
Thhis blog is mainly created for the students of the MA (Vedanga Jyotisha)of KaviKulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. This blog will answer the higher concepts of Vedanga Jyotisha hence named Horashastra. I must thank all my elders and Gurus whithout whose help the cration of this blog will be a impossible thing. "People may not remember what you did for them, or even what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Thursday, June 29, 2006



Ch. 10. Evils at Birth

1. In the absence of knowledge of longevity, attempts to know other information are futile. So I explain below Arishtas (evils) in order to determine longevity.

2. Male planets are strong in odd Rāśis, bright lunar half and day-time. Female planets are strong in even Rāśis, dark lunar half and night-time.

3. There are three kinds of evils, explained by astrological expounders. These are preordained, accidental and Yogaja (arising of planetary combinations). The third kind is dealt with below, while others are explained later on.

4. Should Jupiter be in 8th and in a House of Mars and aspected by Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn, the child dies in 3 years.

5. If Saturn is retrograde in a House of Mars, while Moon is in 6th, 8th, or an Angle and aspect Mars, the child born lives for two years.

6-7. If Saturn joins Sun and Moon at birth, the life-span is only nine years, according to Brahmasaunda. Should Mars, Sun and Saturn be in Taurus identical with 8th, the native lives for one month even though Lord Yama may try to save him.

8-9. Even, if there be a single malefic in 8th House, owned by Venus and aspected by other malefics, the native lives for one year only in spite of the fact, that he may drink nectar. If Venus is in 12th, 6th, or 8th, owned by Sun, or Moon and is aspected by all benefics, the life-span is six years.

10-11. If Mercury occupies Cancer identical with 6th, or 8th from Ascendant and is aspected by the Moon, life is only up to 4. The efficacious Raja Yogas expounded by Yavanas may produce persons of high descent. Even such children are subject to premature end in this case.

12-13. If the birth star is identical with the one, in which Ketu rises, the native lives only for two months. Should the Sun be in 10th House identical with that of Mars, or Saturn and aspected by strong malefic, the native faces immediate death.

14-15. Should the Ascendant fall in Nigala, Sarpa, Pakshi, or Pasa decanate and be occupied by malefic planets, without the aspect of the decanate Lord concerned, the native lives up to 7 years only. If Rahu is in an Angle and aspected by malefics, the longevity is only 10, while, according to some, it is 16.

16-17. If malefics are Angles and Trines, while benefics are relegated to 6th, 8th and 12th, one born at the time of sunrise dies at once. If the three planets, viz. the Lords of Navāńśa Lagna, Moon Sign and natal Ascendant, are combust, the person lives just for a few years.

18. If the 6th is occupied by the Ascendant Lord, death occurs in the year corresponding to Rāśi concerned. If the occupant is the Lord of rising decanate, death occurs in the month corresponding to Rāśi concerned and, if it is Lord of Navāńśa Lagna, the Rāśi concerned causes death in so many days.

19. If Saturn is in the Ascendant in aspect to malefics, longevity is only 16 days. If Saturn in the Ascendant is in the company of malefics, death occurs in a month and, if he is alone in the Ascendant without malefic connections, the child lives for one year.

20-22. If weak Moon is in the Ascendant excepting Cancer, Taurus and Aries and is aspected by malefics, the child passes away (soon). The Moon in 6th, or 8th, if aspected by malefics, causes death in one year, while, when aspected by benefics, she kills in the 8th year. Should the aspect be from both benefics and malefics, the life-span is only 4. This should be decided according to the strength of such bodies.

23-24. Should benefics be in 6th, or 8th and be aspected, or conjoined with retrograde malefic, without the aspect of benefic, the child lives only for one month. If malefics are in 12th, 2nd, 6th and 8th, without connection of benefics, the child dies in 6, or 8 months.

25-26. If the Lords of Lagna and the Moon Sign are together in 6th, 8th, or 12th and be combust, the child dies in the year corresponding to the Rāśi. Should the Lord of the Ascendant be in 7th, defeated by a malefic and be without a benefic’s aspect, death occurs in a month. Similar clues should be drawn from Moon and her dispositor.

