
Thhis blog is mainly created for the students of the MA (Vedanga Jyotisha)of KaviKulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. This blog will answer the higher concepts of Vedanga Jyotisha hence named Horashastra. I must thank all my elders and Gurus whithout whose help the cration of this blog will be a impossible thing. "People may not remember what you did for them, or even what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Thursday, June 29, 2006



Ch. 15. Conjunctions of Two Planets

1. INTRODUCTION TO TWO-PLANETARY YOGAS. Vriddha Yavanas have stated the effects of combinations of two planets (in one House). I state those below without ego.

2. SUN-MOON YOGA. One, who has the Sun and Moon together will be at the disposal of his wife (or females), immodest, be a metallurgist (can be interpreted also, as “able to deceive”), will be quite wealthy and be an expert in sale of intoxicants.

3. SUN-MARS YOGA. Should the Sun and Mars be in one House the native will be splendourous, valorous, dull witted, strong, be a liar, be sinful, disposed to kill (or torture) and be fierce.

4. SUN-MERCURY YOGA. If the Sun and Mercury are in one House, the native will be in service, will have unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have fame and money, be noble, dear to king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and learning.

5. SUN-JUPITER YOGA. If the Sun and Jupiter be together, one will be virtuous, be a minister of king, will gain through friends, be with good mind’ and be a preceptor.

6. SUN-VENUS YOGA. If the Sun and Venus be together, one will be skillful in use of weapons, be mighty, weak-sighted in old age, will be able to amuse the public and will have abundant money earned through women.

7. SUN-SATURN YOGA. If the Sun and Saturn are together, the native will be a metallurgist, be virtuous, mindful of his own duties, will lose his wife and son, will have the qualities suitable to his race, will be pure, but not so upright.

8. MOON-MARS YOGA. One, who has the Moon and Mars together, will be valorous, brave in war, be a boxer, will suffer bloody imbalances, or diseases, will manufacture articles of mud, skin and minerals and will be an artisan and a metallurgist.

9. MOON-MERCURY YOGA. One, who has the Moon Mercury combination will be expert in poems and fables, be wealthy, amiable to his wife, beautiful, smiling-faced and will be endowed with distinct virtues.

10. JUPITER-MOON YOGA. One with Jupiter and the Moon together will be firm in friendship, modest, respectful towards his relatives, wealthy, virtuous and regardful of Gods and the wise.

11. MOON-VENUS YOGA. Should the Moon and Venus be together, the native will be endowed with flowers, incense and clothes, will know to perform duties (kriya also means rites), be dear to his race, very lazy and expert in buying and selling.

12. MOON-SATURN YOGA. Should the Moon and Saturn be together, the native will possess a decayed wife, be dear to public, will breed elephants and horses, be devoid of virtues, be under the control of others, unwealthy and defeated.

13. MARS-MERCURY YOGA. If Mars and Mercury are together at birth, the native will have unlucky wife, little wealth, will work with gold and iron, be an architect, will keep a wicked widow and be expert in making medicines.

14. MARS-JUPITER YOGA. If Mars and Jupiter be together at birth, the native will be an artisan, Vedic expert, intelligent, expert in speech, wise and fond of using weapons.

15. MARS-VENUS YOGA. One, who had Mars and Venus together at birth will be worshipped, be chief among his men, be a mathematician (or an astrologer) and be fond of gambling, untruth etc.

16. MARS-SATURN YOGA. If Mars and Saturn be together, one will be a metallurgist. be expert in jugglery, be deceitful, skillful in thieving, troubled by weapons and poison and be fond of quarrels.

17. MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has Mercury and Jupiter together will be a noted dancer, scholar, singer and instrumentalist. He will be wise and happy.

18. MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. Should Mercury and Venus be together at birth, the native will be abundantly rich, a politician, an artisan, will study Vedas, be good in speech, will know to sing, make fun and like scents and flowers.

19. MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. One, who has Mercury and Saturn together at birth, will contract debts, be proud, deceiving, an able poet, intent on moving, expert and will possess auspicious speech.

20. JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. One, who has Jupiter and Venus together at birth will live by education and arguments, will follow a highly virtuous path, will have accurate conception, or notion (of things) and will have a supreme wife.

21. JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. A native, who has Jupiter and Saturn together at birth will be heroic, will have plenty of wealth, will be chief of the city (mayor etc.), famous and will be the head of an assembly, a village, or an association.

22. VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If Venus and Saturn are together at birth, one will be expert in breaking wood, be a barber, painter, or sculptor, boxer, be intent on wandering and be owner of quadrupeds.

23. Whatever results have been stated, as above are likely to become increased, or decreased according to mutual good, or bad Vargas occupied by the planets in question.

Thus ends the 15th Ch. entitled “Conjunction of two planets” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 16. Conjunctions of 3 Planets

1. SUN-MOON-MARS YOGA. Should the Sun, the Moon and Mars be together at birth, the native will be bereft of shame, be sinful, will have knowledge of machinery, will destroy enemies, be brave and will be expert in any kind of work.

2. SUN-MOON-MERCURY YOGA. If the Sun, Moon and Mercury are together, the native will be splendourous, very intelligent, will be fond of arts, assembly and drinks, be in royal service and bold.

3. SUN-MOON-JUPITER YOGA. Should the Sun, Moon and Jupiter be in one House; the native will be given to anger, be cunning, expert in service, intent on going to foreign places, be intelligent and fickle minded.

4. SUN-MOON-VENUS YOGA. Should the Sun, Moon and Venus be in one House at birth, the native will steal others’ money, will be a debaucher and be expert in Shastras.

5. SUN-MOON-SATURN YOGA. If the Sun, Moon and Saturn be together in one House, the native will be lustful, be expert in arguments, be a dunce, be at the disposal of others and be poor.

6. SUN-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. If the Sun, Mars and Mercury are in one House at birth, the native will be famous, hard-hearted, shameless and be devoid of wealth, sons and wife.

7. SUN-JUPITER-MARS YOGA. Should Mars, Jupiter and the Sun be together at birth, the native will be an expert speaker, very wealthy, either a kings minister, or even a king himself, be truthful and fierce.

8. VENUS-MARS-SUN YOGA. One, who has Venus, Mars and the Sun in one House, will be subjected to eye diseases, belongs to a good race, will be fortunate, harsh and wealthy.

9. MARS-SUN-SATURN YOGA. Should Mars, Saturn and the Sun be together, the native will have deformed limbs, be without wealth, always sick, without his people and be a big fool.

10. JUPITER-MERCURY-SUN YOGA. If Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun be together at birth, the native will be subjected to eye-diseases, be very wealthy, be interested in Shastras, fables, poetry, meetings and stonework and will become a good writer.

11. MERCURY-SUN-VENUS YOGA. If Mercury, Sun and Venus be together, the native will be insatiable, talkative, intent on wandering and subjected to grief on account of women.

12. SATURN-SUN-MERCURY YOGA. One, who has Saturn, the Sun and Mercury in one House will be a neuter, will hate others and will be given up by his relatives.

13. VENUS-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. Should Venus, Jupiter and the Sun be together at birth, the native will be weak-sighted, bold, intelligent, indigent, be a minister and be devoted to others’ jobs.

14. JUPITER-SATURN-SUN YOGA. If Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun be together at birth. the native will not have a prominent physique, will be worshipped, will hate his own men, will have good wife, children and friends, be dear to the king and be fearless.

15. VENUS-SATURN-SUN YOGA. One, who has Venus, Saturn and the Sun together at birth will be emotionally upset due to fear from enemies, will be devoid of honour and knowledge of arts and poetry, will have a mean history and will suffer from Leprosy.

