
Thhis blog is mainly created for the students of the MA (Vedanga Jyotisha)of KaviKulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. This blog will answer the higher concepts of Vedanga Jyotisha hence named Horashastra. I must thank all my elders and Gurus whithout whose help the cration of this blog will be a impossible thing. "People may not remember what you did for them, or even what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Ch. 5. Miscellaneous Matters

1. After discussing the Ch. Rāśi Prabheda (Ch. 3) and Graha Yoni Bheda, or Graha Gunadhyaya (Ch. 4) I now explain Misrakadhyaya (Miscellaneous Ch.), which is the most supreme of all.

2-4. Avasthas, or States of Planets. Planets have nine states of being, viz. Dīpta (radiant), Svastha (confident), Mudita (rejoiced), Santa (peaceful), Sakta (strong), Nipīdita (oppressed), Bhita (alarmed), Vikala (mutilated) and Khala. A planet in its exaltation is said to be in Dīptavastha. In its own House, it is in Svasthavastha, friendly House Muditavastha, in beneficial Vargas Santavastha, with bright rays Saktavastha, in combustion Vikalavastha, if defeated in planetary war, Nipīdita, in malefic Vargas Khalavastha and, if in fall, in Bhitavastha.

Notes. There are 27 Graha Samayas, i.e. planetary conditions. These will help us know, as to what a planet is doing at a particular moment with reference to either birth, or query. Such positions reveal specific results. How to calculate these positions and the effects thereof are noted below. Find out the number of Signs from Aries to Ascendant. Again find out in what number of Sign is the planet, for which (Samaya) is required, counted from Aries. Multiply these figures mutually and again the latest product be multiplied by the total number of Dasa period years of the planet, as per Vimsottari Dasha scheme. Divide this by 27 and the remainder indicates Graha Samaya (some scholars, however, advise, that the planet’s position is to be counted from Lagna instead of Aries. It is wrong counting the planet’s position from Lagna, as the Sloka clearly says, vide Jyotisharnava Navanītam). Let us assume, that in Virgo Lagna chart the Moon is in Sagittarius. Hence we count six Signs from Aries through Virgo Ascendant and get 6. Again from Aries to Sagittarius we get 9. Multiply 9 by 6 to get 54. The Dasha period of the Moon is 10. When we multiply 54 by 10, we get 540. This, when divided by 27, yields no balance and hence the 27th Samaya is denoted.

Now the scheme of Samayas and their effects (1-27). Snana: good family, children, respect, success and position. Vastradharana: precious stones, money, position and clothes. Pundradharana: dear to people, gains in foreign countries, hard work and honour. Upadesa: lands, conveyances and happiness. Siva Pūja: fond of lands, royal wrath, expenses and litigations. Āposana: wealth, fond of wicked people. Vishnvarchana: bile, grief, highly learned. Vipraradhana: fortune, gains from lands, success over enemies, rich relatives. Namaskara: soft-spoken, conveyances and capability to speak on either side in arguments. Adri Pradakshina: bilious diseases, dysentery, litigations and penalties. Vaisyadeva: position with king, good family, perennial progress. Athithi Satkara: cheat, jimminks and monetary gains. Bhojana: sick, dismissed from the circle, cheating. Ambhapana: bad meal, bad acts. Ahamkara: egoism and enmity with people. Tambūla: good position, high learning, money and fame of high order. Nripalapa: respect, pious disposition, diviee cows. Kirītadharana: big position in Army, learned, wealthy. Ekanta Sambhashana: lazy, soft-spoken. Ālasya: abundant education, lazy, careless. Sayana: very short-tempered, sick, disputes in family. Amritapana: foolish, harmful, blaming elders, destruction (some texts prescribe good results, which only seem to be sensible). Madhupana: health, good children, beautiful wife, rich food. Dhanarjana: respect, much wealth, skilful. Bhikshatana: loss, bad teaching. Nidra: long-lasting diseases, drunkard. Sambhoga: attached to base women, cunning and revengeful.

5. Effects of a Radiant Planet. Should a planet be in Dīpta state at birth, the native burns his enemies with the fire of his valour. He gathers all kinds of wealth. His (band of) elephants soak the surface of the earth with the juice, or ichor exuding from their temples. (That is the native will own a large number of elephants. See the simultaneous literary ability of Kalyana Varma. A number of such comparisons can be found in this work)

6. Effects of a Confident Planet. Should a planet be in Svastha state at birth, the native acquires gold, family etc. He will be a justice in a king’s employ. He will own houses and will amass grains. His family will prosper.

7. Effects of a Rejoicing Planet. If a planet is in Mudita state at birth, the native will be pleasingly disposed, will have wife, gold, diamonds etc., will win the entire band of his foes and will enjoy all kinds of comforts in life.