27-28. If Moon is conjoined with Mars and Sun and be in 2nd, or 5th unaspected by benefics, the child doubtlessly dies in the 9th year. Sages declare, that, if the Ascendant Lord is in 8th in aspect to all the malefics, who are with strength, the child dies in the fourth month.

29-30. If the Lord of Moon Sign, the Sun and his son are in 8th, the child dies in the year corresponding to the Rāśi concerned. Should the Moon be with malefics, be in 12th, 8th, 6th, or Ascendant and be not aspected by benefics, while benefics are non-angular, the child dies at once.

31-32. If malefics are in the oriental half of the Zodiac (from 10th to 4th Bhava Madhya) with benefics relegated to the occidental half, birth in Scorpio Ascendant causes what is Vajra Mushti Yoga. One born in such a Yoga does hardly live. According to Yavanas, if weak Moon is in Lagna, while malefics are angular, or in 8th, (instant) death is caused.

33-34. One born in twilight does not live long, if the Ascendant falls in lunar Hora, while malefics are posited in the end of the Rāśis, which are angular, along with the Moon. Should the Moon be amidst two malefics and be in 7th, 4th, or 8th, even Gods cannot save one from (instant) death.

35-36. If the Moon is hemmed between two malefics, be in the Ascendant, 7th, or 8th and be in aspect to weak benefics, (infant) death follows. Should malefics be in 7th and 8th and be aspected by malefics, the child dies along with its mother. If there be aspect from benefics in such a case, the mother becomes sick (there will not be immediate death).

37-38. If the Moon be eclipsed and be in the Ascendant along with malefics, while Mars is in 8th, the child quits the world along with its mother. The mother dies of weapons along with the child, if it be a solar eclipse with Sun and malefics in the Ascendant, while Mars is in 8th. Should weak Moon be in the Ascendant and malefics be angular, or in 8th, without benefic’s aspect, death is imminent. This view is of Satyācārya.

39-40. The undermentioned combinations cause death soon. Sun in 7th, while Saturn, or Mars is in Ascendant. Sun in Ascendant, while Saturn, or Mars is in 7th. Saturn, or Mars joining Moon and she not aspected by benefics. Malefics in Ascendant, 8th, 7th, 4th and 10th, the Moon be decreasing in 12th.

41-42. Moon, Sun, Saturn and Mars are capable of inflicting infant death, if they are together in Ascendant, 12th, 9th, or 8th, unaspected by Jupiter. If Ascendant is tenanted by Sun, or Moon, while malefics are in Trines, or 8th and be not aspected by, or conjoined with benefics, according to Yavanas, infant death is caused.

43-44. Venus joining the Sun and Saturn causes instant death. This combination doubtlessly gives death in the 9th year, if aspected by Jupiter. Death in childhood occurs, if Moon is conjoined with Mars, Sun and Saturn, provided unaspected by benefic planets.

45-46. If Sun is aspected by Mars and Saturn in the case of a day birth, it soon leads to death of the father. The Sun joining malefics (for day birth) also indicates the same effect. The child’s father and paternal grandfather will face early death, if Sun is in Ascendant along with Mars and Saturn, but unrelated to Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.

47-48. If Sun is hemmed between two malefics, or is conjoined with malefics, one born during day-time loses his father early without any doubt. The child’s father at once quits the world, if planet Sun has Mars and Saturn in 8th from him unaspected by benefics.

49-50. If at birth Sun is in a Movable Rāśi along with malefics, the father of the child dies of poison, weapons etc. Malefics (or even a malefic) in 8th, 9th, or 7th from Moon can cause death of the child along with its mother.

51-52. The father of the child was away at the time of birth, if Sun is in a Movable Sign, in case of day birth and aspected by Mars. Saturn in a Movable Rāśi and in aspect to the Sun in the case of night birth denotes same results.