16. MOON-MERCURY-MARS YOGA. Should the Moon Mercury and Mars be together at birth, the native will be sinful, mean in habits and conduct and devoid of friends and relatives throughout life.

17. MARS-MOON-JUPITER YOGA. A native, who has Mars, the Moon and Jupiter together at birth will have an even body, be addicted to women, be a thief, be splendourous, dear to women and given to anger.

18. MARS-VENUS-MOON YOGA. One, who has Mars, Venus and the Moon together at birth is the son of a bad woman and also will wed such a lady. He will be of wandering disposition and will have fear from cold.

19. MARS-MOON-SATURN. If Mars, Moon and Saturn join at birth, the person concerned will lose his mother in boyhood, be mean, wicked and inimical to people.

20. MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER YOGA. Should Mercury, Moon and Jupiter be together, the native will be wealthy, skillful, eloquent in speech, bright, famous and will have many sons and brothers.

21. MERCURY-VENUS-MOON YOGA. One, who has Mercury, Venus and Moon together at birth, will be mean in conduct in spite of his being learned and cultured. be Jealous and miserly.

22. SATURN-MOON-MERCURY YOGA. If Saturn, Moon and Mercury be together, the person concerned will be dependent, deformed, learned, be an able speaker and respected by the king.

23. VENUS-JUPITER-MOON YOGA. Should Venus, Jupiter and the Moon be in one House at birth, the native will be a chaste woman’s son, be a scholar, will have knowledge of arts and many Shastras, be virtuous and beautiful.

24. MOON-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. One, who has Moon, Jupiter and Saturn combination at birth will know the inner meaning of Shastras, will seek union with aged women, be devoid of shame and be the head of a village and people.

25. MOON-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If the Moon, Venus and Saturn are in combination at birth, one will be a writer, reader of books, Purohita (family guru), will have to his credit merits of past birth and be an astrologer.

26. MERCURY-JUPITER-MARS YOGA. One, who has Mercury, Jupiter and Mars together will be a good poet, Lord of a group, will marry a virtuous lady, be intent on helping others and an expert singer.

27. MARS-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. Should Mars, Mercury and Venus be together at birth, the native will give up his caste, be deformed, fickle-minded, wicked and garrulous.

28. MERCURY-SATURN-MARS YOGA. Should Mercury, Saturn and Mars be together at birth, one will be a servant, will have dark eyes, be intent on living in foreign places, will have facial diseases and will be witty.

29. VENUS-JUPITER-MARS YOGA. One, who has Venus, Jupiter and Mars together at birth will be dear to king, will have good sons and enjoy pleasures through women. He will please all persons.

30. JUPITER-MARS-SATURN YOGA. If Jupiter, Mars and Saturn be together at birth, the native will be honoured by the king, will have wounds on the body, be mean and blamed by friends. He will also be unkind.

31. SATURN-MARS-VENUS YOGA. If Saturn, Mars and Venus are in one House at birth, the native is born to an immoral lady, will marry such a lady, will be devoid of happiness and will be intent on wandering in distant places.

32. MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS. Should Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be together, the native will have good physique, be successful over his enemies, be a king, fortunate, widely famous and truthfully disposed.

33. MERCURY-SATURN-JUPITER. When Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter are together at birth, it denotes, that the native will enjoy honour, wealth and sovereignty, be learned, will have abundant pleasures, be attached to his wife, be courageous and fortunate.

34. MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN. One, who has Mercury, Venus and Saturn together at birth will be scurrilous in speech, fraudulent, be a liar, addicted to other women, vehement, (“vishama” has several other meanings, viz., irregular, uneven, mysterious, inaccessible, rough, painful, troublesome etc.), will have knowledge of arts and be attached to his own country.

35. JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN. Should Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be in one House at birth one will become a king even though he might be of mean natal order, will be very famous and be a repository of virtues.

