF VENUS AND ASPECTED BY OTHERS. If Mars is in Taurus/Libra, with the aspect of the Sun, the person will seek to move in forests and hills, will hate women, will have many enemies, will have fierce appearance and be courageous.
If Mars is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of the Moon, the native will not honour his mother, be wicked, will lord many women and be dear to them and will fear war.
If Mars is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Mercury, the native will promote quarrels, will speak much, will have a soft body, will possess (indifferent or) few sons and little wealth and will be learned in Shastras.
If Mars is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Jupiter, the subject will be skillful in music and in play of musical instruments, be fortunate, be dear to his relatives and will be pure.
If Mars is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Venus, the person will be a kings minister, be liked by the king, be an Army chief, will have famous name (i.e. titles etc.) and will be happy.
If Mars is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Saturn, the native will be happy, famous, wealthy, be endowed with friends and own men, be learned and will be head of a group of villages/towns, or group of men.
37-42. MARS IN MERCURY’S RASHI AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If at birth Mars be in Gemini/Virgo and in aspect to the Sun, the native will be blessed with learning, wealth and courage, be fond of hills, forests and fortresses and be highly strong.
If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by the Moon, the person will be happy, wealthy, splendourous, will guard women’s apartments, will be endowed with women and will manage the kings residence.
If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be skillful in the art of writing, in mathematics and in poetry, be garrulous, be liar, be a sweet speaker, be a messenger (or an ambassador) and will endure lot of misery.
If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will be a kings representative, be bright, will go to foreign countries, as an ambassador, be skillful in all doings and be a leader.
If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Venus, the person will do the jobs of females, be very fortunate and will enjoy food and robes.
If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Saturn, the person will be interested in wandering in mines (i.e. places beneath surface), hills and forests, will have husbandry, as his livelihood, be highly miserable, be very valorous, dirty and be devoid of wealth.
43-48. MARS IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mars be in Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be subjected to bilious diseases, be splendourous, be a justice in position and be valorous.
If the Moon aspects Mars in Cancer, the person will be troubled by various diseases, will have mean conduct, will possess an unsightly body and be miserable.
If Mercury aspects Mars in Cancer, the person will be dirty, sinful, will possess a mean family, will be rejected by his own men and be shameless.
If Mars in Cancer is aspected by Jupiter, the native will be famous, be king’s minister, be learned, charitable, wealthy and be bereft of carnal pleasures.
If Venus aspects Mars in Cancer, the subject will be grieved on account of women’s company, be insulted by women and will lose wealth on account of women.
Should Saturn aspect Mars in Cancer, the native will acquire money through journey in water, be equal to a king, be sportive in his acts and be always bright.
49-54. MARS IN LEO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mars is in Leo and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be humble, helpful to friends, be endowed with own men and be fond of wandering in cow-houses, forests and hills.
If the Moon aspects Mars in Leo, the native will be ominous for his mother, be intelligent, will possess a hard body, be widely famous and will obtain money through women.
If Mercury aspects Mars in Leo, the native will be clever in many arts, be a miser, be skillful in poetry and fine arts and be wicked.
If Jupiter aspects Mars in Leo, the person will be close to the king, be highly learned, be of pure mentality and be an Army chief.
Should Venus aspect Mars in Leo, the person will have union with many women, be fortunate in respect of his wife and will be ever juvenile.
Saturn aspecting Mars in Leo denotes, that the person will look, like an old man, be poor, will wander in others’ houses/be miserable.
55-60. MARS IN JUPITER’S HOUSE IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mars occupies Sagittarius, or Pisces at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the subject will be world honoured, be fortunate, will live in forests, hills and fortresses and be cruel.
If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by the Moon, the person will be deformed, belligerent, learned and be always inimical to the king.
If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Mercury, the person will be a scholar, be skillful, learned in fine arts and be highly learned in general.
If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Jupiter, the person will be devoid of wife and happiness, will be beyond the reach of enemies, be wealthy and be fond of exercises.
If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Venus, the person will be very much dear to women, be interested in cosmetics, makeup etc., be charitable, be libidinous and be fortunate.
If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Saturn, the person will have defective body, be sinful, wandering-nature, devoid of happiness and interested in others’ religion.
61-66. MARS IN SATURN’S HOUSE AND ASPECTED BY OTHERS. Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by the Sun, the subject will have very dark body, be courageous, will have many wives, sons and abundant wealth and be very sharp.
Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by the Moon, one will be fickle minded, be not well disposed towards his mother, be fond of beautification, be charitable, be not firm in friendship and be rich.
Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by Mercury, the subject will walk very slowly, be not rich, will not have any profession, be not strong, be not outspoken and be not virtuous.
Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will be very beautiful, will possess kingly qualities, will fulfill his undertakings, be long-lived and be endowed with relatives.
Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by Venus, one will be endowed with various kinds of (carnal) pleasures, be interested in fostering women and be belligerent.
Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by Saturn, the person will be a king, be very affluent, will hate women, will possess many children, be learned, be devoid, of happiness and be timid in war.
Thus ends the 25th Ch. entitled “Effects of Mars in Various Rāśis” in Saravali of Kalyana Varma.
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