53-54. In the case of night birth, if Saturn is in a Movable Sign along with Mars, the father undoubtedly dies in a distant place. If Sun joins Mars and Saturn in any Rāśi, the father dies before the birth of the native.

55-56. If malefics are disposed in Ascendant, 8th, 7th, 6th and 12th, the child dies along with its mother. There is no doubt in it. Should only 6th and 8th be occupied by malefics, the mother does not die, but the child dies. The reverse is true, if malefics are in Ascendant, 8th and 7th.

57-67. Mars, or Saturn in 12th can deprive the native of his eyes. Saturn right and Mars left eye. The native becomes blind, if Sun and Moon are in 12th, while 6th and 8th are occupied by malefics. Even, if one among the Sun and the Moon is in 12th, damage to eye is indicated (Sun affects the right eye, while Moon affects the left one). If Rahu is in Ascendant, while Sun is in 7th, the native is blind by birth. Should 2nd and 12th be occupied by Moon and Sun, while malefics are in 8th and 6th, the person born is blind. If Moon is in 6th, Sun in 8th, Saturn in 9th and Mars in 2nd, simultaneously, the native is blind. Should Moon be in the company of Mars and Saturn and be posited in 8th, or 6th, the native looses his eyesight due to bilious and phlegmatic imbalances. Should the said Moon be conjunct other malefics, apart from Mars and Saturn, in this combination, if the House involving Moon is the 8th, the damage is to the right eye and, if it be the 6th, the left eye is damaged. Should, however, this combination be aspected by benefics, the damage is not at birth, but will be later on. If Moon is in 8th, or 12th along with Saturn and be aspected by malefics, eyesight is lost due to windy and phlegmatic complaints (here also 8th indicates right, while 12th the left eye). And, if benefics aspect the said Moon in 8th/12th, the loss is not at birth, but in the course of time. If Moon is thus associated with Saturn and Sun (in several ways), damage to eyes is to be predicted.

68-70. YOGAS ADVERSE FOR EARS. Moon in 11th, 3rd, or Ascendant along with malefics causes defects of the ears. If she is aspected by malefics, the effect is along with birth (i.e. immediate). Should 9th and 5th be aspected, or occupied by malefics, ear defects at the time of birth exist. Malefics in 9th affect the right ear, while in 5th they damage the left ear. Benefics aspecting, or occupying these Houses cause on the other hand good in respect of ears.

71-73. Whatever Rāśi is indicative of a disease shall be treated, as the limb to be afflicted by such disease. The Moon Sign can also be similarly considered. Benefics cause birth marks on the right, or left side of the body, according to their occupation. Should malefics aspect these benefics, loss of concerned limb should be expected. Malefics and benefics according to their association with Moon and the visible and invisible halves (counted from Lagna) cause bad and good results in this respect.

74-76. DEATH IN FEW DAYS. The Sun and the Moon in the 3rd House identical with Pisces cause illness from birth and the child lives only for three days. If the Moon is in the 10th from the Ascendant, while the Sun singly, or with all others is in the 3rd asterism from that occupied by the Moon, the child lives only for one night. The life span is just one week, if the Sun and Mars are in the 7th from the Moon.

77-82. EFFECTS OF TIME OF STARTING OF DISEASES. The following combinations prevailing at the time of a disease cause death in so many days, as indicated: 1) Malefics in 4th and 8th from Lagna-10 days. 2) Malefics in 2nd and 12th from Lagna10 days. 3) The Sun in 5th, while Moon is in 9th from the Ascendant12 days. 4) The Moon in Angle, while the Sun is in 4th, or 8th 3 nights. 5) The Moon in the 4th, while the Sun is in the 6th 18 days. 6) The Sun in the 5th, or 9th from the Moon20 days. 7) The Sun in the Ascendant, or the 8th and in aspect to Saturn and Mars will finally inflict death on the patient.