36. PARENTS. If the Moon is in the company of malefics, it is detrimental to the mother of the native. Predict similar results regarding the father of the native, if the Sun joins malefics at birth. Benefics in the place of malefics in the said Yogas will prove auspicious to the respective parent. If the planets joining be of mixed nature (i.e. one benefic and another malefic), the effects are medium.

37-38. BENEFICS IN CONJUNCTION AND MALEFICS IN CONJUNCTION. If benefics are in conjunction at birth, the native will enjoy wealth, sovereignty and fame. Such a combination produces an emperor capable of ruling the earth. Should three malefics join at birth, the native will be unlucky, indigent, grief-stricken, ugly and immodest.

Thus ends the 16th Ch. entitled “3 planets in combination” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 17. Four Planets in Conjunction

1. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. Should these four planets be together at birth. the native will be a writer, a thief and be scurrilous in speech. He will be sickly, cunning and be capable of deceiving others.

2. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. one, who has these four planets in one House at birth, will be wealthy, dear to women, splendourous, will maintain decorum, be free from grief and expert in work.

3. MOON-MARS-VENUS-SUN YOGA. If these four planets join at birth, one will speak and conduct himself, as a great person, be happy, expert, intent on gathering money and will have learning, sons and wife.

4. SUN-MOON-MARS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at birth, will have uneven physique, be short in stature, be unwealthy and will collect food by begging and be a proven dunce.

5. MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. If these four planets are in one House, the native will be a goldsmith (or a gold dealer etc.), be long eyed, be a sculptor, be very wealthy, bold and beautiful bodied.

6. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. The native, who has these four planets together at birth, will be deformed, lucky, short-statured and dear to king.

7. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the native will lose his parents in childhood, be devoid of money and happiness, be wandering, will earn food by begging and will be a liar.

8. VENUS-JUPITER-MOON YOGA. Should these planets be in one House at birth, the subject concerned will be head of water, animals and forests (i.e. his livelihood may be through such sources), will be happy, honoured by the king and be an expert.

9. SUN-JUPITER-MOON-SATURN YOGA. If the said planets join at birth, the native will be dark-eyed, fierce, will have many sons, be wealthy and fortunate through women.

10. SUN-MOON-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should one have a combination of these planets in one House at birth, the native will have habits, like a female, be very weak, desirous of coming up and timid at all times.

11. SUN-JUPITER-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. These four planets together at birth indicate, that the subject will be brave, be a composer of Shastras, or a ruler of province, will lose his wife and money, be undesirable and will wander.

12. SUN-VENUS-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. If these four planets be together at birth, the native will be addicted to other women, be a thief, will have uneven limbs, will be a bad person and will be bereft of energy.

13. MERCURY-SUN-MARS-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the subject will be a warrior, scholar, be fierce, will be meanly disposed, be chief among poets and be a minister, or a king.

14. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. with the conjunction of these four planets, one will be fortunate, worth worship by the people, be wealthy, dear to king and famous.

15. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should these join at birth, one will be rash, prime among his group, will have cherished desires, will be endowed with relatives and friends and dear to king.

16. SUN-MARS-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at birth, will be deformed, mean in conduct, oblique-sighted, will hate his relatives and will always be insulted.

17. SUN-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. With these planets in one House, one will be wealthy, happy, chief, will have cherished desires, will have relatives and be noble.

18. SATURN-SUN-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at birth, will have a neuter’s habits, be prestigious, fond of quarrels, will have brothers, or sisters and be not enthusiastic.

19. SUN-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should these four planets be in conjunction at birth, one will be scurrilous in speech, fortunate, learned, soft spoken, happy, energetic, pure, wealthy, bold and helpful to friends.

20. SUN-SATURN-VENUS-JUPITER YOGA. These four planets in conjunction at birth will make the person a miser, a poet, chief, leader of sculptors and mean.

21. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has the conjunction of these four planets at birth, will be an expert in Shastras, be a king, or a great minister and be extremely intelligent.

22. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, one will be fond of quarrels, will sleep much, be mean, will marry an unchaste lady, be fortunate, will hate his relatives and be not happy.

23. MOON-MERCURY-MARS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together will be bold, be without parents, is from an ignoble race, will have many wives, friends and sons and will have good conduct.

24. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, one will be deformed, will have a good wife, be highly tolerant, be self-respected, learned will have many friends and be happy.

25. MARS-MOON-SATURN-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has these four planets conjunct at birth will be deaf, wealthy, bold, rash in speech, firm in nature, wise and liberal.

26. MARS-MOON-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are together, one will marry an unchaste lady, will be proud, will have eyes resembling that of a snake and will be always emotional. This is certain.

27. MERCURY-JUPITER-MOON-VENUS YOGA. One, who has these four planets together will be learned, be devoid of parents, good looking, wealthy, very lucky and be without enemies.

28. MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should these be conjunct one will be virtuous, famous, noble and splendourous, fond of relatives, wise, be a kings minister and be a chief poet.

29. MOON-MERCURY-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. If these planets are together at birth, the native will be intent on seeking sexual pleasures with others’ wives, will have an unchaste wife, be devoid of relatives, learned and will hate people.

30. MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. The native with these four planets conjunct will be devoid of mother, be lucky, will suffer from skin diseases, will be subjected to grief, be intent on roaming, will know many languages and will be truthful.

31. MERCURY-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are in one House, the subject will be fond of picking up quarrels with his wife, will be wealthy, worshipped by the people, will possess good qualities and be free from sickness.

32. MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets in one House at birth, will be brave, learned, be a good speaker, be without wealth, truthful and will have good habits. He will be able to argue and endure. He will be intelligent.

33. MERCURY-MARS-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the native will be an expert boxer, will depend on others, will have coarse body, will possess pride of war, be famous and will breed dogs.

34. MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the native will be splendourous, wealthy, addicted to other women, fond of bravery, fickle-minded and ill-disposed.

35. MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should these be together at birth, the native will be intelligent, interested in Shastras, be a debaucher and an obedient servant.

Thus ends the 17th Ch. entitled “Effects of four planets in conjunction “ in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 18. Effects of Conjunction of Five Planets

1. SUN-MOON-MARS-JUPITER-MERCURY YOGA. If these five planets are together at birth, the native will be subjected to grief, will be cunning, be bereaved of wife and will experience physical distresses.

2. SUN-MOON-MARS-VENUS-MERCURY YOGA. If these five planets join at birth, the native will be intent on doing others’ jobs, will lose his strength, or courage through his relatives and friends and will befriend a neuter.

3. SATURN-SUN-MERCURY-MOON-MARS YOGA. Should these be conjunct at birth, the native will be short lived, imprisoned and be devoid of every kind of happiness, wife, sons and money.

4. MARS-MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SUN YOGA. Should these five planets join at birth, the native will be blind by birth, subjected to much grief, be devoid of parents, always dejected in mood and fond of singing.

5. SATURN-MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. If there be a combination of these planets in one House, the native will be all expert warrior, will steal others’ money, give trouble to others, be a tale-bearer and fickle-minded.

6. SUN-MOON-VENUS-SATURN-MARS YOGA. Should the said five planets join in one House, the native will be devoid of respect, money and prosperity, will have dirty conduct and be addicted to women.

7. MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER-SUN-SATURN YOGA. One with the conjunction of these planets will be a machinist, will enjoy great prosperity, be a king’s minister, be a judge and be famous.

8. MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER-SUN-SATURN YOGA. With these five planets in one House, the native will be timid, be deprived of people dear to him, expert in cheating, given to anger and will depend on others for food.

9. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. One, who has the said five planets together at birth will be tall in stature, will have a hairy body and be not endowed with happiness, money and sons.

