
Thhis blog is mainly created for the students of the MA (Vedanga Jyotisha)of KaviKulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. This blog will answer the higher concepts of Vedanga Jyotisha hence named Horashastra. I must thank all my elders and Gurus whithout whose help the cration of this blog will be a impossible thing. "People may not remember what you did for them, or even what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Ch. 1. Birth of Horāśāstra

1. Glory to the Sun-God, whose very breathing causes Creation in this world, with whose rising all the animals (living beings) wake up (from the sleep of their ignorance), whose state at the head (zenith) accentuates all activities (throws the brightest light on one’s wisdom) and whose setting (absence, weakness) causes all to sleep. Such Sun-God has his efficacy spread (all over).

2-4. Varaha Mihira in his Horāśāstra, i.e. Bŗhat Jataka, stated briefly the essence of the teachings of the learned sages viz. ten divisions of the Zodiacal Sign, Raja Yogas, longevity, effects of planetary periods etc. This could not be done elaborately by him and hence I am conveying in this work such useful essence, as called out from Yavanas etc., rejecting other unuseful portions, which may be appended to the said Brihat Jataka.

5. I, Kalyana Varma, whose fame on account of patronizing Gods and administering villages and cities is brilliant, like that of a female swan in the cage of the universe, who is the king of Vyagrapada region, present this Saravali, an astrological treatise, with a chaste heart.

6. Saravali is a river with chilly water, which has taken its birth in the mountain called Kalyana Varma, to ward off the thirst for astrology of those interested.

Thus ends the 1st Ch. Birth of Horāśāstra in Kalyana Varma’s Sāravalī

Ch. 2. Meaning of Horā

1-5. The Creator Brahma has written on the foreheads of all living beings their fates, which are deciphered by the astrologers through their pure insight. The first and last letters in the word Ahorātra are removed and the word Horā is thus born and has come to exist. The Zodiac and the planets are therein, as discussed. Some scholars say Horāśāstra is indicative of effects of one’s Karma, i.e. fate. Some call Lagna, or half of a Rāśi, as Horā. In practice the science relating to horoscope is called Horāśāstra. Horā is capable of analyzing the destiny. Barring this Horāśāstra there is no device to help one earn money, to help, as a boat, to cross the ocean of unexpected situations and to serve, as an advisor in journey.

Thus ends the 2nd Ch. Meaning of Horā in Kalyana Varma’s Sāravalī

Ch. 3. Rāśi Description

1-2. At the time of Pralaya (Destruction) the Universe plunged into darkness and was flooded with water, when all of a sudden the Sun-God with his brilliant rays appeared in the Universe. He created all the planets and the 12 months.

3-4. Description of the 12 Rāśis. The names of the 12 Rāśis are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The Sign Aquarius resembles a man holding a pot, while Gemini is compared to a couple holding Veena and mace. A pair of fish is the imagination about Pisces. Sagittarius is compared to a man having a hip, like that of a horse and holding an arch in his hands. Deer-faced Sign is Capricorn. Virgo resembles a virgin sitting in a boat with a lamp in her hands. A male holding Scales in his hand represents Libra. The other Signs are identical with their names.

5-6. The Limbs of KalaPurusha and their Use. The Signs Aries etc. represent the limbs of Kalapurusha, as under: Aries head, Taurus face, Gemini arms, Cancer heart, Leo stomach, Virgo hip, Libra space below navel and private parts, Scorpio private parts, Sagittarius thighs, Capricorn knees, Aquarius ankles, Pisces feet. If at birth one has benefic planet in a particular Sign, the particular limb will be strong. A malefic makes such a limb weak.

7. Synonyms of Rāśis. Kriya, Tavuru, Jutuma, Kulira, Leya, Pathona, Jook, Kaurpika, Tauksha, Akokera, Hridaya Roga and Anthya are the other names given, respectively, to Rāśis from Aries onwards.