83-88. Mars in Lagna, or other Angles, while Jupiter is not so causes death. The Sun in Lagna, Jupiter non angular and malefics in the 8th cause immediate death. Similar results should be predicted, if the Moon is in the Ascendant, while Jupiter is in a place other than Angles and malefics are in the 8th. Malefics in the 7th from the rising decanate, while the Moon is in the Ascendant will also cause death at birth. (In this case, the Moon shall be in the rising decanate, while malefics shall occupy the l9th decanate). A majority of planets in the 8thprimarily maleficsindicate longevity ranging from seven days to one month. A dead child is born, if Saturn is in the Ascendant, while Mars is in the 8th, with Jupiter being not in an Angle.

89-9O. MALEFICS IN RISING DECANATE AND TRINES THEREOF. Saturn in the rising decanate, while a malefic is in the 5th and another in the 9ththe latter two should be exactly on trinal decanates, as Saturn isindicates disease. Mars in the place of Saturn in the said combination denotes (infant) death, while the Sun so placed indicates disease, deformity, or death.

91. DEATH. If at birth Mars is in the Ascendant, while Venus is in an Angle, Mars causes death, when he resumes the same point in the next round in his transit.

92. If Jupiter is in a Trine, Ascendant Lord in the Ascendant and Mars in an Angle to one of them, it can cause immediate death.

93-97. EXCEEDINGLY LONG LIFE. The native lives for 108 years, if the 8th House is not occupied, while Ascendant is free from malefic residence and Jupiter is in an Angle. A span of over 108 years is granted, if Jupiter and Venus are in an Angle, while there are no malefics in Trines and the 8th. Predict 120 years of life, if Venus is in the Ascendant, Jupiter is in an Angle other than the Ascendant and the 8th House is not occupied by malefics. Similar span of life is given, if Jupiter is in Cancer Ascendant along with Venus, or the Moon, while the 8th House is not occupied. If Angles, Trines and the 8th House are not occupied by malefics, one’s longevity is comparable to that of Gods.

98. ELAPSED LONGEVITY. Weak Moon along with malefics, if posited in the 8th, 7th, 12th, 1st, 5th, or 9th and unaspected by benefics will only grant elapsed longevity, i.e. immediate death.

99. TIMING INFANT DEATH. When the child with powerful infant mortal combinations is in its first year, death will come to pass, if the Moon with strength passes over the natal position of another qualified planet, or on its own natal position (i.e. Janma Rāśi), or natal Ascendant. In all these cases, the Moon should be aspected by malefics.

100-103. DEATH IN CHILDHOOD. Any one group of the following planets joining in one House will cause death in five years: d) The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, 2) Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon, 3) The Sun, Saturn, Mars and the Moon. Even, if a child is on the God’s laps, it will die in 11th year, if the Sun conjunct Mercury is aspected by malefics. Death within 7 years of age will occur, if the Sun is in the Ascendant along with Mars and Saturn, while declining Moon is in the 7th House in a House owned by Venus, provided this combination is not aspected by Jupiter. Should the Sun and the declining Moon be in Angles and be conjunct with, or in aspect to Mars and Saturn, the child has a longevity of only 4 years. In these cases, i.e., where child mortality is indicated, there is no use of making any calculations.

104. DEATH IN THIRD YEAR. If waning Moon, or Lagna Lord be in the Marana Pada and aspected by all the malefics, but not benefics, the length of life is only 3 years.

Notes: Marana Pada has been interpreted, as 8th House by some. But it actually means the Rāśi counted so many Signs away from the Rāśi, in which the 8th Lord is, as he is away from the 8th. Note how many Signs away the 8th Lord is from the 8th. So many Rāśis away from the 8th Lord’s Rāśi is Marana Pada.

105-107. If all benefic planets are in the visible half of the Zodiac, while malefics are relegated the invisible half Rahu be specifically in the Ascendantat the time of birth, the longevity is only 3 years. Should Rahu be in the 7th House in exclusive aspect to the Luminaries and be unaspected by others, death before the age of 12 is denoted.

108-110. If Rahu is in Aquarius, Leo, or Scorpio identical with the Ascendant and is aspected by malefics, the life span is only 7. If Dhuma Ketu rises followed by fall of meteor and strong gale and, if birth occurs in Raudra Muhurta, or Sarpa Muhurta, the subject invites early death.