8. Effects of a Peaceful Planet. If a planet is in Santa, or peaceful state at birth, the native will have peaceful mind, comfort and wealth. He will be a king’s minister, will be learned, helpful to others, religious and fortunate.

9. Effects of a Śakta Planet. If a planet is in Śakta state at birth, the native will have wife, clothes, scents, garlands etc. He will be famous, liked by all and have his name spread all-over.

10. Effects of a Hurt Planet. If a planet is in Pīdita (hurt, oppressed) state at birth, the native will be subjected to grief and sickness and will have enemies. He will be deprived of his own people and wander from one country to the other.

11. Effects of an Alarmed Planet. Should a planet be in Bhita state at birth, the native, even, if he were a king with varied paraphernalia, will be troubled by enemies. He will lose his men. He will be defeated and will become poor.

12. Effects of a Mutilated Planet. If a planet is in Vikala state at birth, the native will be deprived of his place, or position, dirty-hearted, poor and will wander here and there. He will be frightened by his enemies.

13. Effects of a Planet in Khalavastha. Should a planet be in Khalavastha, the native will grieve in sorrow, due to maintaining his wife (the native cannot maintain even his wife), will lose all his wealth, will have an impure mind and be never free from miseries.

14. Retrogression in Exaltation. If a planet is retrograde, while in exaltation, it produces no effect (nothing good will happen). This is the view held by some. Even, if it is in exaltation by its entry in retrograde motion from the next Sign (for example Jupiter entering Cancer from Leo), the effect is same, for it takes unduly long time in such traversion.

15. Different Effects. A planet in exaltation is considered highly strong. It is medium in strength in its Mulatrikona Rāśi, or own House. Its strength is only nominal, if it be aspected by a friendly planet, or be in a friendly Rāśi.

16-17. The elders among Yavanas say, that the Moon is of medium strength for ten days commencing from Sukla Padyami, i.e. first of Bright Lunar Half. During the following ten days (from the 11th day, or Ekadasi of Bright Lunar Half through the 5th day, or Panchami of Dark Lunar Half, or Krishna Paksha) she is exceedingly strong. And during the third ten-day period (from the 6th day, or Shashti of Dark Lunar Half through the New Moon day, or Amavasya) she has very little strength. If at birth the Moon has brilliant rays, is bright circled and full, it makes the native an unencounterable king.

18. Good Results in Mid-Life. If at birth the Lord of Moon Sign, or the Lord of the Ascendant, or Jupiter be in Kendra, the native is happy in the middle of his life.

19-20. The effects revealed by various Rāśis will correspond to the strengths of their Lords. Should two planets have identical strength, the one with higher Naisarga Bala will prevail. According to Chudamani Acharya the Ascendant’s strength equals that of its Lord.

21-24. Swakshetra, Mulatrikona etc. In Leo up to 20°, it is the Sun’s and the rest is his own House. The Moon’s exaltation zone is the first 3° of Taurus, with the remaining portion being her Mulatrikona. Up to 12° in Aries Mars is in Mulatrikona, the rest is his own House. Mercury in Virgo has the first 15°, as exaltation, the next 5 (15°1’-20°), as Mulatrikona and the remaining portion is termed, as own House. In Sagittarius first 10° is Jupiter’s Mulatrikona, with the rest being own House. The first 5° in Libra is Mulatrikona of Venus and the balance his own House. Aquarius is Mulatrikona for Saturn in the initial 20° portion and the last 10° in Aquarius is his own House.

25. Effects of Exalted Planets etc. If a planet is exalted, it gives auspicious results to full extent. It is futile, if in debilitation. The results are limited in an enemy’s camp. The auspicious effects given by a planet are ¼ in a friendly House, ½ in own House and ¾ in Mulatrikona Rāśi.

26. Inauspiciousness of Planets. A planet is fully inauspicious, if it is in its debilitation; it is somewhat better in inimical House. Its inauspicious effects are nil, if it is exalted, ¾ in friendly House, ½ in own House and ¼ in Mulatrikona Rāśi.

27. The planetary combination, that produces Utpata, the planet, that is combust by the Sun, with less brilliance, which is in debilitation, in enemy’s camp, or, that is defeated in planetary war: such a planet not only loses its potence to be auspicious, but also becomes capable of bestowing malefic effects in full.

28-30. Effects According to Exaltation etc. A planet in exaltation gives all kinds of wealth. It confers ministership, or leadership over Army, if in Mulatrikona Rāśi. If it is in own House, it gives happiness, money, grains, wealth etc. In a friendly House, it gives fame, splendour, abundant good fortune, long-lasting wealth and also wealth through king. A planet, that is in its own Hora, makes one courageous.