10. SUN-MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One with these five planets together at birth, will indulge in jugglery, be fickle-minded, be liked by women, be learned, will have many enemies and be fearless.

11. MERCURY-MARS-SUN-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these planets join at birth, the native will be sensuous, will have a fleet of horses, will do good acts, be an Army chief, be dear to king, very fortunate and free from grief.

12. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should a native have these planets conjunct, he will be emotional, sick, will earn food by begging going from House to House and will live in dilapidated Houses.

13. MARS-MOON-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One with these five planets together at birth will be troubled by wounds, imprisonment and diseases, be learned, honoured by the people, be poor and deformed.

14. MARS-SATURN-SUN-VENUS-MERCURY YOGA. One with the said five planets together will be troubled by diseases and enemies, be deprived of position, subjected to much grief and will roam out of agony.

15. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these five planets are together, one will be a messenger, a dunce, a neuter, will possess dirty habits, be very unfortunate, deformed and bereft of money.

16. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should there be a conjunction of these five planets, at birth, one will be expert in dealing with equipment and machinery related to water, minerals, mercury and such other chemicals and will achieve some fame in these lines.

17. SUN-VENUS-SATURN-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One with these planets in conjunction will be learned in many Shastras, will help friends, be dear to elders, virtuous and merciful.

18. MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER-MARS-VENUS YOGA. Should these planets be in conjunction at birth, one will be humble, free from sickness, endowed with learning, wealth, truth and happiness, be helpful to relatives and will have many friends.

19. MARS-SATURN-MERCURY-JUPITER-MOON YOGA. One with the conjunction of these five planets will be night blind, penniless, dependent on others for food, miserable and will bring discredit to his relatives.

20. MERCURY-MOON-MARS-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. with these planets in conjunction, one will have a number of enemies and friends as well, be helpful to others, wicked and highly regarded.

21. MOON-MERCURY-VENUS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If these planets are together at birth in a nativity, the subject will be a kings minister, be equal to a king, chief of the people and be worshipped by all people.

22. MARS-JUPITER-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these five planets be conjunct, the native will be good-hearted, rash (considered to be one of the 33 subordinate feelings), dear to king, free from grief, addicted to excessive sleep and be indigent.

Thus ends the 18th Ch., entitled “Effects of five planets in conjunction”, In Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.

Ch. 19. Effects of 6 Planets in Conjunction

1. MERCURY-MOON-SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these six planets join together, the native will be learned, virtuous, will have an emaciated body, be acquainted with many languages and will have distinguished knowledge.

2. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should these planets be together, the native will be liberal, helpful to others, fickle minded, of Sattvik disposition and will gratify his sexual desires in lonely places.

3. MERCURY-MOON-SUN-MARS-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. Should these six planets join in one House, the native will be a thief, be addicted to others’ women, subjected to leprosy, discarded by his own men, be a dunce, deprived of position and be issueless.

4. VENUS-MOON-SUN-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If these six planets are together, the native will be mean, will do others’ jobs, suffer from tuberculosis, breathing and sneezing troubles (i.e. sneezing etc.) and will be blamed by his relatives.

5. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One with this six-planetary conjunction will be a king’s minister, fortunate, patient and will suffer from grief. He will have no wife and wealth.

6. MERCURY-MARS-SATURN-JUPITER-VENUS-SUN YOGA. If the said six planets are together the subject will always wander in shrines, be deprived of issues and wealth and will live in forests and hills.

7. MARS-SATURN-VENUS-MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One with these six planets will be pure at all times, valorous, will seek sexual union with many women, be dear to king, be a minister and be endowed with wealth, issues and happiness.

8. PLANETARY CONJUNCTIONS. If 5, or 6 planets join at birth, normally such natives will be penniless, subjected to grief and be dull-witted. Even aspects among such planets will yield similar results according to Kandalas.

Thus ends the 19th Ch., entitled “Effects of six planet combinations” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.


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