111-114. FATEFUL DEGREES OF THE MOON. The Moon is capable of inflicting death, if she is in any of the following degrees at birth: Aquarius 21, Leo 5, Taurus 9, Scorpio 23, Aries 8, Cancer 12, Libra 4, Capricorn 20, Virgo 1, Sagittarius 18, Pisces 10 and Gemini 22. If the Moon is in such degrees at birth, death is indicated in the corresponding year and the native cannot be protected by even God Yama.

115-118. Assess the strengths of Ascendant, Angles etc., at birth. Jupiter is life spirit of all natives. The time of death should be known through Jupiter. If he is in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th, or Ascendant, he proves fatal at the age of 5 10, 46, 20. 30, 40 and 50, respectively.

Thus ends the 10th Ch. entitled Evils at Birth in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali

Ch. 11. Evils and the Moon

1-2. I now explain the combinations, that are capable of nullifying the said evils, for these are important in the Science of Horoscopy and initially explained below are the Yogas to counteract the evils emanating from, or afflicting the Moon, as done by expounders, like Lord Brahma.

3-4. If the Moon is Full and is aspected by all heavenly bodies, all evils are countered, just as lawbreakers are destroyed by the king. Venus aspecting the Full Moon, while the latter is in friendly divisions is capable of obstructing evils, just as abdominal remedies are able to cure windy diseases.

5-6. Should the Moon be in her deep exaltation and be aspected by Venus, evils are countered, just as phlegm and bile are controlled by induced vomiting. If the Moon be in the divisions of benefic planets and be aspected by benefics, she will not prove evil though she may be waning, just as nutmeg bark treats dysentery.

7-8. Benefics in the 7th, 8th and 6th from the Moon remove all adversities, just as madness is removed by Kalyana Grita. Same is the case, if the Moon is conjunct benefics and be in the decanates owned by benefics, just as saline water controls ear diseases.

9-10. Should the full Moon be in a benefic’s Dwadasamsa, all evils are removed, just as butter-milk checks piles. If the Moon occupies a benefic’s Rāśi and receives the Lagna Lord’s aspect, adversities for short-life are counteracted, as even a noble housewife can destroy the fame of the descent, if she seeks union with other men.

11-12. Even though the Moon may be in a House owned by a malefic, or in such Vargas, she does not prove evil, if aspected by her dispositor. This is comparable-to a miser protecting his money. If the dispositor of the Moon is strong and be in aspect to benefics, or friendly planets, the Moon is not capable of harming, in comparison to a timid person, who cannot face others even though he may be in war field.

13-14. If the Lord of the Moon Sign is in Lagna and is aspected by all planets, all evils are removed, just as the ointment of holy fig and bamboo bark removes whiteness. The Moon in her exaltation, own, friendly, or benefic Vargas, aspected by benefics, but not malefics counteracts all-evils, as the Sun does remove fog.

15. Just as quartan fever is removed by inhaling Agashya flower, all evils are checked by Mercury and Venus in the 12th of Moon, malefics in the 11th and Jupiter in the 10th.

16-17. Should the Moon be in the 6th, 3rd, 10th, 11th, or 4th from the natal Ascendant and be aspected by benefics, evils are removed, as though a king destroys his opponents. The Lord of the Moon Sign is singly capable of removing all evils, if he is with full strength and aspected by benefics, similar to an inebriated tiger throwing away a thousand deer.

Thus ends the 11th Ch., entitled “Evils and the Moon” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 12. Evils Canceled at Birth

1. A very brilliant Jupiter (i.e. not being devoid of rays) is capable of counteracting all evils, if he is in the Ascendant, just as a single sincere Prostration before Lord Vishnu, the wearer of Sudarshana Chakra, relieves one of the greatest sins.

2. Benefics with strength and malefics without it remove all evils, if Ascendant falls in a benefic’s House and is aspected by benefics, just as those, who worship planets will have no sins left to their liability.