31-33. A planet in its own decanate confers virtues, while the one in own Navāńśa makes one famous. Courage, wealth and fame are bestowed by a planet occupying its own Sapthamsa. One becomes devout and helpful, if a planet is in its own Dvadasamsa. A planet in own Trimsamsa gives happiness and good qualities. When a planet is aspected by a benefic planet, the native becomes wealthy, famous, fortunate, chief of all, beautiful and happy.

34-35. If a planet is with Ojha, or Yugma Bala (strength by being in male, or female Rāśis), the native is worshipped by the public, expert in arts, pleased, immune to sickness and prone to fear of other Worlds. A planet with positional strength gives perennial happiness, friendship, courage, fixity of mind and independent profession, or work.

36-38. A planet with directional strength takes the native to the direction ruled by it and gives clothes, jewels, conveyances etc. And the native is happy in such a direction. A planet with Ayana Bala similarly takes the native to its direction and confers various kinds of wealth apart from fame. In both the cases, the planets should not be combust, or debilitated. If a planet has Cheshta Bala, it sometimes gives kingdom, sometimes respect, sometimes money and yet sometimes increases the fame of the native.

39. Effects of Retrograde Planets. A benefic, if retrograde, is strong and is capable of conferring kingdom. If a malefic is retrograde, it causes grief and purposeless wandering.

40. Auspicious Planets. A planet with clear rays, or, that is conjunct with the Moon, or, that has won in a planetary war, is capable of bestowing complete happiness and kingdom, that cannot be seized.

41. Diva Bala and Ratri Bala. A planet, that has Diva Bala, or Ratri Bala, is capable of conferring lands, elephants etc. Such a native defeats his enemies with courage and achieves kingdom and wealth.

42. Effects of Lord of Year etc. The Lords of the year, month, week and Hora improve two-fold in their Dasas happiness, wealth and fame. That is the Lord of the month gives two-fold results, as against year Lord, the week Lord two-fold of month Lord and the Hora Lord two-fold of week Lord.

43. Effects of Paksha Bala. A planet with Paksha Bala destroys enemies and confers diamonds, robes, conveyances, wife, gold, land and fame.

44. Effects of a Planet with all Sources of Strengths. Should a planet have all kinds of strengths stated so far and be bright with unobscured rays, it confers kingdom exceeding the desires of the native.

45. Benefic Planets with all-round Strength. If at birth benefic planets possess all-round strength, the native will have good habits, be truthful, upright, beautiful, splendourous and be an expert in all deeds, respectful towards the wise and Gods and will be blessed with scents, garlands, robes, ornaments etc.

46. Malefics with all-round Strength. Should malefics be with such all-round strength at birth, the native will be a miser, will do bad acts, be selfish, jealous of virtuous people, intent on promoting quarrels, wicked, torturous, dirty, ungrateful, slanderous and ugly.

47-50. Planetary Stages and Effects thereof. It is boyhood, if a planet is in its own House, or friendly House. In Mulatrikona Rāśi, it is in youth and in adolescence in exaltation. It is said to be in old stage, if it occupies an inimical House. A planet in debilitation is in extrimis. The corresponding effects are felt in the respective planetary Dashas, i.e. periods. The results for such stages are, respectively, happiness, virtue, kingdom, sickness with debts and death, or expenses.

51-52. Effects of Planets in Odd and Even Rāśis. A planet in odd Rāśi with strength makes the native courageous and a warrior. If it is weak in odd Rāśi, the native is cruel and dull-witted. A planet in even Rāśi gives soft nature, fear for quarrels, love for water, flowers and clothes, good fortune, health and protection of own men.

Thus ends the 5th Ch. Miscellaneous Matters in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali

Ch. 6. (Yoga) Karakas

1. Karaka Planets. Planets posited in own House, Mulatrikona, or exaltation and simultaneously in Angles become mutual Karakas, or significators. Such kind of Yoga Karakas (co-workers) are counted only in regard to Lagna’s Angles. This view is held by Acharya Hari.

2. For example Saturn in Libra, while Cancer Ascendant containing Jupiter and the Moon and Mars with the Sun in Aries become mutual Karakas.

3. Planets posited in exaltation, friendly Rāśi, own Rāśi, or Amsa also become Karakas. The Sun in the 10th, as above, becomes greatly significant. This is Chanakya’s opinion.

4. Planets though not in Vargas, like own House, become Karakas, if they are in Lagna, 4th, 10th, or even the 11th. But this view is not acceptable to great sages.

5-6. Effects of Karakas. Even though a person may be born in base strata, he will become chief, if he has Karaka Grahas. One born in royal family without doubt becomes a king in such a case. While analyzing the Yogas, such Karakatwas are along important and effects should be declared only on that basis.

Thus ends the 6th Ch. entitled Karakadhyaya in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali

Ch. 7. Planetary Indications

1. Lord of Week-Day etc. The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn rule the week-days etc. Whichever planet becomes the Lord of the first week-day in the month of Aswina in the year of Aswina, will become the Lord of month and year.