8. Synonyms for Houses. Riksha, Rāśi, Kshetra, Bha and Bhavana are identical names given to a House by the sages.

9-10. Zodiacal Halves, their Lords and Effects. The Rāśi Chakra with 12 Rāśis is called Bhagana. Six Signs counted from Leo to Capricorn consist of Solar Half and the Sun rules this Half-Zodiac. Six Signs in the reverse order from Cancer to Aquarius are Lunar Half and ruled by the Moon. Barring Cancer and Leo, planets from Mars to Saturn get one Rāśi each in each Half. If at birth more planets occupy the Solar Half, the native is brilliant and, if more planets are in Lunar Half, he is soft, good and lucky.

11. The Rulers of Rāśis and Navāńśas. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are the Lords, respectively, of Aries to Pisces. The Navāńśas for these Rāśis are calculated from Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer in their order.

12. Sub-Divisions Essential. The effects of a horoscope should be predicted according to the divisions of Houses. Without knowing the strength of such Lords, one cannot lay even a step forward in the direction of astrology.

13. Vargothamamsa. The first Navāńśa of a Movable Rāśi, the 5th one in a Fixed Rāśi and the 9th one in a Common (Dual) Rāśi are called Vargothamamsa. Should the natal Lagna be in such Vargothama Navāńśa, the native becomes an important person in his circle. The rulers of Dwadasamasas start from that Rāśi itself.

14. Lords of Decanates and Horas. The Lords of decanates are first Lord of the same Rāśi, second Lord of the 5th Rāśi therefrom and third Lord of the 9th from the Rāśi in question. The first Hora of an odd Rāśi belongs to the Sun, while the second one is ruled by the Moon. In the case of an even Rāśi the first Hora is ruled by the Moon and the second by the Sun.

15. Lords of Trimsamsas. In odd Signs 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 degrees are Trimsamsas of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, respectively, while the arrangement is reverse in even Signs.

16. Lords of Sapthamsas. The Sapthamsas for the 12 Rāśis from Aries onwards are, respectively, counted from Aries, Scorpio, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo, Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius and Virgo. The Lords thereof are those, in whose Rāśis they fall.

l7. The total of the number of Horas and that of decanates is sixty (24+36) in the entire Zodiac. The figure is increased by 72, if the total of Horas + Navāńśas is required, i.e. 60+72=24+108=132. Each Rāśi has 1800 Kalas (30°, each of 60’).

18. Different Vargas. To know any kind of Varga (Hora, Navāńśa, Drekkana etc.) adopt the following method. Convert the longitude into minutes of arc and multiply by the Varga figure concerned. Divide the product by 1800. The resultant figure will reveal the required Varga.

19. The malefic and benefic effects of such Vargas are explained in detail in the Nashta Jataka chapters (at the end).

20-21. Rāśis Benefic and Malefic, Gandanta and its Effects. From Aries onwards alternatively the Rāśis are known, as malefic and benefic on the one hand and male and female on the other hand. These are also classified, as Chara (Movable), Sthira (Fixed, Immovable) and DvisvaBhava (Ubhaya, Dual, Common) Rāśis. The ending portions of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are called Gandanta. It is said, that one born in Gandanta will not survive. He will either lose his mother, or he will end the dynasty, i.e. he is the last of his descent and will not have any children. If, however, he survives, he becomes a king with many elephants and horses.

22. Directions of Rāśis. The four Rāśis from Aries onwards indicate East, South, West and North, while the remaining Rāśis repeat in the same way. A journey undertaken by a person towards the direction indicated by the Lagna, or the Moon (at the commencement of journey) yields fruitful results.

23. DigBala and KalaBala. Human Signs, quadruped Signs, Scorpio and watery Signs are, respectively, strong in the directions commencing from the East. Further during night-time quadruped Signs, day-time human, or biped Signs and the second half of Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are strong at the time of daybreak and of nightfall.

24. Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius are night Signs. Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces and Virgo are day Signs. The Signs Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Sagittarius and Taurus are called Prishtodaya, which rise with hind part. Sīrshodaya Signs (rising with head) are Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Aquarius and Gemini. The Sign Pisces is Ubhayodaya (rises with both head and hind part).

25. Strength of Rāśi. If a Rāśi is aspected by its Lord, or by a planet, that is friendly to its Lord, or by Mercury, or by Jupiter, it is said to be strong. Planets other than the above do not lend strength by aspect.

26-27. Synonyms of 12 Bhavas. Lagna Thanu and Sakthi, Second Artha and Dhana, Third Sahaja and Parakrama, Fourth Bandhava and Griha, Fifth Putra and Pratibha, Sixth Ari and Vrana, Seventh Stri and Kama, Eighth Vinasa and Dehavivara, Ninth Punya and Guru, Tenth Karma and Mana, Eleventh Aya and Bhava, Twelfth Vyaya.

28-31. Additional Synonyms. The 4th (Veśma) and the 8th are called, as Caturaśra Houses. The 9th is known, as Tapa, i.e. penance. The 4th has names, like耠Sukha (happiness), Jala (water), Patala (nether-world), Bandhu (relatives) and Hibuka. The other names given to the 10th House are Karma (deed), Agna (command), Gagana (sky, zenith) and Meshurana. The 5th and 9th are Trines. The 5th is the only House connected with Dhī, while the 9th is Tritrikona, the Trine of Trine. The 7th House is called Dyuna, Astha (setting), Jāya and Jamitra. The 6th is Shatkona, 3rd is Duschikya and 12th Rippha. Kutumba is the 2nd.

32. Kendra, Apoklima and Panaphara, Effects thereof. The adjoining Houses with reference to Angles (Kendras) are Panaphara. The Houses next to Panapharas are Apoklimas. The planets in Angles give effects in one’s boyhood. The effects of planets in Panapharas are felt in the middle age, while the planets in Apoklima give result at the conclusion of the native’s life.

33. Upachaya and Anupachaya. The 6th, 10th 11th and 3rd are called Upachaya Houses, while the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th are Anupachayas.

34. Moolatrikonas of Planets. Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius are the respective Moolatrikonas for the planets from the Sun onwards.

35-36. Exaltation and Fall. Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces and Libra, respectively, are the Signs of exaltation for the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. These are deeply exalted at 10, 3, 28, 15, 5, 27 and 20 Degrees in the respective Rāśis. The Rāśis opposite exaltation are the places of debilitation for the planets concerned. And the respective degrees are of deep fall.

37-38. Long, Medium and Short Ascensions of Signs. Pisces, Taurus, Aries and Aquarius are Signs Of short ascension. Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn are of medium ascension. The long ascension Signs are Scorpio, Virgo, Leo and Libra. The head and other organs of the native will be similar to the Sign ascending at birth and other relative Signs. The planets occupying such Houses will also influence the form and shape of the various organs.

39. Favourable Directions for Journeys. The direction ruled by the Lord of a Rāśi becomes Plava direction for that Rāśi. This is Yavana’s school of thought. If the king undertakes his journey towards such direction, indicated by the Rāśi concerned, he attains quick success.

40-4l. Colours of Rāśis. From Aries onwards the following 12 colours are allotted to the various Rāśis, respectively, red, white, green, pink, brown, gray, variegated, black, golden, yellow, deep-brown and white. If an idol of the Lord of the Ascendant is made in the colour allotted and is worshipped, the native will destroy his enemies, just as Lord Indra destroyed the demons.

Thus ends the 3rd Ch. Rāśi Description of Kalyana Varma’s Saravali

Ch. 4. Planetary Characters

1-2. Kalapurusha’s Soul etc. and their Use. The Sun is the soul of the Zodiac personified, the Moon mind, Mars strength, Mercury speech (voice), Jupiter intelligence, Venus comforts, Rahu ego and Saturn grief. If at birth planets indicative of soul etc. are strong, these significations will equally be strong. If these planets are weak, the effects are only meager. But in the case of Saturn it is different.