3-5. If malefics occupy the Rāśis and Amsas of benefics (i.e. such benefic divisions) and be in aspect to benefics, evils are removed, just as a dejected lady remains away from her husband. Should Rahu be in the 3rd, 6th, or 11th from the Ascendant and be aspected by benefics all evils are destroyed, as though wind carries away a heap of cotton with it. If all planets be in direct motion and in Seershodaya Signs, all blemishes are removed, just as ghee is burnt out in fire.

6-7. A benefic planet victorious in planetary war at birth and essentially aspected by another benefic, destroys all evils, just as a gale can uproot trees. If a planet has a halo (in the sky) and is aspected by a malefic, evils are countered, just as the solar eclipse day bath in Kurukshetra does.

8-9. If there is a pleasant breeze at the time of birth and the sky is with pleasing clouds and the heavenly bodies be with splendour, the evils disappear in a fillip, just as rains settle dust. If birth takes place, when Agasthya and others of Saptharshis (Alfa Carini, or Great Bear) rise, all evils are destroyed, just as darkness disappears, when the Sun rises.

10-11. Rahu in the Ascendant identical with Aries, Taurus, or Cancer protects the native from the clutches of all evils, just as a pleased king forgives the crimes of a person. If all the planets (not of course the nodes) arc in their own decanates, all evils are removed, just as the Sun removes darkness.

12. If at birth many planets are capable of giving benefic results, even then there is no blemish, just as the king gets success in journey undertaken, when the Moon is in a Trine to the Sun.

13. Should Jupiter and Venus be in Angles, evils arising out of the various Rāśis (i.e. Bhavas) and of the Moon are countered. And the native lives for hundred years.

14. If Jupiter and the Moon be in Cancer, identical with 4th, 10th, or the Ascendant, Mercury and Saturn be in Libra, while others are in the 11th, 3rd and 6th, one has illimitable longevity.

15. I have thus explained the Yogas, that are capable of countering the evils, as laid down by our great ancestors May the astrologers please the king with the knowledge of these.

Thus ends the 12th Ch. entitled “Cancellation of evils at birth” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 13. Lunar Yogas

1. SUNAPHA, ANAPHA AND DURUDHURA YOGAS. Excepting the Sun, any other planet in the 2nd from the Moon causes Sunapha Yoga, in the 12th Anapha Yoga and in both the 2nd and the 12th Durudhura Yoga.

2. KEMADRUMA YOGA. Kemadruma Yoga is formed, if at least one of the said three Yogas (viz. Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhura Yogas) is not present, or, if the Moon’s Angles are devoid of planets, or, if she is unaspected by all the planets. Such Yoga causes extreme difficulties.

3. DIFFERENT PERMUTATIONS. By all possible permutations and transmutations, one can see 30 kinds of Sunapha Yoga, 30 kinds of Anapha Yoga and 180 kinds of Durudhura Yoga.

4. EFFECTS OF SUNAPHA YOGA. One born with Sunapha Yoga will be wealthy, will have self-made prowess (or will reach an exalted position of his own efforts), be very virtuous, be learned in Shastras and their meanings, be very famous, virtuous (like Lord Rama), be peacefully disposed, happy, be a king, or a minister and be highly intelligent.

5. EFFECTS OF ANAPHA YOGA. One born in Anapha Yoga will be eloquent in speech, magnanimous, virtuous, will enjoy food, drink, flowers, robes and females, will be famous, calm in disposition, happy, pleased and will possess a beautiful body.

6. EFFECTS OF DURUDHURA YOGA. One born in Durudhura Yoga will be famous on the earth for his speech, wisdom, valour and virtues. He will enjoy freedom, comforts, wealth and conveyances. He will be liberal, but will come to grief by maintaining his family members. He will have good behavior.

7. EFFECTS OF KEMADRUMA YOGA. The native with Kemadruma Yoga will be deprived of life, drinks, food, residence, robes and friends, though he may belong to regal scion. He will suffer from poverty, grief, sickness and be dirty. He will live by hard labor, be wicked and be inimically disposed to one and all.