2-3. The fourth planet counted from the Lord of the first year rules the second year. Similar counting of fourth Lords for the subsequent years should be made to know the Lords thereof. There are 24 Horas (planetary hours) in each day (from one Sun-rise to the next). The first Hora is ruled by the Lord of the week day, while the subsequent ones are ruled by the Lords of the sixth week-days thereof. Thirty (Savana) days make one (Savana) month. To know the Lord of the week-day in particular month, the months past should be multiplied by 30, increased by one and divided by 7. The remainder represents the Lord of the week-day counted from the earlier week-day Lord.

4. A Savana month has 30 days and each month, viz. Chaitra, Vaisakha etc., commences with the first day of Bright half and ends with the 30th Thiti (Amavasya).

5-6. Bhava Effects. The good effects relating to a Bhava can be better reaped, if an enterprise relating to that Bhava is started in an Ascendant ruled by the Lord of that Bhava, or, when the Lord thereof is in an Upachaya House, or on the week-day, Hora, year, or month ruled by that Bhava Lord. The good effects will be 25% by year Lord, 50% by month Lord, 75% by Lord of week and 100% by Hora Lord.

7-13. Planet’s Rulerships. The Sun rules snakes, wool, hills, gold, weapons, poison, fire, medicines, kings, Aryas (foreigners in general), river banks, forest, wood and Mantras. The Moon indicates poets, flowers, eatables, beads, silver, conch, salt, water, arrow, robes, ornaments, females, Ghī, sesamum, oil and sleep. Mars rules blood, copper, Army, red cloth. Mercury minerals, earth, king, destruction, swooning, bile and thieves. Mercury rules Veda, writing, sculpture, medicines, expertise, ministership, speech, jokes, birds, couples, fame, Vanaspathi (a large forest tree, which bears fruit apparently without any blossoms) and gold. Jupiter rules auspiciousness, virtue, physical stoutness, prowess, preceptorship, deputation, city, state (province), gold, bed, conveyance, position, grains, residence and sons. Venus rules diamonds, ornaments, marriage, scents, friends, wreaths, females, cow dung, diagnosis (apart from meaning diagnosis also indicates end, purity, rope to tying up a calf etc.), education, sexual enjoyment and gold. Saturn is Karaka for lead, zinc, black metals, inferior grains, dead relatives, fools, servants, mean women, salable goods, poor people and self-restraint (apart from meaning self-restraint also means investing with sacred thread, which is in vogue to give “second birth” to Brahmins).

14-15. Planetary Places. The Sun rules Kalinga (a Coromandel district), the Moon Yavana (Greek, Mohamedan, or European countries), Venus plain river banks, Jupiter Sindhu (Indus), Mercury Magadha (southern part of Bihar), Saturn Saurashtra (Gujarat), Mars Ujjain and the nodes Dravida country (five tribes: Dravida, Karnataka, Gūrjara, Maharashtra and Tailanga).

Thus ends the 7th Ch. entitled Karakadhyaya in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 8. Conception

1-3. A Female Menstruation. Without the knowledge of conception time one cannot understand the effects of the various divisions, like Rāśi. That is why I explain below about conception, which is the cause of births of all animals. As a result of Moon’s transit in Anupachaya Rāśis and in aspect of Mars, a female obtains her menses. The Moon is water and Mars is fire. Water produces blood and fire produces bile. When blood is enraged by bile, the women gets her menstruation.

4-7. The menstruation so caused makes the female capable of conception. If the Moon is in Upachaya, it makes the menses defunct for conception. However, if the Moon in Upachaya is aspected by Jupiter, or her friends, or especially Venus, the woman affectionately cohabits with the male. If the Moon is aspected by Mars, the female unites with a person other than husband. The Sun, if aspecting the Moon, indicates a king, while Saturn aspecting denotes a servant. Similar inferences should be made, if the Moon is aspected by malefics only, without aspect of benefics. If the Moon is aspected by malefics, like Mars, then the female gives up her home and becomes a prostitute.

8-10. The 7th House from Lagna at the time of copulation indicates the disposition of the couple. If there is a malefic’s aspect to the Lagna at the time of copulation, the couple unites angrily and with quarrel. Should it be benefic’s aspect, then the sexual enjoyment will be (pleasing), as enumerated by Vatasyayana Mahāŗşi. If there be both malefic and benefic aspects on the 7th, the sexual act is mixed in nature. According to one’s past deeds, to ripe its fruits the semen enters the womb and conception ensues.

