
Thhis blog is mainly created for the students of the MA (Vedanga Jyotisha)of KaviKulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. This blog will answer the higher concepts of Vedanga Jyotisha hence named Horashastra. I must thank all my elders and Gurus whithout whose help the cration of this blog will be a impossible thing. "People may not remember what you did for them, or even what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Ch. 26. Effects of Mercury in Various Rāśis

1-2. MERCURY IN ARIES. If Mercury is in Aries at the time of one’s birth, the native will be fond of battles (be uncompromising), be very learned, wicked, emaciated, interested in music and dance, be untruthful, be attached to sexual pleasures, be a writer, will produce fictitious things, will eat much, will lose hard-earned money, will incur debts and imprisonment knowledge of Vedas and Śāstras, be fond of exercises, robes, ornaments and garlands, be firm in disposition, will have sincerely earned wealth, will possess a chaste wife, will be a soft and sweet speaker and be after sexual satisfaction.

5-6. If Mercury occupies Gemini at birth, the subject will have an auspicious appearance, will speak sweetly, be very affluent, be an able speaker, be honourable, will give up his happiness, will cohabit less, will have two wives, be fond of arguments, will be learned in Vedas, Śāstras etc., be a poet, be independent, dear, very munificent, proficient in work and will have many sons and friends.

7-8. One born with Mercury in Cancer will be learned, will be fond of living in other countries, be interested in cohabiting with women and also in music, be fickle-minded, prattling, inimical to his own relatives, will be fond of arguments, will lose wealth on account of enmity with women, be of bad disposition, be interested in many jobs, be a good poet and will be popular on account of the fame of his ancestors.

9-10. Should the planet Mercury occupy Leo at one’s birth, the native will not possess even bit of wisdom (Kala – bit, hence Gnanakala interpreted thus), be famous in the world, be not truthful, will possess a weak memory, be wealthy, be not strong, will indulge in fratricide, be unfortunate in respect of wife, be independent, mean in conduct, be a servant, be devoid of children, be against his own race, but be favourable to others.

11-12. If Mercury occupies his exaltation Sign at the time of one’s birth, the native will be quite virtuous, eloquent, skillful, will have knowledge of writing (be an exponent) and poetry, be learned in fine/mechanical arts, be sweet in disposition, be liked by women, be not much virile, be the eldest son of family, be honoured by virtuous, be disposed to serve others, modest, argumentative, famous, charitable and strong.

13-14. If Mercury falls in Libra at the time of one’s birth, the native will possess knowledge of arts, be intent upon arguments, be an able speaker, will spend money lavishly, will have business in various directions, will honour wise men, guests, Gods and preceptors (elders), be skillful in pretending to serve others, be amiable, devoted to Gods, fraudulent, fickle-minded and sometimes short-tempered and yet sometimes (notably) peaceful.

15-16. MERCURY IN SCORPIO. If Mercury is posited in Scorpio, one will experience troubles, grief and evils, will hate the virtuous, will be devoid of truth, religion and shame, be a dunce, be not virtuous, be a miser, will cohabit with wicked women, be fond of giving cruel punishments, be not out spoken, be interested in blameworthy jobs, will incur debts, will join base men and will steel other’s properties.

17-18. Should Mercury be in Sagittarius, the native will be famous, liberal, will have knowledge of Vedas and Śāstras, be valorous, will practice abstract meditation, be a minister, or family priest, be chief among his race-men, will be very rich, be interested in performing Yajñas and teaching (Vedas etc.), be a skillful speaker, be charitable and be an expert in writing and fine arts.

19-20. MERCURY IN CAPRICORN. If Mercury is in Capricorn at birth, the native will be mean, dull, impotent, will do others’ work, be devoid of virtues, be subjected to various kinds of miseries, will dream, wander etc., be a tale bearer, be untruthful, devoid of relatives, dirty and timid.

21-22. MERCURY IN AQUARIUS. Should Mercury be in Aquarius at birth, the subject will be bereft of good disposition and good deeds, be attached to many religious acts, will give up doing worthy things, be insulted by others, be impure, be not virtuous, be very wicked, be inimical to wife, be devoid of carnal pleasures, be very unfortunate, very timid, impotent, dirty and modest.

23-24. Should Mercury be in Pisces, one will be fond of good conduct and purity, will live in foreign countries, be issueless, poor, will have a chaste wife, be virtuous, fortunate, be devoid of religion, be skillful in stitching etc. and be devoid of profane knowledge, acquaintance with Śāstras and fine arts, will be proficient in bagging other’s wealth and will be devoid of wealth.

25-30. MERCURY IN ARIES/SCORPIO AND ASPECTED BY OTHERS. Should Mercury occupy a Sign of Mars at birth and be aspected by the Sun, the person will be truthful, be very happy, be honoured by the king and be patiently disposed.

If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is aspected by the Moon, the native will steal the hearts of the fair sex, will serve others, be dirty and be bereft of virtues.

If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is aspected by Mars, one will be a liar, a sweet speaker, will promote quarrels, be learned, affluent, dear to king and valorous.

If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be happy, will possess a glossy and hairy physique, will have attractive hair, will be very rich, will command others and be sinful.