8-9. OTHER KIND OF SUNAPHA ETC. The kind of Sunapha Yoga etc. arising from the Moon’s Angles are (also) important. These Yogas give effects according to the state of the Moon (i.e. depending on her rays, being Full, New etc.). The strength of the planets, viz. Mars etc., causing these Yogas, native’s country and the race he belongs to must be properly understood before evaluating Sunapha etc.

10-11. RESULTS OF SUCH YOGAS CAUSED BY MARS ETC. If Sunapha Yoga is caused by Mars (by being in the 2nd of the Moon), the native will be valorous, wealthy, cruel in speech, be an Army chief, will be fierce, torturous, proud and inimical. If Mercury be the cause of Sunapha Yoga, the native will be expert in Vedas, Shastras and music. He will be virtuous and a poet. He will be high-minded, intent on thinking of good for all and will possess a brilliant physique.

12-14. Should Jupiter cause Sunapha Yoga, a person so born will have high learning, will be famous and himself be a king, or dear to a king. He will have a good family and have plenty of wealth. Venus will give wife, lands, wealth, prowess, quadrupeds and valour. The native will further be honoured by king and will also be courageous. Should Saturn be in the 2nd of the Moon causing Sunapha Yoga, the native will be skillful, be worshipped by the people in his village and city and will have wealth galore. He will be devoted to his work and be brave.

15-19. ANAPHA YOGA’S EFFECTS GIVEN BY MARS ETC. If Anapha Yoga is caused by Mars-being in the 12th from the Moonthe native will head a band of thieves, will be arrogant in disposition, be honoured, fond of war, given to anger, good, praiseworthy, good-bodied and proud. If by Mercury, the native will be an expert in singing, dancing and writing, will be a poet and an able orator. He will be conferred honours by tile ruler. will have a brilliant body and will perform famous deeds. Should the Yoga be caused by Jupiter, the native will be majestic, strong, intelligent, fond of assembly, famous through a king and will be a poet. Venus causing this Yoga gives an exceedingly great liking for women. The native will be dear to the king and will enjoy pleasures. He will be splendourous, famous and will have abundant gold. If Saturn causes this Yoga, the subject will be broad-shouldered, be a leader, be indired to keep up his commitments, be rich with quadrupeds, devoted to an infamous lady and be virtuous.

20. EFFECTS OF DURUDHURA YOGA CAUSED BY MARS ETC. If Durudhura Yoga is caused by the pair of Mars and Mercury, the native will be a liar, be very wealthy, expert, very wicked, greatly miserly, addicted to an old lady and be chief in his race.

21. If durudhura Yoga is caused by Mars and Jupiter, one will be famous by his deeds, be mighty (or wealthy), inimically disposed to many and disposed to anger, will protect his men and will gather money.

22. If the Moon has Venus and Mars on either side, the native will have a virtuous wife, will be fortunate, argumentative, pure, skillful, will like doing exercises and be bold in war.

23. If Saturn and Mars plank the Moon, the native will be the husband of a bad lady. He will save a lot of money. He will have vices. He will be given to anger and be a tale bearer. He will win over his enemies.

24. Should Jupiter and Mercury be on either side of the Moon, the native will be virtuous, learned in Shastras, garrulous, be a good poet, be wealthy, capable of making sacrifices and be famous.

25. If Durudhura Yoga is caused by Mercury and Venus, the person will be a sweet speaker, be fortunate, splendourous, beautiful, be fond of dance, singing etc., be served, valiant and be a minister.

26. If Mercury and Saturn plank the Moon, the native will move from one country to the other to earn money. He will not be much educated, will be worshipped by others, but be inimical to his own men.

27. Should Jupiter and Venus cause this Yoga, by being on either side of the Moon, the native will be courageous, intelligent, will have political wisdom, will possess gold and gems, will be famous and be in the employ of a king.

28.1f Jupiter and Saturn be such planets, as to cause Durudhura Yoga the native will be happy, will have knowledge of politics, will be sweet in speech, learned, peaceful, wealthy and good looking.