11-12. Occurrence of Pregnancy. If the transit Sun and Venus be in Upachaya Rāśis with strength with reference to the male partner’s nativity and occupy even Navamsas, there is scope of pregnancy to be caused by the particular intercourse. Similar effects follow, if strong Moon and strong Mars be in Upachaya Rāśis in transit with reference to the female’s horoscope and be in even Navamsas. Alternatively Venus, Sun, Mars and Moon should be in Upachaya Houses in own Amsas, or Jupiter be in Lagna, 5th, or 9th with strength to cause pregnancy.

13. Disposition of Fetus. The child in the womb will be according to the mental disposition of the couple and their desires and according to Tridoshas (bile, phlegm and wind) prevailing.

14-15. Sex of the Child. Should Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and the Sun be strong and be in male Rāśis and male Navamsas, birth of a male child be predicted. If they are in even Rāśis and even Amsas, predict female child. If strong Jupiter and Sun be in male Rāśis, male child will be born. Female child should be expected, if Venus, Moon and Mars are in even Rāśis.

16. Twin Birth. If the Sun and Jupiter be in Gemini, or Sagittarius in aspect to Mercury, birth of two male children be predicted. Two female children will be born, if Venus, Mars and the Moon be in Pisces, or Virgo in aspect (of) Mercury.

17. Male Birth. If Saturn is in odd House other than Lagna, a male child will be born. Such Yogas and strengths at the time of Adhana should be properly assessed to predict birth of male, or female child.

18-20. Birth of Hermaphrodite. Birth of a hermaphrodite should be declared, if the Sun and the Moon be in odd Rāśis and be in mutual aspect, or, if Mercury and Saturn be in mutual aspect from odd Rāśis, or, if Mars aspects the Sun, who is in an even Rāśi, or, if the Moon is in Lagna in odd Rāśi. These are the views of sages. If Mars aspects Mercury in odd Rāśi and simultaneously the Moon in even Rāśi, same effect follows. Alternatively if Lagna, Moon and Mercury be in odd Rāśi and odd Navāńśa and aspected by Venus and Saturn, eunuch birth is indicated.

21-22. One Male Child and One Female Child to be Born. Should Lagna and Moon be in even Rāśis and be aspected by a strong planet, then there are twins in the womb (one male child and one female child). Similar results follow, if the Moon and Venus are in even Rāśis, or Common Signs and be strong.

23-26. Birth of Triplets. The following Yogas prevailing at the time of Adhana lead to births of triplets. Mercury remaining in Gemini Navāńśa aspecting a planet, who also falls in Common Navāńśa (a), Mercury remaining in Gemini Navāńśa aspecting a Sign, which ascends (b), Mercury in Virgo Navāńśa aspecting a planet falling in Common Navāńśa (c), Mercury in Virgo Navāńśa aspecting a Common Sign, which ascends (d), Mercury in Gemini Amsa aspecting a planet in Gemini Amsa, or Sagittarius Amsa (e), Mercury in Gemini Navāńśa aspecting the Lagna, which falls in Gemini Navāńśa, or Sagittarius Navāńśa (f), Mercury in 7th aspecting a planet in Kanya, or Meena Navāńśa, or aspecting such Lagna Navāńśa (g). Combinations (a) and (b) lead to birth of triplets - one female and two males. Combinations (c) and (d) cause birth of triplets consisting of two females and one male. Combinations at (e) and (f) cause three male children, while the ones at (g) indicate three female children.

27. Mother, Father, etc. If births take place in day-time, Venus indicates mother, while the Sun indicates father. In the case of nights the Moon and Saturn, respectively, play these roles. Similarly the Moon denotes mother’s sister and Saturn paternal uncle for day-time births, while Venus and the Sun take over these portfolios, respectively, in the case of night births.

28. Effects of such Planets. If the planets denoting father and paternal uncle are in odd Bhavas, their well-being is assured. If the planets denoting mother and maternal aunt are in even Bhavas, their well-being is to be predicted.

29-31. Process of Growth of Embryo and Lords thereof. The embryo in the womb improves, as under. First month coagulated blood, second mass of flesh, third limbs, fourth bones, fifth skin, sixth hair, seventh movement, eighth feeling of hunger and thirst, ninth excitement and tenth riped, like a fruit and ready for coming out of the womb. These ten months are ruled, respectively, by Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Lord of Nisheka Lagna, the Moon and the Sun. The dispositions of these Lords indicate good, or bad of the respective processes.

32-33. Miscarriage. Should a planet be affected by celestial portents, or defeat by malefic at the time of intercourse, miscarriage may take place in the month ruled by the planet concerned. The Ascendant ruling at the time of intercourse can also become cause of miscarriage. If Saturn and Mars be in the said Ascendant, or the Moon be in a House of Mars, or Saturn, the results mentioned will come to pass.

34. Comfortable Carrying. Should the Adhana Ascendant be occupied by Moon, or should there be benefics in the 5th, 9th, 7th, 2nd, 10th, 4th and malefics relegated to 3rd and 11th aspected by the Sun, the carrying female is safe.