If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is aspected by Venus, the subject will be in royal service, be fortunate, principal among men, or in his town, will speak skillfully, be trustworthy and will be endowed with a wife.

If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is aspected by Saturn, the person will experience miseries, be fierce, be intent upon doing cruel activities and be devoid of his own men.

31-36. MERCURY IN TAURUS/LIBRA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by the Sun, the subject will suffer from penury and acute grief, will have a sick physique, be interested in serving others and will be censured.

Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be trustworthy, affluent, firmly pious, devoid of sickness, will have lasting family ties, be famous and be a kings minister.

Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Mars, the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies, be distressed, will incur royal insult and will be deprived of all worldly objects.

Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will be highly learned, will fulfill his promise, will be leader of a country/city/group of men and be famous.

Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Venus, the person will be fortunate, soft in disposition, be happy, will enjoy good robes make up etc. and will steal the hearts of the fair sex.

If Saturn throws his aspect on Mercury in a House of Venus, the subject will be devoid of happiness, be dirty, will experience many diseases and evils, will be subjected to grief on account of his relatives and be distressed.

37-42. MERCURY IN OWN HOUSE AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mercury be in Gemini/Virgo and be aspected by the Sun, the native will speak truth, be fortunate, dear to king, be a Lord himself, be polite in his activities and be liked by all.

Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of the Moon, the person will be sweet in disposition, garrulous, will promote quarrels, be interested in acquiring sastric knowledge, firm and will succeed in all his undertakings.

Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of Mars, the person will have an injured body, be dirty, be a genius, will serve the king and be dear to him.

Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of Jupiter, one will be a king’s minister, be excellent, be beautiful, charitable, rich, be endowed with his own men and be courageous.

Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of Venus, the native will be highly learned be a royal employee, be a messenger, will honour friendship and will be interested in base women.

Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of Saturn, one will be progressive-minded, be modest, will achieve success in undertakings started by him and will be wealthy with money and clothes.

43-48. MERCURY IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mercury be in Cancer, in aspect to the Sun, one will be a dhoby, or a gardener, or a house-builder, or gem smith.

If the Moon aspects Mercury in Cancer, one will be deprived of wealth (or energy of the physique) on account of women and will be miserable for the same reason.

If Mars lends his aspect to Mercury in Cancer, he will not have much learning, be garrulous, be a great liar, will produce fictitious things, be a thief and will be affectionate in speech.

If Jupiter aspects Mercury in Cancer, one will be a great scholar, very dear (to all), be fortunate, dear to the king and will cross the boundaries of learning.

Should Venus aspect Mercury in Cancer, one will be equal to Cupid in appearance, will possess attractive physique, be well-versed in the art of singing and in playing musical instruments, be fortunate and softly disposed.

If Saturn aspects Mercury in Cancer, one will be fond of vanity, be sinful, will face imprisonment, be devoid of virtues and will hate co-born and elders.

49-54. MERCURY IN LEO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mercury occupies Leo at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be jealous, rich, virtuous, cruel, mean, fickle-minded and shameless.

If the Moon aspects Mercury in Leo, one will be very beautiful, very skillful, be interested in poetry, fine arts, music and dance, be wealthy and virtuous.

If Mars lends his aspect to Mercury in Leo, one will be base, miserable, physically injured, unskillful and impotent.

If Jupiter aspects Mercury in Leo, one will be beautiful, very learned, be a gifted speaker, be very famous and be endowed with attendants and conveyances.

If Venus aspects Mercury in Leo, one will possess unparalleled beauty, be softly disposed, will have an attractive face, will have many conveyances, be very courageous and be a minister.

If Saturn aspects Mercury in Leo, one will be tall in stature, be splendourless, be ugly, will emanate bad smell from body out of sweat and be miserable.

55-60. MERCURY IN JUPITER’S HOUSE IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mercury be in Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by the Sun, one will suffer from urinary diseases and epilepsy and be peaceful in disposition.

If the Moon aspects Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will be a writer, be beautiful par excellence, be very affluent, trustworthy, amiable and happy.

If Mars aspects Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will be a leader of townsmen, or thieves, will reside in forests and will be a famous writer.

Should Jupiter aspect Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will be rich by memory, intelligence and descendency, be beautiful, noble and knowledgeable, be a kings minister, or his treasurer and be a writer.

If Venus aspect Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will educate boys and girls, be wealthy, soft in disposition and brave.

If Saturn aspect Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will be intent upon living in forests, will eat much, be wicked, dirty and will be unsuccessful in all his undertakings.

61-66. MERCURY IN SATURN’S HOUSE IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by the Sun, one will be a boxer, be very strong, one will eat abundantly, be censured, will speak sweetly and be famous.

If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by the Moon, one will derive his livelihood through water, be plentiful will sell flowers, liquor and bulbs (vegetables), will have fierce appearance and be firm (i.e. not moving much).

If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Mars, one will be infirm in speech, be calm in disposition, bashful and happy.

If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with abundant money and grains, be honoured in his village/town and by his men, be happy and be famous.

If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Venus, one will be the husband of a base woman, be ugly, be unintelligible, be troubled by sexual passion and will have many sons.

If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Saturn, one will be sinful, very poor, miserable and mean.

Thus ends the 26th Ch., entitled ‘Effects of Mercury’ in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.


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