3-6. The counting of limbs according to the decanate rising at birth should be identified, as under. If the first decanate rises, count from head. If second, from neck and, if 3rd, from pelvis. The 6 Rāśis backwards from the Ascendant denote the left side of the body, while the 6 forward Rāśis from Lagna indicate the right side of the body. Should the first decanate of a Sign ascend, the lapsed part of the Ascendant denotes left side of the head and the part to rise yet indicates the right side of the head, the 2nd and 12th denote right and left eyes, respectively, 3rd and 11th right and left ears, 4th and 10th right and left nose, 5th and 9th right and left cheeks, 6th and 8th right and left chins and the 7th left side of the face (area yet to rise) and the 7th right side of the face (portion already descended). If the 2nd decanate rises, neck, shoulder, arms, side, heart, stomach and navel are to be understood in the same order. Should the third decanate rise, pelvis, anus, penis, testicle, thigh, knee, calf and feet will be counted in the same order. The decanates occupied by malefics denote wounds etc., while the ones by benefics indicate marks (moles) on the limbs concerned. Should these planets be in their own Rāśi, or Amsa at birth, then the wound, or mole are right from birth. Otherwise these will be caused later on (in appropriate periods).

7. Planetary Portfolios and their Use. The Sun and the Moon are said to be the kings. Mercury is the prince, Mars Army chief, Jupiter and Venus ministers, while Saturn is servant. The native acquires such qualities, as of the strongest planet.

8. Planetary Directions. The Sun, Venus, Mars, Rahu, Saturn, the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are, respectively, the Lords of the directions commencing from the East.

9. Planetary Nature. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are benefics in nature. Saturn, Mars and the Sun are natural malefics. Mercury in the company of malefics and the waning Moon are also considered malefics.

10-11. Synonyms of Planets. Heli and Bhanu are the other names given to the Sun. The Moon is called Sasi. Krūradrik, Bhomisuta, Āra, Rakta and Vakra are indicative of Mars. Hemna, Vid, Gna and Bodhana denote Mercury. Īdya, Ijya, Angira and Jiva are the Jupiter’s names. Āsphujit, Sita and Bhrigu means Venus. Manda, Kona, Yama and Krishna are Saturn’s synonyms. For these planets there are various other names, which should be elicited from other texts.

12-13. Planetary Colours, Deities and their Use. From the Sun onwards the respective hues of the planets are copper-red, white, blood-red, green, yellow, variegated and black. The deities for these planets are, respectively, Fire, Water, Kartikeya, Vishnu, Indra, Sachi Devi and Brahma. The planets from the Sun onward should be worshipped by the Mantras concerned and, if trips to the respective directions are undertaken one can gain gold, gems, elephants etc.

14. Sex, Caste and Elements. The Moon and Venus are females. Mercury and Saturn rule neutrals. Males are Jupiter, the Sun and Mars. Brahmins are ruled by Jupiter and Venus. The Sun and Mars preside over the royal lot. The Moon rules Vaisyas. Saturn rules those of mixed breed, while Mercury presides over Sudras. The five primordial compounds, viz. Fire, Earth, Ether, Water and Air are, respectively, ruled by planets from Mars onwards.

15. Planetary Tastes and Abodes. The planets from the Sun on are attributed tastes, as acrid, saline, bitter, mixed, sweet, sour (acidulous) and astringent. Their abodes, respectively, are temples, water resorts, fire houses, sports ground, treasury, bed-room and dirty places.

16. Planetary Robes and Substances. From the Sun onwards the apparels attributed are coarse, new, burnt, water-soaked, neither new nor old i.e. recent, durable and a rag. Similarly copper, gem (?), gold (?), metal allay, silver (?), pearl (?) and iron are in their order denoted by the Sun etc., ending with Saturn.