35-41. Adversities to the Pregnant Woman. If at the time of Adhana the Sun and the Moon are hemmed between two malefics, while the Ascendant has no benefic aspect, the female concerned dies. The same effect prevails, if the said Ascendant and the 7th are occupied by malefics and be without benefic aspect, or, if the said Ascendant is occupied by Saturn and weak Moon aspected by Mars. Again similar effects shall come to pass, if weak Moon and the Sun are in 12th, Mars in 4th, while Venus is between two malefics. Both the child in the womb and its mother leave this world, if malefics occupy the 4th from the said Ascendant, or from the Moon, while Mars is in the 7th, or Lagna. The same result follows, if Mars is in 4th, Sun in 12th and the Moon be decreasing and be with malefic aspect. If the Sun is in Lagna, while the Moon is weak, or, if Mars is in Lagna, while malefics are in 12th and 2nd without benefics’ aspect, death occurs of the mother along with child. The Sun in the 7th at Adhana, while Mars is in Lagna, takes away the child along with its mother through instruments.

42-43. Progress of Pregnancy. Should there be aspects from Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, or the Sun to the Lagna, the process of pregnancy goes on well. The embryo develops according to the state of the Lords of various months (in transit). In the third month the pregnant woman develops tastes to eat various things according to the disposition of the various monthly Lords and Lagna Lord and the Yogas caused to them.

44-45. Time of Delivery. If at the time of Nisheka (i.e. Adhana) the Sun is in a Movable Sign, delivery takes place in the 10th month, if he is in a Fixed Sign, delivery in 11th month is indicated and in a Dual Sign it is in 12th month. If a Movable Rāśi ascends at Adhana, delivery takes place in 10th month, a Fixed 11th and Dual 12th.

46-47. The matter of delivery can be guessed through the Vargas of Nisheka Lagna. The natal Moon can be in the 10th from Adhana Moon. This view is held by many Acharyas. According to Badarayana the natal Ascendant will be in the 7th from Adhana Lagna and natal Moon will be in the 7th from Adhana Moon. Since there are several views on this, I explain below a view, which is acceptable to all.

48. View Acceptable to all about Natal Moon. Note the Dwadasamsa of the Moon at the time of Adhana. When Moon is so many Signs away from her Adhana position (in a month, when delivery is normally possible), delivery will take place.

49. Should a Navāńśa of Saturn rule the Nisheka Lagna and Saturn be in the 7th, the delivery takes place after three years. If Cancer be the Navāńśa Lagna with the Moon in the 7th (from Rāśi Lagna), delivery occurs after twelve years.

50. Fraction of Day, or Night for Delivery. According to Nisheka Lagna being a day Sign, or night Sign, delivery will be after so much of fraction of night, or day having passed.

51-52. Thus should be understood the possible time of birth in day, or night and the Lagna at birth. In similar manner the difference between sunrise and birth, i.e. natal Ascendant and (week)day, fortnight, Muhurta month etc. should be guessed. Such details relating to birth should first be ascertained and then predictions should be issued with reference to nativity by astrologers.

53-55. Yogas for Eye Defects. If at the time of Adhana (or at birth) the Sun and Moon are in Leo identical with Lagna, the child born will be blind. There should be aspect of Mars and Saturn on Leo. A bubble on the eye should be predicted, if Mars and Mercury aspect the said Sun and Moon in Leo Lagna. I shall further explain Yogas affecting the eyes. Should the 12th be occupied by waning Moon, left eye is destroyed and, if by the Sun, it is the right eye. If, however, benefics aspect (the said 12th and the Sun/Moon), then by (suitable) efforts the eye can be repaired.

56. If malefics are in Rāśi Sandhi and the Moon is in Taurus aspected by Mars, Saturn and the Sun, the native born will be dumb. If, however, there is benefic’s aspect, the person speaks later on.

57. If malefic planets are in Rāśi Sandhis, while there is no benefic aspect on the Moon, the native born is dullwitted. Should Saturn and Mars be in a Navāńśa of Mercury, the birth is with teeth.

58. Should Mercury be in 5th, or 9th from the Ascendant, while all other planets are devoid of strength, the child has 2 faces, 4 hands and 4 legs.

59. If the last portion of Capricorn rises with aspect from Saturn and the Luminaries, the native is short-statured. The same effect prevails, if the Moon is in Cancer identical with Ascendant and aspected by Mars and Saturn.

60. If Pisces rises at birth with aspect from Mars, Saturn and the Moon, the child born is lame. If there is a benefic’s aspect to the said combination, then relief can be expected after making efforts.