29. One, who has Durudhura Yoga caused by Venus and Saturn will conduct himself, like an old man (i.e. so mature), be chief in his race, skillful, dear to women and will have plenty of money. He will be honoured by the king and gather abundant wealth.

30. LUNAR YOGAS FROM THE SUN. If the Moon is in an Angle from the Sun, little effects will be felt in regard to money, wisdom, skill, learning and modesty. These are medium, if the Moon be in Panaphara (i.e. 2nd 5th, 8th and 11th) and exceedingly good in Apoklima (i.e. 3rd, 6th. 9th and 12th).

31. MOON IN VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE HALVES. In the case of a night birth, if the Moon is with Parivesha (halo) and be declining in the invisible half of the Zodiac (i.e. being posited between Lagna Bhava Madhya and the center of the descendant7th House), or declining Moon in day time be in the visible half (i.e. between the centres of the descendant and the Ascendant), even results will be felt in respect of fear, grief etc., (that is these positions confer bad results). The Full Moon gives kingdom, if she be contrarily posited.

32. DHANA YOGAS. If all benefics are posited in Upachayas i.e. 3, 6, 10 and 11, the native will acquire much wealth. Two benefics confer moderate wealth, while one confers little wealth in the said Upachaya. These can be deduced from the Moon also.

33. There are other Raja Yogas, like Adhi Yoga arising from the Moon. I have not dealt with them here which I have done infra.

Thus ends the 13th Ch. entitled “Yogas from the Moon” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 14. Yogas from the Sun

1. VASI, VESI, UBHAYACHARI YOGAS FROM THE SUN. Excluding the Moon (and nodes) a planet in the 12th from the Sun causes Vasi Yoga, in the 2nd Vesi Yoga and in both the 12th and the 2nd Ubhayachari Yoga.

2. RESULTS OF VESI YOGA. One born in Vesi Yoga will be weak-sighted, firm in his word, be hard working and will have a bent body. So say Yavanas.

3-5. EFFECTS OF VESI YOGA CAUSED BY DIFFERENT PLANETS. Should Jupiter cause Vesi Yoga, the native will accumulate money, be learned and be good-hearted. If Venus produces this Yoga, the person will be timid, will face obstacles in his missions, will have pleasant (or swift) movements and will be defeated. Mercury causing this Yoga indicates, that the native will be a servant, will suffer penury, be soft-spoken and be modest. He will be bashful. Mars denotes, that the native will resort to base means, but be helpful to others. If it is Saturn, that causes Vesi Yoga, one will join others’ wives, be wicked, will resemble an old person in appearance,-be fraudulent in disposition and be contemptuous. He will, however, have wealth.

6. EFFECTS OF VASI YOGA. One born in Vasi Yoga will possess excellent speech (voice), good memory, be employed, will have looks towards, sideways, will possess a strong physique about the waist, will be equal to a king and be a genuine person.

7-9. EFFECTS OF VASI YOGA BY DIFFERENT PLANETS. If Jupiter should cause Vasi Yoga, the native will possess courage, strength and wisdom. He will keep up his word. In the case of Venus, the person will be valorous, famous, virtuous and reputed. Mercury emanating this Yoga will make one speak sweetly, be beautiful and obey others’ orders. The Vasi Yoga caused by Mars indicates, that the subject will be victorious in war, famous and will live with his own fortunes. If by Saturn, the native will be a businessman, wicked, will steal others’ money, will hate elders and will be the husband of a pious lady.

10. The strength of the planet Sun and that of the planets causing these Yogas and their association with various Rāśis and Amsas should be understood and all results be declared accordingly.

11. EFFECTS OF UBHAYACHARI YOGA. One born under Ubhayachari Yoga will have forebearance, will be very fortunate, even bodied, firm, profoundly strong, not very tall, full of everything, learned, happy, will have many servants, will protect his relatives, be equal to a king, ever enthusiastic and will enjoy all pleasures.
Thus ends the 14th Ch. entitled “Yogas from the Sun” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.


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