17. Periods and Ritus of Planets. Ayana, Muhurta, Ahoratna, Ritu (season), month, fortnight and year are, respectively, ruled by the planets from the Sun to Saturn. The seasons, viz. Sisira, Vasanta, Grishma, Varsha, Sarat and Hemanta are, respectively, ruled by Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter.

18. Use of these. In the matter of winning enemies, delivery of child, or such questions materialization of the objective concerned will be, as per the period allotted to the Lagna Lord. This should be understood according to the Ascendant passed.

19-20. Lords of Vedas and Worlds. Jupiter rules Rig Veda, Venus Yajur Veda, Mars Sama Veda and Mercury Atharva Veda. Jupiter denotes the Heavens, the Moon and Venus the world of the Manes, the Sun and Mars the World of mortals and Mercury and Saturn Hell.

21. Description and Nature of the Sun. The Sun has curly hair, sharp mind, prominent appearance, majestic voice and is not very tall. His eyes are honey-coloured. He is courageous, steady and of a complexion, which has a mix of red and green. His feet are not conspicuous (small in size). He is bilious and has sturdy bones. He is great and majestic. He has fiery rays and square body and wears saffron-coloured apparels.

22. Description and Nature of the Moon. She has an auspicious appearance. Her eyes are beautiful. She has mellifluous voice. She is fair in complexion, has an emaciated body, is youthful, tall, curly and short hair, is learned, soft, of Sattvik disposition, beautiful, phlegmatic, amicable to friends, has pure (excellent) blood, is kind, fond of old ladies, fickle-minded, very fortunate and wears clean apparels.

23. Description and Nature of Mars. The planet Mars is short, his eyes are reddish-brown in colour. He has a strong body. He is as bright, as burning fire. He is not steady in disposition. He has marrow in bones and flesh. He wears red-coloured apparels. He is more intelligent and is courageous. He is an accomplished speaker. He causes injury. He has short and shining hair. He is bilious in disposition and is Tamasic. He is adventurous and wrathful and is skillful in hurting. He is blood-red in appearance.

24. Description and Nature of Mercury. Mercury’s eyes are reddish and broad. He speaks sweetly. His complexion is of green grass. He has strong skin. He is an extremely Rajasic planet. He is clear in his speech and is pure. He has a mixture of the three humours, i.e. phlegm, bile and wind. He remains delighted and has moderate beauty. He is skillful and sinewy. He is agreeable to all in dressing and speech and wears green robes.

25. Description and Nature of Jupiter. The eyes of Jupiter are somewhat reddish-brown. He is learned in Vedas. His voice resembles that of a lion. He is firm and prominently Sattvik. His physical complexion is akin to pure yellow metal. He has broad and prominent chest. He is always fond of virtues and is modest. He has firm and large eyes and is of forgiving disposition. He wears yellow apparels, is phlegmatic, fat and pre-eminent.

26. Description and Nature of Venus. The planet Venus is beautiful, has long hands, broad chest and face, is very seminal, splendourous, has dark, short and extended hair, is of complexion, which is a mix of yellow and green, is sensuous, windy and phlegmatic, very fortunate, wears multi-coloured apparels, is of Rajasic disposition, sportive, intelligent, broad-eyed and has prominent shoulders.

27. Description and Nature of Saturn. Saturn has red and depressed eyes, emaciated body, prominent veins, is indolent, black-bodied and windy in temperament. He is a talebearer. He is muscular, unkind, foolish, has large nails and teeth, is very dirty, impure, Tamasic in disposition, fierce, short-tempered and old (worn out). He adores black apparels.