61. Should Mars be in the Ascendant and fall in the ascendental decanate, or a trinal decanate, receiving the aspect of malefics, while benefics are devoid of strength, the child in the womb develops no head, no legs and no hands, respectively.

62. Whatever is stated in this Ch., should be suitably applied to natal Ascendant, if applicable. And the rules stated elsewhere in regard to nativity may be used with reference to Ādhāna also, if need be.

Thus ends the 8th Ch. entitled Ādhānādhyāya in Saravali of Kalyana Varma.

Ch. 9. Conditions at Birth

1. To know the time of delivery I have explained the Ādhāna Ch. Now I explain the natal Ch., as below.

2. If natal Lagna is in Sīrshodaya Rāśi, birth is with head foremost and a Prishtodaya Rāśi at birth indicates birth with legs foremost. The birth is with hands in such a position, if an Ubhayodaya Rāśi ascends. Should Lagna enjoy benefic aspect, delivery would have been comfortable, otherwise difficult.

3-4. The place of delivery will correspond to the Rāśi Lagna, or Navāńśa Lagna at birth. If it is a Dual Rāśi, or Navāńśa, delivery will be on the way. A Fixed Rāśi/Ańśa indicates delivery in one’s own place. Should the Navāńśa be of the same Rāśi, the delivery is in one’s own house, otherwise it is otherwise. The delivery will be in the house of father, or mother according to the indicator concerned being strong.

5-7. If benefic planets are in full, then the birth is in an enclosed place, under a tree, or on the banks of a river. Should all planets be together and not aspect Lagna, or the Moon, then the birth is in a thick forest. If a watery Sign is on the Ascendant and aspected by Full Moon from a watery Sign being 4th, or 10th, birth is in water (river etc.) and similar results be predicted, if Lagna and 4th are occupied by benefics and Full Moon is in watery Sign, or in own House.

8-11. If Scorpio, or Cancer ascends with Saturn and is aspected by Moon, birth is in a deep place. This view is held by Yavanas and Maniththa. Should Saturn be in watery Rāśi rising and aspected by Mercury, birth is in playground. If the planet aspecting is the Sun, it is temple and the Moon aspecting indicates barren lands. Should an Aranya Rāśi (for example Leo) be on the Lagna, the birth is in hills, forest, fortress etc. Should a human Rāśi be ascending and is aspected by Mars, it is burial ground, if by Mercury, sculpture home and, if by the Sun, cowshed, royal palace, or temple. If the aspect is from Venus and Mercury, it indicates pleasing location and, if from Venus and Jupiter, it is Brahmins’ place, or where sacred rites are performed.

12. Should Jupiter be exalted in 10th (Libra Lagna), delivery is in a 2-, 3-, or 4-storied building. If benefic planets are in Saturn’s Rāśi, or Navāńśa, coinciding with the 4th, or 10th, the delivery is in a veranda, or balcony.

13. To know the direction of the delivery room proceed thus. One of the Dual Signs ascending denotes the quarter (of the direction), in which the room is situated. The other Signs from Aries on indicate the directions of the room.

14. Should there be a (strong) planet in the Angle of a Sign, the direction, represented by that Sign will prevail. If Sagittarius ascends with strength, it is 3-storied building, while Capricorn denotes a spacious house.

15. If Venus is strong at birth, it is a new and painted house. Jupiter in strength denotes a strong house, while Mars indicates a burnt house. The Sun stands for house constructed of wood. It is a new house, if the Moon is strong. Saturn in strength indicates an old house.

16-17. The direction of the planet occupying an Angle denotes the direction of entry for the lying-in-chamber. The planet, that is conjunct with the planet denoting house of birth, indicates the direction, in which another house related to delivery is located. The Sun indicates temples, the Moon watery places, Mars fire-houses, Jupiter treasury, Venus parks etc., Saturn filthy corner and Mercury bedroom etc.

18-20. Now explained is the situation of the cot, on which the delivery took place. The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th indicate the four legs of cot. The first two relate to southern side legs and the other two denote the northern side legs. If the Ascendant is aspected by a benefic, the kind of cloth relating to that benefic was spread on the delivery cot. The Ascendant leads to know the direction, in which the mother was having her head. The depression in the cot corresponds to the Common Sign occupied by malefics.

21-23. If the Moon is in her debilitation Sign identical with the 4th, or Ascendant, the birth is on the ground. The number of attendants can be known by the number of planets posited between the Moon and Lagna. The number of attendants inside the chamber is known by the number of planets posited in the invisible half and the number of attendants outside the chamber will correspond to the number of planets in the visible half. If the concerned planets are benefic, the attendant ladies are with attractive features, beautiful and bedecked with ornaments. Malefics similarly indicate, that such females are ugly, unfortunate and dirty. If the planets are of mixed disposition, but with strength, the attending women are in between the said two accounts. All these should be accordingly understood.

24-25. Out of the 12 Rāśis the one occupied by the Sun will indicate the portion of the delivery chamber, where light is kept. If it is Fixed Sign, the light burns steadily and, if it is a Moving Sign, it is unsteady. The portion, that expired in Lagna is indicative of the content, to which the wick has burnt already. The quantity of oil in the lamp will correspond to the waxing, or waning state of the Moon.

26-27. There were many lights, if the Sun is aspected by Mars. Should other planets be all weak, light was obtained by burning grass. Should the Moon be in a Navāńśa of Saturn, or be in watery Navāńśa, or in the 4th House and be in aspect to, or in the company of Saturn, delivery was in a place of darkness. There is no doubt about this.

28-30. Should the Ascendant be without the aspect of the Moon, the birth is behind the father, i.e. the father was absent from the place. If the Sun is in the 9th identical with a Movable Rāśi, the father was in a foreign place. The Sun in the case of day birth and Saturn in the case of night birth, if aspected by Mars, delivery is out of father’s sight. If the said Sun, or Saturn be in a Movable Sign, death of father (in a distant place) should be declared. If the 5th, 6th and 7th from the Sun are aspected, or occupied by malefics, the father was under confinement. Movable, Fixed and Common Signs here indicate confinement, respectively, in foreign place, own place and on the way.

31. Should the 7th House and the Trines be occupied by malefics, the delivery is not without trouble. Benefics in 10th and 4th cause easy delivery in a large room apart from giving wealth.

32-33. The following lead to birth outside wedlock: Moon, or Lagna sans Jupiter’s aspect; Luminaries being together without Jupiter’s aspect; Luminaries along with malefics not receiving the aspect of Jupiter; Sun, Moon and Jupiter simultaneously in fall, while Saturn is in Lagna and Lagna, Moon and Venus not being in aspect to Jupiter.

34-36. If the Moon is in 4th, or 7th along with malefics, it is evil to mother. The native’s mother dies (immediately after delivery), if there are malefics in 7th from Moon and aspected by Mars. Sun in 10th from the Moon along with malefics indicate death of the mother. The same effect prevails, if Sun is in 5th, or 9th from Venus (?) and with Saturn’s company, or aspect. If birth takes place during night-time, while Saturn occupies 5th, or 9th from the Moon, the mother soon leaves the world. For a day birth, if Mars is 5th, or 9th from Venus and aspected by malefics, the mother dies (early).

37-40. If Mars and Saturn join in 5th, or 9th from Ascendant, while the Moon is in 7th, the child is forsaken by the mother. Jupiter’s aspect in that case bestows happiness and long life. The child given up dies, if the Moon is in Lagna and Mars in 7th in aspect to malefics. Mars and Saturn in 11th bring similar effects. Should a benefic aspect such combinations, the child is rescued by the respective relative. Both malefics and benefics aspecting indicate death in the hands of others. Saturn and Mars joining in the same Ańśa indicate, that the child will be forsaken by the mother. Mars in 7th from the Ascendant in aspect to Saturn produces similar effects.

41. The child acquires the qualities corresponding to the benefic’s aspects. Should the Sun be strong, it resembles the father. If the Moon be so, resemblance is that of the mother.

42. When Leo, Aries, or Taurus rises with Mars, or Saturn, there will be coil around the limb, as indicated by the Navāńśa Lagna Rāśi.

43-44. If the Lagna falls in a decanate of Mars, or Saturn, while malefics, or Moon occupy Lagna, with benefics relegated to 2nd, or 11th denote, that the child was born with navel cord coiled around. Should the Sun be in a Quadruped Sign, while others with strength remain in Dual Signs, it indicates, that twins were born coiled by same navel cord.

45-46. The physical appearance will correspond to the Navāńśa Lagna, or the strongest of planets. It may also correspond to the Lord of the Navāńśa occupied by the Moon. If many are strong, appearance and complexion will be mixed. Race, caste and country of birth should be considered, while estimating features and character of a person.

47. Sages say, that the nature of the native will correspond to the Trimsāńśa occupied by the Sun at birth.

48. Other information must be understood according to the friendship, enmity and debilitation, exaltation, or placement in between of the planets at birth.

49. If weak Moon be with malefics, mother’s death takes place, while the Sun being so causes father’s death. These planets indicate sickness (to the concerned parent), if aspected by both benefics and malefics. Benefics, however, cause auspiciousness.

50. The Moon, being bright, if be in her exaltation Rāśi, or in her own Rāśi along with Jupiter and Venus in aspect to Mercury, or the Moon in 5th is capable of giving extreme auspiciousness in respect of the native’s mother. The Sun so placed proves auspicious for father.

Thus ends the 9th Ch. entitled Janma Vidhanādhyāya of Kalyana Varma’s Saravali


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