28-29. Natural Friendship, Neutrality and Enmity between Planets. The Sun’s friends are Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. The Moon’s friends are the Sun and Mercury. The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are friendly to Mars. Venus and the Sun are Mercury’s friends. The Sun, Moon and Mars are friendly disposed to Jupiter. Saturn and Mercury are friends of Venus. Mercury and Venus are Saturn’s friends. The Sun’s enemies are Venus and Saturn. The Moon has no enemies. Mercury is inimical to Mars, while the Moon is Mercury’s enemy. Venus and Mercury are the enemies of Jupiter. The Moon and the Sun are enemies of Venus. Saturn’s enemies are the Sun, the Moon and Mars. If a planet is neither a friend, nor an enemy of another one, there exists neutrality among them.

30. Temporary Friendship and Enmity between Planets. If a planet is in the 12th, 4th, 2nd, 10th, 11th and 3rd from another planet, then there is temporary friendship between the two. If the position is in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 1st, 5th, or the 9th, then there is temporary enmity among them. (This may be applied to a birth horoscope, horary horoscope, or any such other context)

31. Five Kinds of Considerations of Relationship. Should there be temporary friendship and natural friendship between two planets, then they become extremely friendly. If there is natural neutrality and temporary friendship, there exists only friendship between two planets. If there is natural enmity and temporary friendship, they are neutral in relationship. Should they be naturally neutral and temporarily inimical, they are only inimical. If there is enmity both naturally and temporarily, then they are greatly inimical to each other.

32-33. Planetary Aspects. Planets lend ¼ aspect on the 3rd and 10th, half aspect on the 4th and 8th, ¾ aspect on 5th and 9th and full aspect on the 7th from their positions. Saturn has special full aspect on the 3rd and 10th, Jupiter on the 5th and the 9th and Mars on the 4th and 8th. All planets aspect the 7th fully.

34. Planetary Strengths. To assess the auspicious and inauspicious effects of a planet, its directional, positional, temporal and motional strengths are important, for without these it is considered to be weak.

35. Directional and Positional Strengths. Jupiter and Mercury have directional strength, while in the Ascendant (East), the Sun and Mars in the 10th (South), Saturn in the 7th (West) and the Moon and Venus in the 4th (North). If a planet is in exaltation, Mulatrikona, own House, friendly House, or own Navāńśa and aspected by a benefic, it assumes strength. The Moon and Venus are strong in even Rāśis, while the rest are so in odd Rāśis. This is called positional strength.

36. Temporal and Motional Strengths. The Sun, Jupiter and Venus acquire strength during day-time, while Saturn, the Moon and Mars become strong during night-time. Mercury acquires vigour at all times. The Hora Bala goes to Hora Lord, Masa Bala (Masa - month) to the Lord of the month, Dina Bala to the Lord of the week-day of birth and Abda (year) Bala is credited to the Lord of the year of birth. Malefics get strength in Dark Half, while benefics become strong in Bright Half. The planet, that is victorious in war, that is in its retrograde motion, or, that is not combust become strong. The Luminaries get strength in northern course. This is how Satyacharya detailed motional strength.

37. Ayana Bala. Venus, Mars, the Sun and Jupiter are strong in Uttarayana, while the Moon and Saturn are strong in Dakshinayana. Mercury is strong in both the cases. This is called Ayana Bala.

38. Drekkana Bala. Male planets are strong in the first decanate, female planets in the third decanate and neutral planets in the second decanate of a Rāśi. Planets are strong, only when they are away from the Sun, as per Yavanas.

39. Tribhaga Bala, or Triamsa Bala. The Moon, Venus and Mars get this strength in the first, second and third parts of the night, respectively. This is similarly enjoyed by Mercury, the Sun and Saturn in day-time, while Jupiter has it always, irrespective of day, or night.

40. Naisargika Bala (Natural Strength). Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun are stronger than the other in the ascending order. Should there be similarity in other strengths, then the one with greater natural strength prevails.

Thus ends the 4th Ch. Planetary Characters of Kalyana Varma’s Saravali


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